Tuesday, September 30, 2008

bot fascination: Lipliner vs tatoo


Sarah Palin's lips are the new bot's focus - evidently it took them 20 days to investigate.

"Tip: Sarah's sister in-law owns a beauty parlor in Wasilla...apparently Sarah's lip liner is tattooed on. So although the allegation comes in a strangely cryptic email and there is no actual proof that this procedure was performed, (aka it's from a bot operative) we've been studying Sarah Palin's mouth very closely."

It was Miss Scarlet in the Conservatory with a wrench. They have a slide show of her lips. How pathetic is their life? Why do women not find this offensive? See lipstick on a pig - literally.


JMP27 said...


Anonymous said...

not a very attractivc pix.

Anonymous said...

Oh my. Do those reporters have nothing else to do? Though it appeared the pig didn't mind. One wonders if the lipstick was tested on a pig during the research and development of it.

There are an interesting array of posts in this blog. Thank you for the video.