Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sexist quote of the day: "Shut up, Nancy!"

September 30, 2008
Hardball with Buchanan & Nancy Skinner

Chris Matthews has a daughter - beautiful sweet-looking young lady. How can he be so selfish as to keep up his misogynistic tirades? He's her father and she has to answer for him. Imagine if her friends' parents are SHRC supporters?

Pat Buchanan & Nancy Skinner, Democratic strategist. What in the hell is a Democratic strategist? The only ones I saw were barry operatives. And how hysterical they have black republicans who get so defensive when their black democratic counterparts get in their face. It's evil. The way the barrybots went after Sen Clinton's black supporters - especially the ever lively and sadly missed Rep Stephanie Tubbs-Jones of Ohio and Rep Shirley Jackson Lee of Texas. I read a quote of Tubbs-Jones lately where she responded to barry's questioning of her loyalties to SHRC and she said "That's what it means to be a friend." Great line isn't it?

So they're discussing the VP debate and all three are talking at once and Buchanan shouts: "Let me let me talk Nancy!"

Nancy makes a face like whoa! but says nothing. Same with Michelle Bernard - they make faces but say nothing.

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