Thursday, September 25, 2008

CNN: Bill "lavishing" praise on McCain

Check out the sensationalized title of this article by Alexander Mooney of CNN.

"Bill Clinton lavishes praise on McCain"

That's right, "lavishes" - which echoes Clinton has not lavished enough on BO. They are going out of there to find controversy where there is none. It started with "The View" and then "Larry King" and then "Good Morning, America" and today at Mr Clinton's Global Initiative forum, which is bigger than campaign politics. He wants the Republicans behind him too. Interesting how they showed Rev Jesse Jackson, Sr in the crowd. Bill is still on his game, alright!

Bill Clinton has long pointed out he has enjoyed a good relationship with John McCain, but for a moment the former president almost sounded like a surrogate for the Republican presidential nominee Thursday morning.
Appearing on ABC's Good Morning America, Clinton said McCain's move to suspend his campaign and request a delay in the first presidential debate was a move done in "good faith," rather than as a stunt to halt falling poll numbers as several Democrats have alleged.
Love the " ". McCain is doing what he does. He's showing who he is. What else do the hell else did they expect? The MSM's just as pissed as BO's camp because they didn't see it coming either.
"I presume he did that in good faith since I know he wanted — I remember he asked for more debates to go all around the country and so I don't think we ought to overly parse that," Clinton said, sounding a familiar McCain Campaign talking point.
Talking point? God forbid Mr Clinton has thoughts the MSM might not agree with. And what did McCain say earlier? He wanted to get Congress back to handle the economy and poof! they are. The timing? Up for conjecture - but it got the Dems scrambling, which is hysterical to watch. BO was pissed yesterday in his little "statement". Kinda reminded me of BO's pissedoffedness about Wright's Press Club appearance.
A few hours later Clinton lavished praise on McCain as he introduced him at the Clinton Global Initiative forum, saying Republican presidential nominee had taken the lead in his party when it comes to climate change.

"When most people in his party were thinking that global warming was overstated and maybe even a myth — he decided to look into it," he said.
Lavish? Alexander needs to get out more. It's not even worth embedding the video here.
But Clinton has also been effusive in his praise for Obama in recent days, telling CBS earlier this week the Illinois senator is better-suited than McCain to bring the country out of the economic crisis. paragraphs in..he's been "effusive". Effusive must not be good enough for BO. No matter what the Clinton's do it won't be enough...and if BO loses it will be because of the Clinton's - not because of his own spinelessness. The Mrs has got to give him a good smack upside the head to get him out of it. Where did anyone see BO's "charisma"?
Clinton's praise of McCain also came days after he told CNN's Larry King Live he was looking forward to campaigning on behalf of Barack Obama, but was not planning on "dumping" on McCain.

"When most people in his party were thinking that global warming was overstated and maybe even a myth … he decided to look into it," he told King.

"I just don't believe that getting up here and hyperventilating about Gov. Palin, or Sen. McCain for that matter, is a productive use of a former president's time and is not a vote-getter," he said, adding later he was an admirer of McCain even though the two disagree on several issues.
Where in the hell is Al Gore? What kind of campaigning is he doing? John Kerry? If they had done their job and won there'd be no Bush and no Bush messes, including Iraq.
McCain burnished his maverick credentials largely during the Clinton administration, when he sided with Democrats on several key issues including campaign finance reform. Clinton has long expressed admiration for the Arizona senator, even during the primary season earlier this year when he said McCain and his wife are "very close." McCain did however vote(r) to impeach Clinton however.
Oh, and by the way, McCain voted to impeach him so they can't be that close. Who even reads this far down. They can say it was fair and equal but most people don't look past three paras.
"They always laugh that if they wound up being the nominees of their party, it would be the most civilized election in American history, and they're afraid they'd put the voters to sleep because they like and respect each other," he said at a South Carolina campaign stop in January.
Interesting how this last statement was important enough to include but not enough to comment on. Even more interesting how it was on the tip of Alexander's tongue.

When is the MSM going to learn? Why don't they know by now what gets Clinton pumped up? Keep writing such crap and Bill will keep giving you quotes. He's been off the radar for a while. And the more the MSM continue to rip him and HRC, the more their loyal supporters stay pissed. The MSM in trying to win this for BO is now losing it for him. Hello.


imposter said...

nope. theyre as clueless as ever. bill seems to be enjoying it.

imposter said...

i just saw theyre sending mr bill to FL, OH, PA & NV while barry hangs with the celebrities. see that rapper article on newsweek? fineman said 'props'. how soon before he's rapping? can just see dick wolffe rapping in his oxfordspeak. whats up with all these brits and their expert analysis on US politics?