Wednesday, September 24, 2008

RANT of the day: Alma Campbell Brown

CNN's Campbell Brown, provides the (humorous) rant of the day. She has a very interesting take on "sexism". She believes Palin is getting sexist treatment because the press hasn't had equal access to her. That Sen McCain is treating her like "a delicate flower who will wilt at any moment" by shielding her from the pro-Obama MSM.

Hmm. How shielded has Gov Palin been? How much has her family been attacked? How much of her life hasn't been probed? In three short weeks: she's a vicious liar, gave birth to her granddaughter, her husband is an incester, she's a pedophile who teenage boys aren't safe around, she's a hypocrite because her unwed teenage daughter is pregnant, she's qualified only because she hasn't had an abortion, she's an unfit mother because she wants to be VP instead of take care of a "retarded baby who will suck up taxpayer's money", she's just a "hockey mom" who appeals to "Wal-Mart moms" (Brown clearly does not understand the sexist nature of these terms), she used her son's deployment to Iraq - where he will risk death to keep us all free (including Ms Brown) - as a political stunt, she's abused the power of her office, her husband is the shadow governor, she tried to have books banned from the library, her opponent thinks it's "totally cool she's a moose hunter", she's got tits!, her legs are wasted on a governor, she's a pig in lipstick, she went to six different colleges and none of them were Ivy league (elitist?), she's not a lawyer - she's just a beauty queen and she wasn't even suited to be a sportscaster, her husband's a dumbass Mr Dad, her personal email was hacked into and personal photos and her pregnant teenage daughter's email and Facebook pictures of her were unleashed onto the internet.

All in three week's time.

And Sen McCain is the one treating Gov Palin in a sexist fashion by keeping her from the media because she might wilt like a flower? CNN should be happy Gov Palin hasn't fully set her sights on Obama because she would have no problem field dressing him. NY Times?

By the way, has Sasha and Malia's cellphones and email accounts been hacked into? Mrs Obama's Blackberry? And which way would the media outrage be coming from? Offense or defense?

What kind of beauty queen goes on after taking all that Gov Palin has taken in the last three weeks? Especially the bestial attacks on her and her daughter and their respective pregnancies.

[Here's a sentiment from a Blogger (Not going to do an Alter...I have a link): "Wouldn't life be more convenient for the Palin's if they would simply kill the babies?"]

How long did Kerry last? How well is Obama doing now that he isn't the media darling? Gov Palin is not being shielded as a measure of chauvinism - that term was outmoded before Ms Brown was birthed - the press has already gone after her in typical sexist fashion and she refuses to take the bait.

Ms Brown needs to understand what sexism entails. Sexist treatment is the manner in which the MSM (including her) have gone after Gov Palin's family and attacked her as a woman and mother rather than a politician. Sexist treatment includes how she has had things said about her physical appearance to cheapen her standing as a politician. Sexism is revealed in the glee in the man's eyes.

Here is Ms Brown's clueless rant. It shows why CNN (and the rest of the MSM) has no clue what sexism really is.
BROWN: Frankly I have had it, and I know a lot of other women out there who are with me on this. I have had enough of the sexist treatment of Sarah Palin. It has to end.
I agree. Unfortunately your idea of sexist treatment is not sexism.
She was in New York on Tuesday meeting with world leaders at the U.N. And what did the McCain campaign do?

They tried to ban reporters from covering those meetings. And they did ban reporters from asking Gov. Palin any questions.
And Obama? Who let him walk away from the podium after he answered like, eight questions, already? Was that sexist? Racist? No - it was clear, indefensible evidence of pro-Obama MSM corruption.
I call upon the McCain campaign to stop treating Sarah Palin like she is a delicate flower who will wilt at any moment.
And I call upon you, Ms Brown, to stop whining and to do your job. How much were you called upon to stop the sexist treatment of Sen Clinton? How often have you been called on to stop your obvious pro-Obama bias? And how much have you listened? You expect others to listen to what you have to say now? How are your words suddenly worth something?
This woman is from Alaska for crying out loud. She is strong, she is tough, she is confident. And you claim she is ready to be one heartbeat away from the presidency. If that is the case, then end this chauvinistic treatment of her now. Allow her to show her stuff.
Ms Brown, it is sexist to dismiss her title and refer to her as "THIS woman". She is a governor from Alaska, not a biased pretty talking head. And all "her stuff" has been exposed by unscrupulous Obama supporters -- you included.
Allow her to face down those pesky reporters just like Barack Obama did today, just like John McCain did today. Just like Joe Biden has done on numerous occasions. Let her have a real news conference with real questions.
And what are the chances of that? What has she been asked and what has been the focus of the stories? Read the stats, Ms Brown. What percentage of CNN stories have been on her personal life vs her political one? And who are these "pesky" reporters and for whom do they work and for whom are they for?
"No bias, no bull."
This would have caused my dentures to erupt right out of my mouth if I had some. What do you know about bias, Ms Brown? What kind of bull have we had to put up from CNN and the rest of the MSM?
By treating Sarah Palin differently from other candidates in this race, you are not showing her the respect she deserves.
Here, I would have choked on my dentures. Treating her differently than other candidates? And Obama? Pro-Obama MSM bias has been proven. He has been treated differently since day one. You want to attack her as you have Sen Clinton to make Obama look better. Who is not showing Gov Palin the respect she deserves? Must I go into the litany of the 'respect' she has thus far been shown?

And Sen Clinton? Was she treated differently than Obama? How may Sen Clinton supporters were on the CNN panels on the night of the Indiana primary? ZERO. How many Republicans were on the panel that night? At least TWO. How long did Lanny Davis have to wait to be heard? Was he allowed to speak after Sen Clinton made her victory speech? No. Should Donna Brazile be allowed to extend to Gov Palin the same respect she showed Sen Clinton and Paul Begala?
Free Sarah Palin.
From the venom of the pro-Obama MSM and Obama camp.
Free her from the chauvinistic chains you are binding her with.
How less enlightened can one be? McCain is binding Gov Palin in chauvinistic chains? Who picked her as his VP? He is treating her with respect - something the MSM hasn't been.
Sexism in this campaign must come to an end.
Yes, it does. Unfortunately you haven't a clue what sexism entails and chose only to address it as befits your boyfriend. I hope I live long enough for the MSM to be exposed as the pro-Obama propaganda outlet it has been. And I hope Sen Clinton and her voters live long enough to have their voices truly be heard and backed up by third party retrospective proof of Sen Clinton's misogynistic treatment in the MSM.
Sarah Palin has as much a right to be a real candidate in this race as the men do.
I agree - let Gov Palin be a real candidate - not a beauty queen, hockey mom with a disabled infant and pregnant teenage daughter. Gov Palin has a right to be treated fairly and un-biasly in the MSM, which has not been afforded her. Until the pro-Obama MSM is held accountable for their unequal treatment of Obama and his female opponents - she shouldn't and shouldn't have to say a word. Looking down his nose with obvious sexist disdain, Charlie Gibson was determined to make up for all the flak he received in the ABC debate -- the last one Obama participated in. The last one the DNC allowed him to participate in. Who is being protected?
So let her act like one.
It seems you've forgotten, Ms Brown, or maybe never were taught that you are to be unbiased. Your rant clearly says otherwise. If you (CNN/MSM) treated all the candidates with equal scrutiny - there would be no whining about fair treatment, and sexism wouldn't be defined by CNN's lack of access to a candidate.

Here's a hint about sexism: Gov Palin is not being censored against her will. She is not being told what she has to say is not worth being heard. She is not being told by McCain that she should shut her pretty face and sit in a corner. If she so wants, she could sit down and chat to your expectations and then watch her words be twisted in a sexist way.

Gov Palin is being a savvy politician - she knows a hostile environment when she sees one. She knows how to use the press to her advantage, which is quite remarkable coming from a ex-beauty queen, moose killer, mother of a pregnant teenager and "disabled infant" and champion of the nonsexist, non-chauvinistic "Wal-Mart moms". Amazing that a woman can do all that, eh? Amazing that what you've done to Sen Clinton for 25 years is no longer tolerable. Amazing how the true sexist nature of the MSM has come to light when it's directed THIS woman and not THAT woman.

On a different level, was it sexism when Mrs Obama went into hiding and refused to speak with the media while she crammed and got a make-over? The first lady is held to the highest standards in the land. At least Sen Clinton was.

Thank you, Ms Brown, for going on record as to how clueless you are about sexism, media corruption and political savvy. I brought your words to the nursing home for all the real denture-wearing women to have a great guffaw and boy did they ever.

The women who were referred to only by their husband's last names, who were told to stay in the kitchen because that's where they belonged, who were told they weren't worthy of anything more than childbirth and that they couldn't control the number of children they gave birth to, women who were laughed at when they wanted to work outside the home and whose ideas for business were stolen by their husbands, women who were kept from entering college, who were skipped over by men less qualified, women who were groped and ridiculed in the workplace in a "chauvinistic" manner, women who stood on the front lines protecting pro-choice physicians, nurses and staffs when Evangelicals hurled entrails at them, women who marched next to their black brothers and sisters for civil rights equality, women who fought for Title IX, who weren't allowed to vote or drive, who raised their families singlehandedly while their husband's worked their way up the ladder only to be dumped when they were no longer needed.

I brought your worthless diatribe to women who watched Senator Clinton, the former First Lady of Arkansas and the United States of America being trashed for decades about her appearance, her sexuality or lack thereof and everything non-political. To the women who watched the most unwavering champion of women's and children's rights be painted a racist by her self-proclaimed uniter and transcender of race opponent and dissed by NARAL. To the women who watched the most qualified candidate for president be savaged by the pro-Obama MSM so that a less qualified man could be elected to the job.

These women of real-life wisdom read your unenlightened, uneducated, adolescent whinings and laughed and said those dumb girls haven't learned a damn thing. The senior member, an 89 y/o edentulous woman named Fannie shouted out, "How does she think she got her damn job? It sure ain't because of her brains! It's because her momma gave her a pretty face and her daddy pulled some strings."

Prompting laughter, cackling and applause.

She finished with, "We weren't given the chance, but at least we knew when we were being used and what for!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this. Thanks. I would love to spend an afternoon with Frannie and all the other ladies. Their take would be priceless.