Wednesday, September 24, 2008

NARAL: The Women of Wisdom

Dear Ms. Keenan & NARAL,

I am here on behalf a group of mature women who can't use a computer. It's unfathomable to us how an organization based on a woman's right to choose could deal such a selfish blow to a woman who has spent her entire life standing up for women.

We cannot understand this - nor will we ever.

I was going to go into detail and lay out our arguments, but it's perfectly clear that your decision was made unilaterally and no defense of it will be forthcoming.

What defense is there?

We find your silence indicative of someone who knows they did the wrong thing and chose to put personal notoriety ahead of the greater good -- someone who doesn't have the moral fiber to stand up and admit to it.

What one doesn't say is more telling than what one does.

In the end it is always a woman who has to take down a woman. Men can't do it alone. Senator Clinton has been impervious to men's childish envy and discontent. You haven't destroyed Senator Clinton--externally, but on the inside this has to have hurt her in ways we cannot articulate. Twenty years of the media tormenting her and you did more than any misogynist could do: You her hurt her feminine soul.

We cry over this every meeting. We sit and cry and wonder what our struggles were for and for whom.

Our group is fifty-five women strong--not all able-bodied or clear of mind--but none of us will be voting for Mr Obama. We will be writing Senator Clinton in on the ballot. With pride.

Senator Clinton is the champion of and for our generation. Our hopes and dreams rest in her heart. She has done what we did not have the strength or fortitude to do. She has outlasted many men and has gotten further than any woman has before only to be disregarded and cast aside by a supposed woman's advocacy committee.

Senator Clinton is an amazing woman whose worth will not be acknowledged until we are long gone. We want her to know that we love her and appreciate her years of struggle. She represents how one woman can change the world and you represent how one woman can destroy it.

Those of you who write those despicable comments about a woman whose shoes you have not walked in and could never fill need to look at Miss Chelsea Clinton. Watch how she comports herself and you will know what a loving woman and mother Senator Clinton is. Watch the love that passes between them when they look at each other and imagine how Chelsea views your sacred betrayal of her mother. Ask yourself how Chelsea will explain this to Senator Clinton's granddaughter.

You have undone a lifetime of struggle with a selfish decision that no woman of class would have ever thought of - let alone carried out. You are not of the younger generation, Ms Keenan, which makes your betrayal even more loathsome.

We would like an apology and we would like to hear the answers to the posed questions in this area. Thank you for listening and for providing a forum in which to be heard.

May God have Mercy on your soul.
Gladys Perkins for The Women of Wisdom

Note: There was never a response of any sort. And how did BO reward them for their endorsement? Said he wasn't taking any (more) PAC money.


imposter said...

this is sad. puts into perspective how much hillary's generation fought for and how theyre being shoved aside. remember that article in newsweek girls already rule? as if.

Anonymous said...

I'm crying. I see now why it means so much. It would be the ultimate fruition of their's and their mother's struggles and dreams.

I can feel the hurt of these mature women who sit and cry bewildered that those who came after don't realize how far they have come and who got them there. It wasn't men. Black men had the right to vote before women. It is sad.

And these are the women who are still being taken for granted and still being disrespected by bo. He has shown no effort or inclination to show Senator Clinton and therefore her votes any respect. And the younger ones have no sense of gratitude or enlightenment. Worse - they don't perceive the need.

Anonymous said...

ps. Thank you Mrs. Gladys Perkins and the Women of Wisdom. Keep rocking the free world!