Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lie of the day: Mika says she's not an Obama supporter.

September 16, 2008
Morning Joe with John McCain

Mika claims she is not a Obama supporter when she has been saying it since the campaign started. A true measure of her (lack of) character. Ever watch how little she adds to the conversation and how she defers to Joe all the time? When I first tuned in -- I had never watched or been involved in politics before February this year -- I thought how did she get this job. She has nothing to add but a pretty face. Then I got my answer: Her father is Zbigniew Brezinski.

Courtesy of NY Times, BRIAN STELTER: (emphasis mine)
Ms. Brzezinski had brought up Mr. Obama's campaign ad highlighting Mr. McCain's statement that the "fundamentals of our economy are strong." Mr. McCain side-stepped the question of whether that ad was fair and said: "I still say to you – and I know you're a supporter of Senator Obama – if you would urge him to come and do town hall meetings with me, as I've asked him to do time after time, the whole tenor of the campaign would change."
Ms. Brzezinski bristled at the comment, saying: "Supporter of Senator Obama? I'm not sure I would characterize myself that way."
Well you have over and over and over and over - as well as mentioning the res of your family and who they're voting for.
Later, she repeated her objection and reminded viewers that her brother, Ian Brzezinski, is working on Mr. McCain's campaign.

"Take care of my brother," she said to Mr. McCain. "Say hi to Ian for me."

After Ms. Brzezinski defended herself and mentioned her brother, Mr. McCain said thanks and added, "that was a cheap shot." It was unclear whether he was referring to his remark about her, or Ms. Brzezinski's rebuttal.

The exchange prompted Mr. Scarborough to tell viewers that he's "just joking" when he calls Ms. Brzezinski an Obama supporter.
It's a joke that Joe wold even try to cover for her. Isn't he supposed to be Republican? Besides, he's said it over and over on - straight out - as had Mika. I'll have to look for an example or two for documentation sake. Anyone?

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