Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Quote of the day: "I know you are a supporter of Sen Obama"

September 16, 2008
Morning Joe

McCain zings Mika for favoring barry. Mika pretends she isn't and mentions her brother working with McCain another works for barry. And then of course, there's her dad who loves barry. She also mentioned she had family supporting Sen Clinton. What does it matter? She's the one loving up obamessiah.

Courtesy of MSNBC

MCCAIN: I'll leave that for the American people to decide. I still say to you, and I know you are a supporter of Senator Obama, if you would urge him to come and do town all meetings with me as I have asked him to do time after time the whole tenor of the campaign would change.

MIKA: Senator, as a characterized Barack Obama supporter, I take objection. I'Il just say, take care of my brother working at the campaign.

MCCAIN: Thanks -that was a cheap shot.

And off he went, but MIKA couldn't let it go. She never can when someone calls her out on something.

MCCAIN: In light of the John McCain interview, I feel I need to say not only does my brother work for the McCain campaign, but he worked for George Bush for six years. I'm proud of him.

Well-paid Republican MIKE MURPHY: I don't think he meant it as an attack. There's definitely become a mentality inside the McCain campaign which is very hostile for anybody in the media they think is at all favorable to the other side. I think that's mistake. I think they overreact. I think doesn't do McCain well to have that mentality in the campaign. I don't really understand it because it's not his natural way.

But he made sure to use one of the McCain code words: *hostile*

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