Friday, September 19, 2008

Obama hecklers: "Blacks against Obama"

September 19, 2008
Coral Gables, Florida

Obama gets heckled by "Blacks against Obama". The predominantly white audience gets up and cheer to drown them out. Lotta racism going on. No way whites will vote for a black man. And Obama has the entire black vote. All madness. It reminded me of Sen McCain going into the lion's den - NAACP - and in the audience a black man sits unashamedly reading the paper - held out right in front of him. I have yet to see white people in Obama's audience reading the paper. And, uniformly, it is those racist whites who cheer for Obama over his detractors.

Racism as is convenient. Racism as was the first line of attack in the primaries. First black nominee got there using race as a dividing factor. He teleprompts speeches extolling unity and transcending race and yet allows the Clintons to be painted as racists - still. Has he reached out to the black community like Sen Clinton did hers? Nope. He means nothing he says. His words are not followed by actions - just look at his track record. Look how he's veered from the left. He is the messiah of political expediency with Change! referring to his "positions". Can't exactly say in the debate: I agree with Sen Clinton on position is no different...we agree on that..."

How is anyone buying this fraud? Does anyone believe Obama could make a life-changing, world-changing decision by himself in less than 30 seconds? Not a chance...unless the Mrs is standing there directing him.

CNN Sasha Johnson:
"The signs said Obama was for gay marriage and abortion, and said his candidacy was "endorsed by the KKK." Another sign said, "Jesse Jackson hates Obama." Obama originally said the protesters could stay inside the event, but they were escorted out when they would not stop shouting."

...aka when he couldn't get them under control. Surprise? Not. How rabid would be the MSM if the signs said: 'Whites against Obama!"?

Satire about KKK endorsement
February 7th, 2008
James R. Crowe
Daily Squib UK
"...Imperial Wizard exclaimed that anything or anyone is better than having that "crazy ass bitch" as President....The boy's gonna do it. My Klan group has donated up to $250,000 to the Obama fund. Anything is better than Hillary Clinton. Hell I'll even adopt a black kid from Africa before I vote for Hillary. A few years back we were lynching negroes. Now we're gonna vote for one to be president of the US of motherfu**ing A, damn it! Anyone or anything is better than Hillary Clinton - anything!!"
'Humor' from across the pond.

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