Friday, September 26, 2008

(Misleading) Poll: Obama's lead nearly doubles!!!

September 26, 2008

Ha-ha. How desperate are bots getting to make the Messiah look like he's about to sprint to victory? Seems they've forgotten the 11-in-a-row limp home and free ride home by the DNC. It's pathetic. The post-debate CBS/CNN poll was intentionally skewed because it polled more Dems (41%) to Rep (27%) to Ind (30%). .

TPM's ERIC KLEEFELD's sensationalized title: "Obama's Lead Nearly Doubles in Today's tracking Polls"

Makes you think he broke out to a 8-10 point lead. And the truth? Not even going to bother with analysis.
• Gallup: Obama 48%, McCain 45%, with a ±2% margin of error. (yest 46%-46%)
• Rasmussen: Obama 50%, McCain 45%, with a ±2% MOE (yest 49%-46%)
• Hotline/Diageo: Obama 49%, McCain 42%, with a ±3.2% MOE (yest 47%-43%)
• Research 2000: Obama 48%, McCain 43%, with a ±3% MOE. (49%-43%)

Adding these polls together and weighting them by sample sizes, Obama is ahead by a margin of 48.9%-44.5%, almost double his margin from yesterday's 47.7%-45.3%.
(9/26) 48.9 - 44.5 a whopping 4.4 compared to (9/25) 47.7 - 45.3 2.4

How utterly laughable is this? How many times has he even reached 50? The bots can't seem to make up their minds. No cellphones so the polls aren't reliable and then they believe them so much they parse a tiny little lead. Makes no sense and smells of desperation. Too bad barry doesn't care...he can blame his loss on WHITE AMERICA.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha. Most people don't read past the headlines anyway. That's why they do it.