Friday, September 26, 2008

Presidential attacks: Adams & Jefferson

When did politics become noble and honorable? Clean politics is an oxymoron. I like that word. barry's gonna change Washington? When? After he changes his mind on everything else? 3/4 work there: barry/Biden almost 40 and McCain 25. barry the egomaniac thinks the rules of a 232 y/o game should change for him. He seriously thinks the cosmos revolves around him. It's no longer a joke. And if I hear one more mention of the real great presidents of this country I'm gonna smack him. He has done nothing to earn anything. Who out there can detail his "community organizing"? What exactly did he do? Asbestos in the projects he never followed through on. Biggest accomplishment was the largest voter drive...and for whom? President Clinton.

Is barry obambi an endangered species? He still can't tolerate a negative ad. He whines whines whines and his barrybotlets attack attack attack. These are clueless beings. Do they realize barry won't be able to have his staff of 2500 living in the White House? Or $66M to investigate his adversaries across the pond, across the sand and across the Great Wall. He still can't make a decision. He said that determining the moment of human life was "above his pay grade". And the MSM/Warren let him get away with it. Surprise? Not. Does he realize nothing will be above his pay grade? What's he gonna do when he has 30 seconds to push the button? Scan his mind for a presidential quote?

Anyway I found these on CNN. Attacks between President Adams and VP Thomas Jefferson cover race, sexual orientation and (lack of) masculinity in one sentence - not a $45M television ads. Dirty politics?
"Things got ugly fast. Jefferson's camp accused President Adams of having a "hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman."
Hmm...neither the force and firmness of a man nor the sensibility of a woman.
"In return, Adams' men called Vice President Jefferson "a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father."
Hmm...mean-spirited biracial man.

I wonder what never made it on the paper.

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