Friday, September 26, 2008

Gaffe of the day: "He's a high-functioning moron"

September 25, 2008
CNN Anderson Cooper 360

Anderson Cooper, Republican Ed Rollins, Obamafan Gloria Borger and ex-Clinton supporter and staunch Obama supporter, Paul Begala discuss Bush's speech on the financial bailout crisis.

COOPER: Watching the president last night give that speech, it was like watching him in Jackson Square in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. I mean, he did not seem to be there.
ROLLINS: No, he wasn't there.
BORGER: He's not comfortable --
COOPER: He was physically there but...
BEGALA: I'm going to get in trouble: he's a high-functioning moron, and that's what Congress treats him as. Both parties.
Again watch Borger's typical do-nothing, never speaks up reaction. Does she know what an embarrassment she is to women by her inaction and her own offensive words? Sell out comes oto mind. I let them attack so I don't have to. I attack Clinton/Palin so the men won't do it to me. Mika Brzezinski is the same. See her own Mrs Spitzer impersonation. (2:50)


Anonymous said...

Begala would've had the stuffing beat out of him by Donna Brazile but he can take it to Bush. Axelrod has no clue. Where's that crazy looking Carville? Bill won because of these guys and Obama was too arrogant to ask Bill for help until September 11. He totally thought he could win and beat the Clintons all at once and now it's unclear if he can even win.

Anonymous said...

High functioning?