Tuesday, September 23, 2008

SHRC on the Today Show

September 23, 2008
Sen Clinton on the Today Show

Just watch. You decide who appears more in touch with the economy and what needs to be done. And just who has been advocating this her entire campaign?

Matt Lauer, as a final question: "Your husband, the former president, was on the View yesterday, Senator Clinton, and he seemed to say you really didn't want to be Sen Obama's running mate, afterall." Now watch his face and listen to his voice. "Is that that accurate?"

Aka was Mr Bill lying? And the look and sound were to taunt her. What's up with these gonadless announcers? How much more condescending can they get. Afterall? That implies she did once. Whatever anyone wants to characterize her - she is not stupid...nor are her supporters who continue to watch this everyday. 'Wal-Mart moms'? And white working class workers was racist? Does Obama have their vote? And whose democratic demographic was it? Racist or truth?

1 comment:

imposter said...

this is so funny. as if matts gonna get something over on the smartest politician in the world. who does mr bill call his #1 adviser. the pink-faced gomers better watch out for miss chelsea. she's coming next ...and who would be the best VP in the world? the first daughter and mother. hill couldve had all of them. 1st lady, 1st madame president, 1st madame vp and 1st mother of the second madame president and 2nd madame vp. haha. why the hell not?

chelsea looks pretty damn good. you want to know who hill is look at chelsea. she grew up and everyone in the world knew what her dad did and she has heard her mother called the most despicable thing and she stands there and answers unscreened questions. what pigs cnn was to have that dickless on there twice. and then the next guy went there just to do it again. the bots are just evil little beings aren't they? it only got worse with the arc XIX on kos. where was jonny boy calling her out? yeah and where is kellyb? did she open her own blog? did you see that filth and hate? mustve taken days and all the bot had to do was look at her toes. historic campaign alright. can you imagine going to the trouble of talking to the airplane staff? thats where the half billion is going. and then to expose the daughter's pregnancy? and now incest. these bots are such vile people. how can anyone who has ever blogged think bo is honorable? the cult followers (where is he?) are frightening. they should spend the time bashing bo to make him man up. i actually heard mcmahon use that today. he said barry was gonna man up. yeah right.