Thursday, October 16, 2008

bots attack "Joe the Plumber"

October 16, 2008
The last debate is over, barry's up in the polls and writing about McCain's facial expressions, anger, fidgetyness, agitation, irritation etc is getting tired so what do the bots do? They investigate poor "Joe the Plumber". Imagine if a black man was referred to as Joe the Plumber? Donna Brazile prefers Joe and Jane Sixpack but Senator Clinton referring to an actual demographic was clear evidence of racism. This poor man asks barry how he was going to help him and barry couldn't answer. Today they're all over him with camera crews outside his house. How more vicious can the attacks get? The obama camp is going after a man who had the misfortune to ask barry what he was actually going to do. And what do they do to this hardworking dad? They reveal that he has a lien because he owes something in back taxes and are questioning whether he's licensed to be a plumber. They're maggots.

It does not get more despicable than that. Going after an "angry old man" wasn't enough, so they discredit any and everyone who dares speak about the messiah in less than haloific terms. How many of these immoral bots bothered to look into Ayers, Wright, Rezko, Alinsky, ACORN and all the other connections barry has? The pro-obama media has completely and utterly proven their lack of "journalistic integrity" - if it had ever applied to them. I don't know because I never followed politics until February. Every single dem strategist (who are these people and why don't they have a real job?) has said the same thing. He's angry, he looks unpresidential and barry was calm and composed. The manlove is back to overflowing and the rage against barry's opponent as virulent as ever. Whoever that facial expression expert was - he didn't see very much. When McCain brought up barry's abortion vote, barry clenched his jaw, swallowed hard and took a sip of water. All clear signs of discomfort and deceit. I no longer wonder how Hitler controlled the media.


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