Saturday, October 18, 2008

UPDATE: Joe the Plumber

They did a fact check on Joe the Plumber mode is discrediting this man for one vote. He had no idea he was going to be used in the debate and had camera crews camped out in front of his house the next morning. Think of the kid at school. McCain . How many bots working on him vs working on ACORN? Found him to be a registered Republican (how is this legal?), a non-licensed plumber with a lien on his house for $1183 in unpaid back taxes. This is a guy who just happened to be throwing a football with his kid when Obama came by with his entourage of cameras and now look at him. The bots in their seek and destroy any person who even looks twice at obama apologized on Letterman, where he took a smackdown. He'll take the heat even going to the NAACP- Obama waited till after the primaries to go on O'Reilly. Anyway McCain talked to him and invited him on the trail. At the Palin rally people were holding up 'Joe the Plumber' signs. Guess it's a way of referring to the economy while making fun of Obama.

See original video. Obama & Joe the plumber
See original story.

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