Bloomfield, PA
A 6'4" 200lb white male McCain volunteer attacked a much smaller 20-year-old black female Obama supporter from Texas LAST NIGHT at knife point as she withdrew money from an ATM. He took the $60 and she was allowed to walk away until he saw the Obama bumper sticker on the car and then he knocked her to the ground, proceeded to kick and beat her about the head and then to "teach her a lesson" carved the letter "M" into her face.
It happened last night and haven't heard a thing until now. Where's the uproar? The outrage? The press conferences by the Obama campaign demanded there be a hate crime investigation? Where's Jesse Jackson Jr raging at the police to see if McCain was behind it to get sympathy? You know like he wanted to investigate Senator Clinton's tears? Where are the blacks rioting in the streets calling McCain a racist old man? Where's the scream for a racially motivated hate crime? Allegations that the KKK is out attacking a black female Obama volunteers because he's a Muslim who associates with terrorists? Where's Rep Lewis saying 'I told you so'?
Real simple. It happened to a white girl who is a McCain volunteer. It was a 6'4" male black Obama supporter who wanted to teach her a lesson because robbing her at knife point wasn't enough. He wanted to carve his candidate's initial into her face disfiguring her for life. Scars may fade but this attack will never leave her. And the lack of outrage will be another mark on this campaign. Proof of how the news is reported and how race is handled according to the candidate.
Even the police spokeswoman, Diane Richard is downplaying it: "This is what she's telling police. We can't substantiate it at this time."
Why would this young girl make it up? What kind of phrasing is that? Would she be phrasing it like that if it was a black girl accusing a white man? That that's what she's telling police but we can't substantiate it? AKA we can't prove she's lying yet.
How much play did DAVID SINGLETON get about the alleged as in the Secret Service hasn't been able to substantiate report of a man yelling "KILL HIM" at a rally in PA? Where's Olbermann's rant? What are the chances Joy Behar and Whoopi will be ragging about this tomorrow? I'm beyond sickened by this whole charade. And who suffers the most? This young woman who was attacked because of a bumper sticker and because of the color of her skin.
Can't assume that? Imagine it being separated if it was the first scenario and it was a huge white man attacking a much smaller black girl. Would it just be about her party affiliation then? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Would it be classified a hate crime? ABSOLUTELY. Will the police be getting hourly calls and daily press conferences until the alleged perpetrator is caught? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
Here's a one sentence statement by the Obama camp from WTAE-TV. Imagine if it were the other way around? Would McCain get away with one sentence? OBAMA: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the young woman for her to make a speedy recovery, and we hope that the person who perpetrated this crime is swiftly apprehended and brought to justice."
MCAIN: "The McCain campaign is aware of the incident involving one of its volunteers. Out of respect, the campaign won't be commenting. The campaign also confirms that Senator McCain and Governor Palin have both spoken to the woman."
This all makes me sick. This poor girl looks frightened to death. Here's her pix but I will not print her name. What's the chances this man will be caught? What's the chances Obama will make sure they try to catch him? Will the Secret Service be involved?
pix courtesy of sarahsarmy
This is the original post
Second post with a documented case of Obama supporter rage
1 comment:
Hey Annie hope you fell better after that. Ok I'm saying this as a scientist not a doubter. Go draw a "B" on your cheek looking in a mirror using your right hand. It only makes sense if they were head to head and he was right handed. It can't have happened if he was on top of her and right handed - that's why the left eye would be bruised. It's strange to my scientific eye. It's a very precise looking 'B' almost like a brand or stencil. The freshness of the wounds appear different. But it in no way explains the bruised eyes. The time of the picture since the injury would be very helpful. Just thoughts. Not accusations. Whatever the hell happened it hurts.
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