Thursday, October 30, 2008

Independents have had enough already!

October 30, 2008

Yo, axelrod - 18 independents have emailed me this morning saying they've had enough of barry. They're wondering why he needs so much help to win. The view of him in the "Oval Office" sent them all over the top - 3 convinced it was taped in the spring before he had the nomination. 12: 7 black, 2 hispanic, 3 white said they have been waiting for barry's apology or endorsement of President Clinton to the black community. That it's the only thing keeping them from voting for him. All 18 are proven voters who crossed over when Clinton was running. 10 voted for barry - 8 for Senator Clinton. They're pissed barry is dissing the last democratic president whose economic policy allowed them to send their kids to college, pay off their mortgage and retire. They're pissed he is so arrogant that he thinks he can make it on his own and that he did nothing but sit back during the economic crisis. They're pissed because he always says "when Bush came into office" not when President Clinton left the White House.

These are the things non-obamerized notice because they actually listen to his obamanating and not to the deafening obamerized chanting change! when none of them can define it. And when barry tries, he shifts positions to suit the mood and polls of the week or maybe because he doesn't know enough about it or doesn't really care. All 18 think he wants to be President of The American People he's always talking about (but never to) instead of being The American People's president.

None of them said race was an issue but all 18 thought barry has used it throughout the campaign. All believe that the media is blatantly pro-obama. 4 women mentioned how uncomfortable (aka unpresidential) barry looked sitting in the White House meeting about the bailout and that he looks a lot different when he has his own camera crew. They wonder which one they'll get as commander-in-chief. 11/18 are women still angry barry never mentioned his sister or mother during his acceptance speech and find it suspicious he has never allowed his grandmother to speak freely to the media. They are convinced he is hiding something and that is what is keeping them from voting for him. And they are still angry that he wouldn't look Sen Clinton in the eye when he "thanked" her for speech at the convention - the speech without which he would have lost a great deal of her supporters who actively campaigned for him anyway.

These are the gist of their comments and I just got 9 more emails. I wish they would just comment here. These are the people who are narrowing the gap. 8-9% undecideds are a big swing. Each one said they could live with McCain because they are worried about Biden's comment of a threat. 7/18 are veterans who believed Colin Powell's endorsement was directly disrespectful to a fellow soldier and was based solely on the pressure he was getting from the black community. It didn't escape them how pro-Iraq Powell was and how it demonstrated - once again - barry's waffling on Iraq. 5/7 veterans said both would do the right thing about Iraq. All 18 believe that McCain knows how to assemble a Cabinet - none were confident barry can. All expressed reservations over Governor Palin and do not want her to be the first female on the ticket - they think it should BE Senator Clinton. All said they would have voted and campaigned if she was #1 or #2.

I don't care what you do. They asked me to comment publicly. I did.

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