Thursday, October 23, 2008

Michelle Obama's America

Here is Michelle Obama's view of America, the country she is for the first time in her life proud of. There's no doubting what she means or how she says it. This is the potential First Lady of the United States talking derogatorily about "that's America". The same America that nominated her husband. The same America that has him ahead in the polls. The same America where 8 million eligible black voters haven't found the time to register to vote to elect the first black man president of the United States of that same America, but threaten to riot if he isn't elected. The same America that will be called racist for not having voted in her husband. This is what she thinks of America after her husband teleprompted a speech on racial tolerance. A man who runs on unity, but uses the race card as his primary tactic.

I ask you has anyone ever heard him say, even once, hey I'm half-white, let's get passed this? Or remember the speech I gave where I equated my 86-year-old typical white person grandmother who raised, housed, fed and loved me to a hateful raging anti-American anti-White man who thinks Jews and Italians are inferior and that the government invented AIDS and were responsible for 9-11? The man who Obama allowed to remain an adviser in his official presidential campaign after he raged at his Christmas service that (the Former First Lady) "Hillary ain't never been called no Nigger"!?

For the record: Obama was at that service. Why else didn't the Secret Service say he wasn't?

Video courtesy of barackobamaLIED
Make sure to listen to the little disgusted laugh at the end. It's perfectly clear what she means. Just like: "As a black man, Barack can get shot going to the gas station."

Michelle Obama: "Folks" don't like change - they like feeling safe, whether it's right or wrong. "People" like their fear. Fear makes people feel comfortable (affected) 'cuz at least I know I'm afraid of somethin'. Let's start against the something I'm afraid of. "We" don't like being pushed out of our comfort zones. You know it right here on this campus. "Folks" sitting at different tables. Y'all sittin' at different dorms. I was there. (recall her thesis) You're not talking to each other. Taking advantage of the fact that you're in this diverse community because sometimes it's easier to hold on to your own stereotypes and misconceptions, it makes you feel justified in your own ignorance...That's AMERICA."

As a first generation Polish-American living in Chicago, I am amazed at the racial double standard and what the Obama's have gotten away. What the press has allowed him to get away with. What is this white guilt about? I refuse to be labeled "White American" and be seen as a racist because of the color of my skin. How is this any different? Why does not anyone see this? How is this equality?

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