Thursday, January 4, 2007

Nina Totenberg, 64

I have grown to hate the MSM because of their obvious pro-Obama propaganda and corruption and this lady pisses me off. She snitched on Douglas Ginsberg so he couldn't be a Supreme Court judge and now we have a presidential candidate who admits to that and cocaine. She plagiarized members of Congress and then said: "I have a strong feeling that a young reporter is entitled to one mistake and to have the holy bejeezus scared out of her to never do it again."

And for Ginsberg what did that mean?

On Senator Jesse Helms: "I think he ought to be worried about what's going on in the Good Lord's mind, because if there is retributive justice, he'll get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will."

On General William Boykin: "I hope he's not long for this world." After a rebuke, corrected herself: "No, no. I mean, in his job. In his job, in his job, please, in his job."

Don't get me started on the hatemonger, Keith Boykin. For a gay man one would think he would be more sensitive to hateful things and the effect it has on both the speaker and the on spoken to.

Anything that gets followed by 'I mean, I meant, that wasn't what I meant, I meant it a different way, I didn't mean to' is more of the lie. You mean what you say and mean = mean in both senses of the word. You are just sorry other people heard it and called you out.

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