Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quote of the day: "I wish he wouldn't have said it that way"

October 27, 2008
Morning Joe
Sen McCaskill tries to cover for barry's "redistribution of wealth" comments to Chicago Public Radio and Joe the Plumber. (Joe the Plumber or as Donna Brazile called them "Jane and Joe SixPack" were Sen Clinton's demographic.) Biden didn't do a very could job laughing off Barbara West so here's McCaskill's attempt. She lost every ounce of credibility she might have once had by covering for barry about his snub of Senator Clinton. It was obvious as was her transparent lie that it didn't happen and showed how easily he will throw anyone uner the bus and smile doing so. She looked like the chubby cheerleader who finally gets noticed by the nerdy chess club captain. She is one of the most glassy-eyed of the obamerized. Nancy Keenan from NARAL looked the same when she endorsed barry. McCaskill should have just admitted she didn't want anything to do with Hillary Clinton because she hates Bill and "wouldn't want him around her 12 y/o". And yet she pals around with someone she doesn't even know.

Did she clear anything up or just get more press for Missouri? And just how much is barry going to associate with her when she doesn't get him a win? She has to know that's why she was on board. How much has Gov Sebulius been mentioned since the VP selection charade and Sen Clinton voters "got in line"? What about the other swing state expedients? Richardson, Ritter, Bayh, Kaine and Rendell? Trotting out Gore in Florida? You don't believe barry's campaign is vicious? Why did he hire Patty Solis Doyle? And who has been spinning the bidengaffing? Her or Stephanie Cutter? Why? So as not to remind Clinton voters who barry really is? As if they need reminding.

"It's called tax cuts for working people."
"The haves and the havenots"
"I wouldn't have said it that way."
"I wish he wouldn't have said it that way."
"He said over and over and over again the right way."

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