Sunday, October 5, 2008

Donna Brazile lets fly on Obama and race.

October 4, 2008

Jeffrey (in the tank for obama) Toobin hosted a panel discussion with Donna Brazile, Misogynist Alex Castellanos (who thinks that it's time to take the family dog (Hillary Clinton) to the vet and that it's ok to call her a bitch because she is.) Edward J. Rollins, (who wants to knock out Romney's teeth) and Joe Trippi (fired after the Dean yeeeeee-hah! and said, "So, in the NBC debate, Gephardt takes out a .357 Magnum and blows Bambi's head off.") Must have been a lively discussion because Donna Brazile finally let go. She's morphed throughout this election. It has been eye-opening.

She starts by saying that she has to get something off her chest and then she'll be a good Catholic woman for the next 30 days. By these words, she implies what she is about to say is uncharitable. Whatever. It's finally good to see her be 100% honest about her feelings about race. Her hiding her affection for Obama was transparent and disingenuous. Why is Spike Lee trashing her? Didn't he watch her? And she repeatedly says in reference to white folks that she will "cook them something." How do you take this?

Here's the 10-4-08 article by The New Yorker's, JUSTIN VOGT. I thought it best to include the entire article and fill in the missing words in his partial transcript. And I inserted the you tube video into his article. The New Yorker has the same video and the full-length version but I couldn't embed it. The interesting part for me was that she refers to Obama as biracial when all along he's been African America. Fits in the rant. She mentions his mother's uterus and his housing therein and his typical white person grandparents but has such little respect for them she doesn't name them. It's what white people and women of his mother's generation (aka Hillary supporters) notice. Somebody should clue her in that her mother had a name - (Stanley) Ann Dunham - not just the requisite female parts. His white grandparents are Madelyn and Stanley (deceased) Dunham,

Donna's World by JUSTIN VOGT:
The political consultant Donna Brazile elevated this morning's panel "If I Were Running This Campaign" to a political rally, or maybe even a church revival meeting in her native New Orleans.

Brazile, who managed Al Gore's 2000 Presidential run and is a frequent commentator on CNN, has taken some heat during the past few months from other prominent African-Americans (including Spike Lee, who said as much in a recent Profile by John Colapinto) upset by her neutrality in the Obama-Clinton race. (As a Democratic superdelegate, Brazile declined to choose a side until Clinton had already dropped out.)

But any uneasiness Brazile may have been feeling on the issue of race has clearly evaporated. Asked for some closing thoughts after the wide-ranging discussion, Brazile paused, then dove in:


BRAZILE: I'm gonna say it and get it off my chest, because for the next thirty days, I'm gonna be the best Catholic woman ever. [If Obama loses, there's a possibility, as Joe says that he will lose. He might lose. I would hope that people voted against him because they didn't like his energy plan, they didn't like his economic vision, they didn't like the fact that he came out against the war so early when everybody else was being culpable and going with the status quo. I would hope that people decided that perhaps during the debates he didn't do as well as he could. And maybe Ed's right: we're at a time of trouble and you want somebody who's been on the planet much longer...a helluva lot longer. God bless him. And I know his mother, so, yeah, if somebody keep me around till 94 - God bless me, too!

But, my friends, I have to tell you],
As a child who grew up in the segregated Deep South, we've come so far in this country. [This country, you have to have lived as long as I've lived and as long as many of you in this room, I've seen so much progress.] But I remember when I used to get on the bus: [this was when segergation was so-called over with] and my mother would tell me, "Donna, when you get on the bus, you and your brothers go all the way to the back, and don't look at anybody." [And, of course, I would go on that bus alright and tell my brother to go to the straight to the back and don't look at anybody - because I didn't want them to get in trouble. I sat right there and said, now let me see if everything's ok. Is it really changed?]

We have changed. This is a more tolerant, a more open, a more progressive society. And yet, we're having this conversation because he's is biracial. He spent nine months in the womb of a white woman. He was raised [for the first 18, 21 years] by his white grandparents…[He ain't spent no time in living rooms like I spent my childhood, and yet] he got out of school and went to Harvard, and all of a sudden he's "uppity" and there's something wrong with him? What is wrong with us [to suggest that some kid can go to Harvard if he's earned the grades to go there. I tell my friends] you may vote against him, but don't ever put me in the back of the bus. I'm not going to the back of the bus! I'm not going to be afraid! My black skin does not make me inferior! And might I add: being a female does not make me dumb!

[Now we can re-litigate all these fights on race and gender and sexual orientation till the cows come home. But at a time when we're in crisis, I want the best, I want the brightest, I want somebody to take me where we've never been as a country. Perhaps we've been too stuck in the past, that's why we can't go forward. So let the next 31 days be about ideas, about inspiration and about strength of character. Let it be about something that brings us together - not tears us apart. I can sit on the stage with these men, and if I had time this afternoon, I'd go home and I'd cook for 'em. And we will all sit and drink something.

But this is where we are as a country. We are comfortable with each other. Let's not play these games.]
"Don't let people trick you. Don't let people divide you [or distract you . My mother is not here. Her mother is not here. My grandfather's - everybody in my family - the men have served this country.] Don't let no one take us back! Because many of us are not going back—we're going forward! And come with us!"

Earlier, the panel's moderator, Jeff Toobin, had remarked: "It's Donna's world; we just live in it." Now all he could say was: "I will spare the other panelists from having to follow Donna."
Now why in the hell isn't she out there stumping? She out-speaks and out-emotes Obama a million times over and is entertaining doing it. She missed her calling and should be running for a higher office. Obama better have something for her. She is a naturally persuasive speaker with great timing and facial expression. Obama is not. This is the best argument I've heard yet for Obama and said with firsthand authority. Obama cannot speak to the Oppression of the Southern Negro - she lived it.

I did strongly object to her words and tone when she said: "He spent nine months in the womb of WHITE WOMAN." The inflection and body language there was very disturbing, as was the mention of the WHITE GRANDPARENTS (Stanley & Madelyn Dunham) with no reference to his mother (Stanley Ann Dunham) raising him. And most glaringly, the fact that she not once mentioned his African father who abandoned them for another white woman. Why does no one mention this?

And why is he only biracial when it serves his needs? The first time many people knew he was biracial was during the Philly speech when it was politically expedient. And the mention of his strength of character made me angry. I know what he's done and how he got where he is. He has lied and continues to lie with impunity. And his supporters, who know nothing about him, keep spouting nonsense - and he lets them. How much does she really know about him?

Thing is nobody cares and if the economy stays where it is and nothing untoward foreign policy-wise happens, Obama's the only real choice. And Republicans know that in their heart. His unforgivable sin is not having the courage and showing the poor judgment to put his ego before those American People he's always mentioning and not picking Hillary Clinton. No matter what happens - that decision will go down as the biggest mistake in presidential history to date. She is the superior politician and she had been speaking about the economy, foreclosures and sub-prime lending since day 1. They called on her to go on TV and layout the situation. And she did so firmly, authoritatively and knowledgeably - so much so that Mika said that the ticket could have used her. If she were on the ticket, the country would be massively better off and the polls wouldn't even be close. The Republican base already hate her and she had as many votes as Obama - something people seem to keep forgetting.

(FYI: Toobin, Castellanos & Brazile are in the poll, so please voice your opinion.)

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