Friday, October 24, 2008

Parker: McCain picked Palin because he was blinded by her beauty.

October 23, 2008
Morning Joe

Discussing elitism and Gov Palin's beauty vs intelligence.The daily fascination. One can be unqualified because of lack of knowledge without being an ignorant ditz from the hinterlands. You betcha! David Brooks "Palin is a cancer on the Party." Similar to Alec Baldwin: "She has the worst kind of that sickening disease." To her face: "You're way hotter in person."

Joe: You mention her name here and Washington and all you hear is laughter and smears...They have utter and complete contempt for her."

Just like the way they did with Sen Clinton. Just like anyone who isn't drinking the Kool-Aid or speaking the truth about their chosen one...that one. They couldn't attack her knowledge or command of the issues or her experience - so they attacked her as a woman questioned her femininity. With Palin they can't do that so she's an idiot. (I feel she is entirely unqualified but not because she's a "Caribou Barbie." What's Biden's nickname?)

Kathleen Parker
in the Washington Post. She has a definite inferiority complex about beauty and intelligence. The bloom has long since left the rose and she is clinging to her intelligence, which is - in no way - reflected in her unimaginative adolescent whinings. Everyone wants to be noticed by the messiah - even the GOPers - and in order to do that they have to hate his opponents and try to destroy them. Obama campaign's MO. Man of integrity, judgment, unity and transcendence? Theory never confirmed through action.
PARKER: "Something about Sarah: But there can be no denying that McCain's selection of her over other more qualified -- and his mind-boggling lack of attention to details that matter -- suggests other factors at work. His judgment may have been clouded by...what?

Science provides clues. As study in Canada, published by a British Journal in 2003, found that pretty women foil men's ability to assess the future "discounting the future," as the condition is called, means preferring immediate, lesser rewards to greater rewards in the future."
This study she does not name was probably about men deciding to take a woman out to dinner vs just having sex with her. Halperin: "First thing McCain said when he met her was "uhmina, uhmina, uhmina." Think Ralph Kramden.

Joe: "How fair is it for women to be discounted because they're pretty?"

O'Donnell: "We have been electing women to the senate for decades and not one of them has been telling stories how difficult it is to campaign as a woman. This is a new phenomenon."

Can one get anymore ignorant. It's like Hank Scheinkof saying "sexualism" instead of sexism. They aren't even aware of their idiocy and that it has been captured for all posterity. Because they aren't running for Senate, Larry. They're running for a more powerful office not on par with the rest of the senators. One in which "THAT woman" and "THIS woman" would be in power over them. Here's O'Donnell's complete idiocy. He talks about how there hasn't been one article describing infighting or internal struggle within the obama campaign. He's marveling because he doesn't think anything happened and completely skips over Goolsbee and Powers to start with. What he doesn't realize is by saying that he has just indicted the press. March 3, 2008 when Goolsbee and NAFTA was going on the press allowed Obama to walk away from the podium. barry said: "C'mon guys, I already answered like eight questions."


It was the day the now convicted squealing to the Feds, Obama 2004 campaign finance advisor, Tony Rezko's trial began and the eve of what could have been barry's clinching of the nomination. There were more articles written about Sen Clinton's "slumlord" comment than about Rezko himself. No campaign spans nearly two years without internal discord - the MSM isn't reporting it. I have to get the recent Pew Research together about this. People think 8 to 1 that the MSM wants Obama to win. As if a study was needed. And why just now?

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