Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ted Stevens (R-AK) found guilty

October 28, 2008
Senator Ted Stevens was convicted on all seven counts yesterday. Does anyone find it coincidental that his trial took place this close to the election? The senior ranking Republican in the house who just happens to be a senator from Alaska? He was found guilty of not reporting thousands of dollars worth of "gifts" from the VECO Corporation, including free house remodeling.

Where are the questions of Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich? A pal and fellow politician of Obama's, who is presently being investigated for his dealings with another pal and former fudraiser of Obama's -- the ever-present and not going away, found guilty on 16/24 charges, convicted felon, Syrian-born, Tony Rezko. Blagojevich is being investigated for his house remodeling job involving Rezko's company.

The pro-Obama media bias has never been clearer as regards Rezko. How many voters know that Obama was named in Rezko's indictment? That barry took $250,000 from Rezko and that some of the money donated was alleged to come directly from the scheme (Aramanda $10K whose son then became an Obama intern) that Rezko was found guilty of? The most curious part of the story is that Rezko wrote a letter to the trial judge that he'd never been "party to any wrongdoing that involved the governor or the senator". And now it appears he did have a connection with the governor over a remodel job. It might explain Rezko's decision to squeal to the feds to delay his sentencing until after the election. First it was Sept 3rd, then October 28th and now delayed indefinitely. And yet Ted Stevens was tried and found guilty in the public eye with wide coverage right before the general election.

No pro-Obama media bias?

Stevens has yet to take his name off the ballot. McCain stated that Stevens should resign because he has "broken his trust with the people". How long before barry does that? Strangely, if Palin loses she could possibly become senator.

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