Tuesday, October 28, 2008

When did you stop beating you wife?

October 28, 2008
Hardball Matthews characterized Barbara West's to Biden as a when did you stop beating your wife question. But in light is this audiotape where obama discusses redistribution of wealth and his obamanating on taxes it maybe it was a reasonable question. You decide.

9-26-08 interview (& video)West brings up the internet rumor that Biden's going to announce a medical problem after the VP debate so Hillary can step in and be VP. He loved it. Probably why he went back. Watch the video for a chuckle.

10-23-08 interview (& video) She quotes Marx and asks how is Senator Obama not a Marxist if he intends to spread the wealth around? Biden says are you kidding me? It's a this a joke? Is this a real question? And later says I don't know who's writing your questions.

(10-25-08) The camp's backlash of the interview on 10-23-08. Mrs Biden will not appear and future interviews "unlikely". Can you imagine if the MSM was not a pro-barry propaganda machine? They wouldn't be having interviews anywhere.

Update: I see why this was brought up again. Barbara West was on Larry King last night. (emphasis added)
King: The Orlando Sentinel reports that you are registered as a Republican; your husband is a Republican strategist. Is that true?

West: Let me correct that. My husband did do consulting for the Republican Party back in the Clinton administration, and he also worked for Sen. Paul Wellstone, who was a very liberal Democrat at the time, and they were working together to shape the media message as far as the sex slave trade was concerned. He was sent by the Clinton administration to go to Europe and also South America to consult with local officials who were perceived as friends of America in fighting the war against drugs.
Can you believe the cojones? The entire MSM is in the bag for Obama and they call out Ms West for having the nerve to ask a Hardball question? Look what Matthews did to Michele Bachmann. This is beyond crazy. All it does is show once again that obama is obambi. Why didn't they laugh it off? Why didn't they laugh off the pig controversy? (Which was clearly directed at Palin.) The pro-Obama MSM is not satisfied to promote barry - they have to destroy as many of his naysayers as possible - including any and all bystanders. Definition of obamerism. Joe the Plumber...Todd Palin and the rest of the family when Obama said the candidates family were off-limits. How much did the man of the fray enforce it? The media will listen to anything he says - but he said nothing.

And has Alma Campbell Brown disclosed that her husband, Dan Senor is a former adviser for the now-defunct Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq and is now reportedly serving as an adviser to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney?

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