Tuesday, November 4, 2008

2008 Election = Cult of personality

November 4, 2008

Here is the sad irony of this election. Hillary routinely polled higher on the economy over barry. She had it as her number one from day one, including the mortgage crisis and bailouts. She was stumping on this before barry even caught on. Barry didn’t have the economy in his top three on March 29, 2008. Think about that. I don’t even recall what the third was. Clinton discussed specifics and laid out concrete plans. Barry was running on hope and Change! and nothing else but Iraq - which I cannot stress enough was the biggest fraud perpetrated on voters in this election. People are still buying it. People don’t care I guess that they have been deceived. Eventually they will. It’s what got him the nomination. Period. And yet, on election day, Iraq is polling at 10% and barry’s positions have changed so many times they reflect exactly what he has done since 2002: talk a big game, lie and do nothing. He had nothing else as evidenced by the “I agree with Hillary on that”.

So Iraq is at the bottom and barry’s positions are no different than Hillary’s. The scam worked and bonus the economy worsened and McCain said the fundamentals were strong as the banks tanked.

Had he picked Romney?

Voters are still concerned about terrorism as they were in 2004 (71-71). And on 10-31-08 barry did not have national security in his top five. So none of it matters. Bush was insurmountable unless a national security crisis happened. Biden’s comments were passed on for the wardrobe inanity. Says a lot of the state of the nation and the power of pro-obama media bias.

Now the economy is the focus (62% ) and Hillary was emphatically thought to be much superior to barry in confidence in handling the economy. So who – another piece of evidence as if we need one - should be president by substance? It’s perfectly clear. And had she still been in the race, the election would not even be a question mark.

This election was a cult of personality, whether anyone wants to admit. Period. A man with a resume so thin he would have been ridiculed had he not have been black and a man. A man not qualified to run a state or even the senate. An inexperienced man chanting nebulous promises and bipartisanship, with no experience of having done so. A man who has never stood up – not once - when it was not politically expedient will be making his first decision of consequence as president.

That is personality and the hope of change. Truth is anything would be change after Bush. Now we wait to see if he can deliver on any promise. Taxes will be increased in six months. Iraq will go one till 2010 and another 2000 brave men and women will be dead and even more damaged. Afghanistan will not be better. Nothing will have been done about energy or healthcare. The budget deficit will be worse. Nothing will have been done about illegal immigration. And we will be in a recession with no halt on unemployment or foreclosures.

How long will it be until that hope turns to disillusionment and anger?

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