Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Stephanie Cutter waa-waas about Wright ads

November 4, 2008

Stephanie Cutter - a favorite to watch lie. She better hope she never has to go before a Grand Jury. She already demonstrated her viciousness when she worked for Kerry. She sent an e-mail to the MSM detailing comments Howard Dean had made that she said demonstrated that his opposition to the war was ''politically driven.'' Hysterical isn't it? What her own candidate has been doing. She had to have been the brains behind the let's paint Hillary a racist memo. Someday they will wakeup - the ones who aren't already axelrod psychopaths - and realize the frauds they are and what they perpetrated on The American People. Whatever happens is on their heads like it is with the DNC and MSM. You chose the candidate - you take responsibility for everything you and he did.

Anyway, she's complaining that McCain hasn't stopped the Wright adds that have only come into play ion the last three days. what they don't ever mention is that barry said it was a legitimate issue. She says that McCain hasn't gotten in the way of them. The Republican party is desperate his future is in the balance and he's going to stop 527 as a last resort?

McCain certainly set the tome of this from the start. Their only path to victory was to tear down Barack Obama [and what was the chance of that with the media?
MATTHEWS: McCain has not done this....Do you hold him responsible for this decision?

CUTTER: You know how this goes. You don't stand up its a wink and a nod What we do hod him responsible for is a constant negative tone of this campaign. He's running 100% negative ads.
No he is not. Lie lie lie. Don't know anything else. and barry's running 3-5 times more which dilutes the negative ones. Repeats that the only way they could win was tear down barry which makes the Jeremiah Wright ads ok. And why is she still whining? Tells you the (lack of) character of barry operatives. What is she doing as Mrs barry's spokeman?

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