Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Barry wins - they still bash opponents

November 5, 2008

Out come the stories. Barry wins...but that's not enough. They have to attack his opponents. Nothing has changed. I'm only going to document one. I'm sure there are a million more. No one can talk about barry alone - they have to mention his opponents.

NY Times Editorial - The Next President:
This is one of those moments in history when it is worth pausing to reflect on the basic facts:

An American with the name Barack Hussein Obama, [middle name is fine now] the son of a white woman and a black man he barely knew, raised by his grandparents far outside the stream of American power and wealth, has been elected the 44th president of the United States.
Barely knew? He was abandoned at 2 and saw his 'father' once at age 10. He didn't get to where he is because of his black family. It is a great moment in history tarnished by a biracial man who ignores his white family. A man who forgets to thank or even mention his mother - the mother who was abandoned by his polygamous alcoholic father and raised him with a foundation to stand before the world as the leader of the free world. Not a word. No 'thank you' or any type of acknowledgment.
Showing extraordinary focus and quiet certainty, Mr. Obama swept away one political presumption after another to defeat first Hillary Clinton, who wanted to be president so badly that she lost her bearings, and then John McCain, who forsook his principles for a campaign built on anger and fear."

His administration will also have to identify all of the ways that Americans' basic rights and fundamental values have been violated and rein that dark work back in.
Mr. Obama also will have to rally sensible people to come up with immigration reform consistent with the values of a nation built by immigrants and refugees.
Yes, because he has no thoughts himself and no one has made him accountable to that. He was serious last night because he realized he actually has work to do now. Dear God I hope he's competent in picking his advisors and that his first decision doesn't come at 3am. And the fundamental values having been violated? barry didn't mind in the least the daily sexist and outright misogynistic attacks he allowed his opponent to undergo.
Mr. Obama will now need the support of all Americans. Mr. McCain made an elegant concession speech Tuesday night in which he called on his followers not just to honor the vote, but to stand behind Mr. Obama. After a nasty, dispiriting campaign, he seemed on that stage to be the senator we long respected for his service to this country and his willingness to compromise.
Who in the hell is this coward? Why is there no name? I can tell you for certain he is not a veteran. And what is an "elegant" speech? Nasty and dispiriting campaign. No more. There's no making these people wake up from their coma and see reality.

Here's our president speaking about family. What about his alien aunt? Recall how he said he was not able to speak with her? Will he as president elect be told no? His half-brother and grandmother living in severe poverty.
"Most people understand that if you are not caring for your family, then you are probably not the kind of person who is going to be caring for other people."
—Barack Obama, October 23, 2008

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