Tuesday, December 30, 2008

POLL: IFC/ZOGBY overwhelming media bias

December 29, 2008

Independent Film Channel/Zogby poll shows overwhelmingly that Americans believe the news is biased and that the biased coverage influenced the outcome of the presidential election. Surprise.

They polled 3,472 adults nationwide on November 5 and 6, 2008 with a very good split of sampling. Of those surveyed: Dems 38%, Rep 31% and Independents 28%. East (22%), South (26%), Center/Great Lakes (30%) and west (22%). Nearly all (99.6%) were registered to vote,99.7% voted. 53% voted for barry 46% McCain. MOE +/- 1.7%.

93.1% barry received more coverage
4.1% thought McCain received more

74.7% thought media coverage of the presidential election influenced the outcome
94.2% Rep
55.6% Dem
79.3% Men
70.2% Women

Overall unreliable
80% TV
84% Radio

72.6% believe the news they read/see is biased.
88.7% Rep
57.5% Dem
77% males
67% females
73.3% White
76.7% Hispanic
62.2% Black
70.6% Asian
83.5% Other

Most reliable source of news
37.6% Internet
20.3% National TV News
16% Radio
11.3% Valid newspapers
4% Local TV News

Most trusted Newspaper
20.1% don't read newspapers
19.6 NY Times
19.2% Local
17.4% WSJ

Most trusted source:
39.3% FOX
16% CNN
10.1% PBS
6% NBC

Least trusted:
0.6% CNBC
1.5% CBS
3.3% ABC

81% Rep trust FOX
30.3% Dems trust MSNBC
26.2% Dems trust CNN

Most trusted news personality:
12.5% Rush Limbaugh

10.1% Bill O'Reilly
10.3% None listed
8.5% Brokaw
8% Hannity
6.9% Olbermann
6.6% Williams
6.3% Maddow

Least trusted:
0.6% Elisabeth Hasselbeck
(How is she considered a news source?)
1.6% Colbert
1.9% Matthews
2.1% Stephanopoulos

Most trusted news personality:
­14.2% Dem Keith Olbermann
29.2% Rep Rush Limbaugh

Don't think media giving a true representation of Iraq
73% overall
90% Rep
55.6% Dem

So 73% believe there is media bias in general, 75% thought media bias influenced the outcome of the presidential election and 93% thought barry got more coverage.

Sure doesn't get a lot clearer than that or folks who need stats to point out the obvious.

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