Saturday, December 27, 2008

Quote of the day: "Are you black enough to be part of all this?"

December 26, 2008

Morning Joe

Mika is introducing folks and Joe cut in and said John Ridley is here.

JOE: Sometimes he's got a beard - sometimes he doesn't have a beard.

MIKA: He always looks good, Joe.

Ridley smiling.

MIKA: He's always dressed nicely. And he's groomed. You outta take a lesson from him.

JOE: Why don't you just call him articulate. We're going into a territory, John Ridley, that we don't want to go...Mrs Biden.

RIDLEY: Storybook, man. We're looking back on the year - it's ok to bring that back up again.

Mika was referring to Joe's scruffiness and lack of grooming and manners and Joe morphed it into the Biden comments on Obama being clean and bright and articulate.

RIDLEY: Starting in 2009 that might be the question everyone asks: Are you black enough to be part of all this?

Note that Ridley was not a barry fan at the beginning.


JOE: What do you think we'll be talking about this time next year?

RIDLEY: What a fantastic job Barack Obama has done.

RIDLEY: You have Geraldine Ferraro saying he's just a lucky black man.

JOE: Can you admit one thing? Because Geraldine Ferraro was compared to David Duke for saying that in some ways his race helped him. A lot of people think race helped him...

RIDLEY: But you can also--you look at all the people who were at these rallies saying 'Kill Him'. I mean people yelling 'Kill him, he's a terrorist'.

JOE: Aw, c'mon, John

RIDLEY: Joe, what a second. Did that not happen, Joseph Scarborough?

JOE: Kill him?

RIDLEY: Joe, it happened.

No it absolutely did not.

And how did anything those folks might have said mattered? They were never going to vote for barry.

JOE: I guarantee you Barack Obama had no more people yelling kill him at a rally as I do every time I walk through a democratic rally. Shouting at me. Come on. That's such a cop out.

RIDLEY: Joe, it happened. Joseph.

No it absolutely did not.

Back and forth.

RIDLEY: Listen, just because George Bush got a shoe thrown at him at the end of the year - that means nothing, Joe Scarborough. For many of us race did not take a vacation turning this.

He's comparing an assault on the POTUS by an Arab in Iraq with comments that never happened. How would he feel if it was barry having shoes thrown at him? Would it mean absolutely nothing?

And what are the chances barry would have stayed hidden behind the podium? The Secret Service would have hauled him away...willingly.

HEILEMAN: There was no question it was a plus in driving African American turnout. That was a big deal in a number of states that Obama won that he would never have won without that happening. Places like North Carolina.

Black enough to be part of it?

Black voter turnout increased 2%. That is all. 2% and it went up 1% from 2000-2004. Eight million eligible black voters did not bother to register to vote for the first black POTUS. The black vote did not win barry the presidency. Helped in the primary with the race-baiting but that's it.

RIDLEY: I think Barack Obama will be the most American president we have ever had. From Hawaii, biracial, made himself in Chicago. Went back and became a community organizer and really ran for the people. He's the most American president.

Do they even hear themselves?

Parts of the US are not more patriotic than others?

Really ran for the people?

The most American president we have had is the most ridiculously arrogant comment of this election to the black enough to be part of this.

What has he actually DONE? Absolutely nothing. And why are people expecting this will all of a sudden change?

When is he going to figure out that no one "makes" themselves in Chicago - they pay to get where they are and so did barry. It will eventually come out when Rezko starts talking and connects the dots between blago and barry because they're there.

And Ridley still thinks the "kill him" actually happened. It didn't. It was disproven by the Secret Service as "that's him" and the case in Pennsylvania was made up by the reporter. The Secret Service and other law enforcement had a large presence because of the previous comment and they were surprised to read about it in the paper the next day. And what happened to the reporter? His editor stood behind him. The paper endorsed barry.

It is absolutely reprehensible that barry has not yet set The American People correct. His false hearsay comments were made in the last debate. The last words from both candidates and barry accuses McCain/Palin of inciting crowds to yell death threats.

OBAMA: In which all the public reports indicated were shouting when my name came up things like: 'terrorist' and 'kill him'. and that your running mate didn't mention, didn't stop, didn't say 'Hold on a second, that's kind of out of line'.

"In which all the public reports" is irresponsible and as a lawyer he knows all about hearsay. It is very hard to yell hold on a second to something that was never heard because it was never said. The terrorist comments were directed at Ayers. And how many votes did that win barry?

You want the measure of the Man of Integrity and Transcender of Race and the Great Uniter?

Each of his opponents (plus Mr Bill) left the race racists when none of them started that way. He never spoke out against Rep Lewis' horrifying statements about Sen McCain. And he never apologized to Sen McCain or Gov Palin for lying on national TV to pander for votes.

I have a draft put together somewhere with all the evil things said about Senator Clinton during the campaign that barry never once stood up and objected to. I'll have to post it. Here's something Micheal Graham said about Sen Clinton in 2003:

Anyone listening to Hillary Rodham in her speech last week about patriotism, that screaming, screeching fingernail, I wanted to bludgeon her with a tire iron.

And the outrage?

It's called The Double Standard.

That is the race issue that is still not being discussed and I don't see barry giving a politically speech about it.

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