Monday, December 8, 2008

UPDATE 1: Sarah Obama claims she was present for barry's birth

December 8, 2008

For what it's worth - here's the video transcript of the phone call where barry's grandmother says she was present for his birth. I don't think there's a chance in hell he was born in Kenya but he may very well have surrendered his citizenship in Indonesia. Whatever the story he has shown himself not to be a man of honor or integrity - he is a coward who hides behind people and waits for others to make things go away. Why he kept Axelrod and attack dog Emanuel.

video courtesy of hollywood7.
Here's a video that was submitted as evidence. The background of the story lasts till (4:30) and then the phone call starts so you can switch to the top video with the written transcription. Has anyone done cognitive functioning on her to see if she is suffering from dementia or delusions?

Video courtesy of Biggone5555J.

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