Saturday, January 31, 2009

What is really going on with those octuplets?

January 30, 2009

What the mother did in California was criminal.


She knowingly allowed implantation of 8 embryos in a womb that had already produced six children ages 7, 6, 5, 3 and 2 y/o twins. Think about that alone. What mother can handle six children six years apart with at least two - maybe three - in diapers and unable to dress or bathe themselves and all six unable to care for themselves?

What grandmother allows her daughter to have fertility treatment when she already has 6 grandchildren living with her?

Did the mother lie to the fertility doctor about having other children? Or did he knowingly go along with it? I say he because I do not believe - nor do I want to believe - that a woman would willingly do that. If it was a woman - a mother - than she deserves a special place in prison.

It was wrong. And selfish. And immoral. And unethical. And against the laws of nature.

It is child abuse.

She has willingly deprived her already born children of a childhood. Children who had no say. Each one of them will be mothers to those children - if in fact they all stay together.

And if it isn't already - it should be illegal.

And if the doctor hasn't already lost his license - he should - and then he should be sent to prison.

This was not the first time the doctor has done this but it must be his last.

If it happened in another country - something has to be done to investigate it.

Having IVF -- I would bet that at least her twins are a product of it also -- when one already has six children is criminal. Criminal in ways I cannot begin to express.

The grandmother is the guiltiest party of all. Those six children were living with her. Her daughter was living with her. She is responsible for them if only in her domicile. A rational person, a mature woman, a loving mother, and a concerned grandmother would never have allowed such insanity. And as the provider of their shelter, she had a right and most certainly a duty to provide for all of them - most importantly the well-being of the grandchildren already alive.

Allowing the implantation of 8 more lives in her daughter's womb violated the laws of nature and it should be a violation of civil law.

This leads me to the conclusion that the grandmother was a willing party to it.

And that leads me to believe that something much more is going on here.

Is there a religious or ethnic component? A cult? Illegal adoption? Baby selling? Child sex slavery?

It smells rank and is reminiscent of the Germans forcing the women to get pregnant to ensure the perpetuation of the Master Race.

Are they doing this is in the Arab world to replenish the number of human detonators?

Who has been funding this despicable act?

Something is very wrong here.

This is no random act. And it was clearly not an act of God.

And it is not the first time.

What are the chances all six were derived from fertility treatments?

She had those other six children somewhere and from the twins I would guess she has had fertility treatment assisted pregnancies. She had a gynecologist and an obstetrician who had to have known at least some part of her history. She had a fertility doctor. Yes. Fertility - not infertility. There is nothing infertile about her. She was trying to have the max amount of babies in the least amount of time possible. Superfertile.


If she was mentally ill that would have had to have been diagnosed somewhere along the way. Is there a pathological condition associated with any of this?

Does an actual biological father as in flesh and blood exist? Or was it all donor sperm?

Has she ever been married? Are their different fathers to the children?

How many different hospitals has she given birth at? They said she just "showed up" pregnant. Someone receiving IVF doesn't just "show up" somewhere. She goes to where her doctor is on staff or is affiliated with.

Where else has she lived? Does she have a legal residence? Are the children in school?

There is a reason she is not allowing her name to be used. Somebody knows something. The children's pediatrician. The schools. The neighbors. The medical staff. The billing office. Social Services. The police.

And the fertility doctor has done this before and probably has been doing it for awhile. He needs to be stopped immediately.

Where are the pack of barry investigators who infiltrated Wasilla?

Do any of the KOS people live in Pasadena?

Something very wrong and most assuredly illicit is going on.

The question is what?

(1-30) Octuplets: Ethics of fertility treatment?
(1-30) Octuplets: What is really going on?
(2-9) Octuplets: Should not go home with that woman
(2-9) Octuplets: Octuplets: already filthy house unfit for children (pix)
(2-23) Octuplets: Mother vs grandmother caught on tape
(2-24) Octuplets: Cosmetic surgery, IVF, food stamps, disability, bankruptcy & foreclosure
(2-24) Octuplets: Mother before/after plastic surgery & Angelina Jolie (pix)
(2-25) Octuplets: Grandfather on Oprah daughter “not mentally complete”
(2-25) Octuplets: Hospital questioning her ability to care for children
(2-26) Octuplets: Video of inside the home
(2-26) Octuplets: Body language mother vs grandmother video (Part 1)
(2-26) Octuplets: Body language mother vs grandmother video (Part 2)
(2-27) Octuplets: Man claiming to be sperm donor
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother on The Early Show (Part 1)
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother on The Early Show (Part 2)
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother on The Early Show (Part 3)
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother’s first interview (Feb 9th)

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