Friday, September 26, 2008

Olbermann X-rated

Check out All sorts of fun and games. Here's a hard hitting Herr Olbermann interview from June 2005. A salivating lapdog when he's faced with some serious cleavage. Wonder what John Hardwood thinks of that cleavage. He spent enough time talking about HRC's cleavage. These men are pathetic little beasts aren't they?

And here's Mary Caray telling Neil Cavuto Olbermann asked her for a date...yes, she has standards. She said no. Says it all. This guy just turns pink. He can't say anything. May 2007.


barrypropaganda said...

Where do you find this shit? It's hysterical. I'll have to check out that olbermannwatch. Thanks for the chuckle.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for this girl. She was messed up bad as a kid. I saw her on Celebrity Rehab and she was really ashamed of having to do porn. And no matter what she does those films will be out there forever. Very sad I think.

Anonymous said...

it takes a pair of big old titties to get oberman to shut the hell up. has anyone investigated him?