Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sexist quote of the day: "She has tits!"

September 18, 2008
FOX and Friends
Carol Baum, Bloomberg News Columnist, author of "Just what I said," and recent article: "Output Without Income Is Like a `Virgin Birth'"

What I don't understand is, if you are a Democrat, are you a Democrat first, or for example, a woman first that sees a breakthrough? I mean, there's no, there's a huge breakthrough here regardless of your party.
"If you're asking me, I think the idea that she would appeal to Hillary voters - the pro-choice vs not seems to be a bigger issue than, ya know, she has TITS! (Cups her hands like mams) versus, ya know, she has another body part that men have."
Said with a straight face. And then they all laugh nervously.

GRETCHEN CARLSON: "Did you just say, did you just say- Alright, I-?"

BAUM laughs. "Am I allowed to say that ON AIR?"

More laughing.

KILMEADE: "I'm walking out." He stands up raises his hand, smiling, like I'm not touching this one and leaves the set.

Then a staff member walks across the camera with his arms out, shrugging and shaking his head like cut it. (Or he knew he'd make it on to You Tube.)

CARLSON: "Then walk out. Brian has to leave on that comment. But I got the point Caroline. I definitely got the point."

How crazy are these Democrats? Every day it's another wacko - now even mam owners. The old cougars are on the attack against the barracuda bulldog with lipstick. How hard do you think "Hillary" is laughing?


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