Sunday, December 7, 2008

UPDATE 2: Rendell's new defense (#111 & 115)

December 7, 2008
CNN Late Edition

Rendell, like barry and the lipstick, doesn't know when to just say: Ok, I meant what I said, how I said it, and I lied trying to cover it up - done. He was talking with Wolf Blitzer about his (12-2) open mic comment that Gov Napolitano, who is unmarried at present, was perfect for the Homeland Security job because she had no family and thus no life. (12-3) he used Template #102. (12-4) #120 and today a combo #111 & #115. All he needed was a full mea culpa (#121) and move on.
RENDELL: What I said about Janet is true. I think she's the gold standard for governors. She works hard, she's dedicated, she's focused. Campbell Brown, who I love, as a person and respect as anewsperson, couldn't have been more wrong. She said that it was somehow sexist or a comment on single women. Let me tell you—If Janet Napolitano was Jim Napolitano and had no family, I would have said the exact same thing.
Fine, if that were true, then why the evolving statements of guilt? That should have been his immediate no further questions needed statement followed by a public apology directly to GovNapolitano - not the nebulous "if...anybody out there". He learned something - he used Alma's first and last name and he said "newsperson". Haha. Endless entertainment.
RENDELL: Wolf, we've gotten really far off field in the way we cover news if that statement which is absolutely 100 percent true is construed as something. I would have said it about man or woman in similar position. It was meant to comment on how tough the job is and how great a choice Janet is.
Fine, then why didn't he just say that. What he said he said in a good ol' boy way. What do these men's wives and daughter say to them? And what do people say to these men's wives and daughters?

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