Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bernard: "Like watching the 3 faces of Eve or Sybil."

February 26, 2008
Hardball Michelle Bernard (44)

MATTHEWS: In last five days Sen Clinton expressed herself in a number of ways. Last Thursday in the CNN debate she spoke of what an honor it was to debate BO. It was a very touching moment. Two days later she said he ought to be ashamed of himself for the kind of literature he's putting out in Ohio. And then on Sunday she talked about, with ridicule, the way he talked about the celestial choirs of angels, basically, singing a new era of American kumbaya whatever. Which face can she present tonight credibly after those so many different version?

BERNARD: Hey, this is like watching the three faces of Eve or Sybil. I don't know what we're gonna see next. It has been - her messages changes every single week. I just have to personally say, I've got Clinton fatigued. Big time. I don't know which face she's gonna put on tonight. I'm assuming she's gonna come out attacking him. After the diatribe over the weekend, I literally thought to myself, who is advising because who in their right mind is going to vote for someone who likes like they're having a huge meltdown on national television?

Let's see...March 4th primaries
Rhode Island: Clinton 108,949 (+33,633) 18 point victory
OHIO: 1,259,620 (+203,851) 8.7 point victory
Texas: 1,462,734 (+100,258) 3.5 point victory
Total votes = 2,832,303.

337,742 more votes than barry.

Sybil did pretty good didn't she? And she kept your boy barry scrambling for another three months...cackle and all. She got 1/6th of her total vote count in one day. Folks must not have been to freaked...or maybe they were just bitter racists voting against barry or shifty republicans. One final thought: You suck.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Quote of the day: "...the celestial choirs will be singing"

February 24, 2008

Senator Clinton on the stump in Rhode Island mocking barry's own pronouncement on 1-7-08 that: a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany ... and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for barack!"

He was totally serious.

video courtesy of dominoid73

SEN CLINTON: The sky will open, the light will come down, celestial choirs will be singing and everyone will know that we should do the right thing and the world will be perfect!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

"For the first time I'm proud of my country"

February 20, 2008
There is no way this can be taken as anything other than what it sounds like. Spin it however you like. Her follow-up comments don't make it any better.

Mrs Obama: "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country."

Texas Debate: The Surge

February 21, 2008
Texas Dem Debate
Did the Surge work?

ALMA BROWN: You were opposed to the surge in the beginning, were you wrong?

OBAMA: Well, I think it is indisputable that we've seen violence reduced in Iraq. And that's a credit to our brave men and women in uniform. But this is a tactical victory imposed upon a huge strategic blunder.

And I think that, when we're having a debate with John McCain, it is going to be much easier for the candidate who was opposed to the concept of invading Iraq in the first place to have a debate about the wisdom of that decision than having to argue about the tactics subsequent to the decision.

Obama never answers though he'll be happy to debate McCain.

ACORN PAC endorses Obama

February 21, 2008
ACORN PAC - "ACORN Votes" endorses Obama

What a shocker. Why wouldn't they when Obama has been working with them since the 90's? ACORN Votes are ACORN members under a different name basically - maybe even literally.

ACORN’s Political Action Committee, ACORN Votes, announced Feb. 21 that it had endorsed Sen. Barack Obama for President. ACORN PAC’s representatives went through an extensive process of interviewing each of the major Democratic candidates. ACORN is a national anti-poverty organization which has hundreds of thousands of members in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods in 104 cities.

ACORN Votes moderator, Maude Hurd. "ACORN’s members have deep appreciation and respect for Senators Clinton and Edwards and their work on behalf of our communities. What it came down to was that Senator Obama is the candidate who best understands and can effect change on the issues ACORN cares about like stopping foreclosures, enacting fair and comprehensive immigration reform, and building stronger and safer communities across America."

Alicia Russell of Arizona, western representative for ACORN Vote, “I think he will commit himself to providing us the necessary path for the low-income and moderate-income families to improve their lives. He’s on the same level as we are, and sees our issues as we do.”

He's on the same level as we are = racial code words. Obama as a multimillionaire living in a $1.65M mansion and running for president with his own Air Force 1 is not on anyone's level - certainly not anyone at ACORN. Simple identity politics and payback for the years he worked with them.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Professor Pat: 2007 Sportscaster of the Year

Professor Pat wins 2007 Illinois Sportscaster of the Year!!!
It's the Prof's 13th season and his 7th Sportscaster of the Year

1990, 1991 and 1992 in Wisconsin
1996, 1999, and 2006 in Illinois

Check out Pat's website!

Endorsement: I can't name any specifics

February 19, 2008
Night of Wisconsin Primary
Obama 58-41
Before Matthews was completely obamerized. He went after Democratic state, Senator Kirk Watson, TX a strong obama supporter but like the others - knew not a thing about him. Barry hadn't made up the next chapter Pro-Obama MSM bias exists - this is one more clear evidence of it. Rep Stephanie Tubbs-Jones is dearly missed. She was so full of life. Enjoy her smile.

Matthews: "You are a big Barack supporter, right, Senator?"

State Sen. Watson: "I am. Yes, I am."

Matthews: "Well, name some of his legislative accomplishments. No, Senator, I want you to name some of Barack Obama's legislative accomplishments tonight if you can."

State Sen. Watson: "Well, you know, what I will talk about is more about what he is offering the American people right now."

Matthews: "No. No. What has he accomplished, sir? You say you support him. Sir, you have to give me his accomplishments. You've supported him for president. You are on national television. Name his legislative accomplishments, Barack Obama, sir."

State Sen. Watson: "Well, I'm not going to be able to name you specific items of legislative accomplishments."

Matthews: "Can you name any? Can you name anything he's accomplished as a Congressman?"

State Sen. Watson: "No, I'm not going to be able to do that tonight."

Matthews: "Well, that is a problem isn't it?"

No, Chris, it isn't. It hasn't been for you or anyone else. I have the original form letter endorsement the campaign sends out: Change! Hope! and No old Washington! coming from a man who grew up in the most corrupt politics in the US. It's not on his website anymore. How dense to they think people are? I saw the standard next day mea culpa somehwere but they're all the same too.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Susan Rice lies about Senator Clinton Iraq plans

Getting out of Iraq

1 Redeploying our troops home, responsibly and carefully.
2 Get out of Iraq smarter than we got in. More pressure on Iraqi government withholding aid if they don't stabilize themselves. Put tremendous effort for them to do the political work.
3 Intensive diplomatic effort regionally and internationally.

There is no military solution.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Disgusting quote of the day: "Think what they could get for Hillary Clinton's cunt!"

February 15, 2008
Just watch

Courtesy of hboinsider0926
MAHER: "Think how much they could get for Hillary Clinton's cunt."

Sexist quote of the day: "Periodically, when she's feeling down."

February 15, 2008

I don't think there is enough room to include all of his sexist belittling remarks. I am so tired of hearing his whining and talking about the "American people" that he hasn't deigned to speak with, but when he loses it'll be because they're all racists. This guy is beyond a fraud.

OBAMA: I understand that, ya know, Sen Clinton, uh, periodically when she's felling, uh, down, uh, launches attacks, uh, as-as-as a way of-of, ya know, trying to boost her, uh, boost her appeal. But I think, ya know, these-these kinds of gamesmanship, uh, is not what the American people are looking for."

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Disgusting quote of the day: "I was asked to do a monologue called 'Cunt'"

February 14, 2008
Today Show

Video courtesy of abelonsky
FONDA: I was asked to do a monologue called "Cunt".

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Donna Brazile: "I get two votes."

February 9, 2008
CNN - Discussion of superdelegates

BRAZILE: (2:35)"796 superdelegates. I was appointed in 1998 by Bill Clinton and Al Gore and Dick Gephardt, and yes, our role is to help build the party, not to decide elections. I get two votes. I get a vote on Tuesday here in the Democratic primary in the District of Columbia. That vote is mine. But as a superdelegate, I believe that vote belongs to the American people...And Therefore I will withhold committing to any candidate until the voters decide..."

And how neutral was she? What a joke. She may not have officially committed but it was clear who she endorsed. Whatever integrity she once may have had is completely zip. Her attitude with Begala about white blue collar workers was insane. Just how many hardworking, blue collar or whatever else you want to say were Clinton's demographic? How many black voters at all were going her way?

TIME's MARK HALPERIN: "The superdelegates exist. And Donna and the others can say this is unfortunate, this shouldn't decide it. I think two things are true: All this will be fine if the superdelegates take their responsibility seriously - if they pick the person who would be the best president, rather than whose the stronger arm twister when the people are trying to get their votes from the obama/clinton camps. The other thing is, what's dangerous for the democratic party, if this is decided by the superdelegates...the loser is going to have to deal with the implications of that. And if the loser wants to take up the battle cry that this is undemocratic, the democrat party is going to have a hideous convention in Denver."

HOWARD DEAN: I think we will have a nominee sometime in middle of March or April -- but if we don't, uhm, then we will have to, were gonna have to, uh, have, make some kind of, get the candidates get together and raise some kind of arrangement. Because I don't think we can afford to have a brokered convention. That would not be good news for either party. (or his boy barry...)

FOREMAN: Chairman saying superdelegates are a bad idea, essentially, because if they really make the decision, they shouldn't be making the decision. So why don't you get rid of them?

BRAZILE: We should not get rid of the superdelegates. [because barry can't win otherwise.] We should wait till voters in Nebraska, Louisiana, Washington State,
West Virginia, North Carolina, Texas and Ohio. We should wait until they vote. Let's listen to the voters in Pennsylvania - give them an opportunity to speak and at the end of the day, after all of the voters have spoken, if we don't have a clear nominee, then the superdelegates should throw their weight around...

TOM FOREMAN: How can you possibly not have a clear nominee? In the end somebody gets more votes than somebody else. End of story. (haha) All the superdelegates get on board with the more popular one. Why not?

BRAZILE: ...Why should we shut down a debate right now because of some fear of a brokered convention? This process will work it's way out. At the end of the day we will have a clear nominee sometime in May.

FOREMAN: Democrats screaming about what happened to Al Gore because of the electoral college and the courts I don't see how the party's possibly going to say to their followers across the country, now we've picked a candidate who didn't win the popular vote?

HALPERIN: Discusses vote vs delegates..."For this cycle, I think they all should just focus on a simple thing: Who they think the best president will be. If they do that, they can all have a clear conscience and the candidate can feel good about it and not think it's based on BACK ROOM DEALS."

FOREMAN: What do you think happens if it goes down to the superdelegates and HC & BO are essentially tied?...You don't tug on Donna Brazile's cape....Comes to a coin flip and they become a ticket." (7:40)

Brazile's face shows no way the DNC & SD are going t allow that.

FOREMAN: "You have suggested that you will quit if you have to pick the winner."

BRAZILE: I believe that if this process is prematurely shut down because we want to rush to get a nominee because we want to take on John McCain -- meaning we will not hear the voters in the upcoming primaries and caucuses, I will vacate my position on the DNC....But I will not support a party that shut the vote down. On that note, we'll have to do something about the vote in Florida and Michigan - those two states did not comply with the rules, but we should find a way to ensure that the voters in those two states have a voice in this process.

(September update: Now it's ok to call this demographic white working class...walmart, hockey moms and barry still doesn't have them. But Begala and Clinton are racists. Shows how little integrity she and the rest of the obama camp have and how they used the race card to win. Undeniable proof everywhere, especially when they tried to use the race card against McCain. (Dollar bills) And Halperin? SHRC took the high route that not a single obamabot would have taken. The country would have rioted. But SHRC?

And look at Brazile's words about not shutting the process down and FL & MI having a vote. Did she stay true? Absolutely not. And Halerpins's back room deal happened just as he said and Barry got votes from a state he was not on the ballot. COMPLETE AND UTTER FRAUD but in the favor of a black man and against THAT WOMAN so it's perfectly reasonable.

OFUMedia provide video
"Donna Brazile has been bought and paid for by the Clintons. "Shows just how out of touch bots were and still are. Brazile was in the bag for barry since the beginning.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Obama endorsement: The Nation

February 7, 2008
The Nation endorses Obama: "Obama's Promise"
Interesting logic based on non-facts, as usual. Emphasis added.
Hayes argued in our cover story last week, Obama has also exhibited a more humane and wise approach to foreign policy, opposing the Iraq War while Clinton voted for it, and has been a reliable progressive ally over the course of his career. While his rhetoric about "unity" can be troubling, it also embodies a savvy strategy to redefine the center of American politics and build a coalition by reaching out to independent and Republican voters disgruntled and disgusted with what the Bush era has wrought. Most important, we feel his candidacy, in its demonstrated investment in organizing and grassroots activism as well as his personal appeal, represents the best chance to forge a new progressive majority. For these reasons we support Obama for President.
So why are the endorsing him?
1 - Opposed the war. Fairy tale. He had no say on Iraq, said he didn't know how he would have voted, did not act on his words and continues to changes his stance.
2 - Potential for bipartisanship when he has no history of doing so.
3 - Personality and race.

Concern: rhetoric of change = no substance
Conclusion endorsement based on a myth. Period. Points for not trashing Sen Clinton.

Gaffe of the day: Hillary has experience from day 1"

February 2, 2008
University of Texas Debate

Why Barry wants to be president: "I'm running for president because I want to help America be as good as its promise." And he has no idea how - nor does he ever say. That's what a cerebral person says.

Barry: And part of the argument that I'm making in this campaign is that it is important to be right on day 1 - because I'm not going to be right on every single issue. The reason this is important, again, is that Senator Clinton, I think, fairly, has claimed that she's got experience on day 1.

SHRC: Well, I have to agree with everything Barack just said!

Laughter, applause and Barry's nose going up in his typical Messiah-like fashion. Pow to the kisser!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Oprah & Caroline Kennedy stump for Obama

February 4, 2008

Oprah disses her white audience because someone asked her in Iowa, "How could you?"
Oprah: "She was surprised by that comment and insulted....I am not a traitor."

"We are free to be led by our hearts. We are free from the prescriptions of gender and race."

Affected voice: "Trouble with your mens."

(Mind you, this was before her audience had begun to boycott her show and her ratings. And when that happened she suddenly disappeared from the scene. Integrity.)

She quotes Tony Bill is the first black president Morrison saying that Barry has "creative imagination". True. But does he know how to use it in reality? Here's her full letter of endorsement.