The standard 'I got caught but now I didn't mean it' statements where I don't apologize for anything and Hillary bashing goes unpunished.
May 29, 2008
regret the words I chose [not the message behind them] on Sunday. These words are
inconsistent with Senator Obama's life and message, [then why didn't
barry say so?] and I am deeply sorry
if they offended Senator Clinton or anyone else who saw them.
IF does not equal an apology.
OBAMA: As I have traveled this country, I've been impressed not by what divides us, but by all that that unites us. That is why I am deeply disappointed in Father
Pfleger's divisive, backward-looking rhetoric, which
doesn't reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together in common cause.
obamanating. Where in there is a personal disavowal or disgust? Nobody cares. Remember the I could no more reject Wright as I could my typical white person grandmother? "I have already condemned, in unequivocal terms, the
statements of Reverend Wright that have caused such controversy and, in some cases, pain."
Only the statements wright got caught saying. Not wright's
afrocentric black liberation that he spouted from the pulpit at
barry's church. Not the man himself. Not the judgment he made to pick that pastor and that church. Not the judgment that it took him so long to cut wright loose from an official campaign appointment. N0t the judgment that he chose to lie about.
(3-14-08) "
Once I saw them I had to be very clear about the fact that these are not statements that I am comfortable with. I reject them completely -- they are not ones that reflect my values or my ideals or Michelle's."Philly speech (3-18-2008): Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in the church? Yes.
Previous statement by Barry on March 13th (a day before Obama had to dismiss him from his official campaign position): "I don't think that, uh, my church is actually particularly controversial." And previously he said "Rev Wright is like an old uncle who says things I don't agree with."
Philly speech:
Not once in my conversations with him [
Obamanating =
have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms, or treat whites with whom he interacted with anything but courtesy and respect.Where is cringing in response to wright's statements that he says he knew about - the ones he said he wouldn't go back because of ? It took three attempts to finally get rid of Wright - which he never repudiated until the Press Club performance where Wright said all the same things and more. what kind of judgment was it to let him speak? This episode with
Pfleger happened after he "distanced" himself from wright.
Pfleger was there at the press
clube. he saw what happened to wright and ranted from the pulpit anyway. and did
barry cringe? Nope. He
obamanated like he did with
US Senator from Illinois and longtime friend and staunch supporter of
barry, DICK
DURBIN: "Mike is a friend and he
went overboard." No admission that it was wrong. No repudiation. Just that he took it a little too far and it happened to reach the
WOLFSON: Divisive and hateful language like that is totally counterproductive in our efforts to bring our party together and have no place at the pulpit or in our politics. We are disappointed that Senator Obama didn't specifically reject Father's Pfleger's despicable comments about Senator Clinton, and assume he will do so."
Did he? Nope. Did the
MSM push him? No. Did the
barry surrogate Hillary bashing go unpunished again? Yep. Just like it did with 'Hillary ain't never been called no nigger." Said after
barry appointed him to official campaign position and yet it took till 3-14 to get rid of him.
barry is a fraud. I am going on record again. He is a fraud and I am not fooled by him. I can't stop him but I haven't been sucked under or drank the
Kool-Aid of white guilt and black silence. Whatever happens is on the head of the
DNC, the pro-
obama MSM,
obama supporters and the