Monday, September 15, 2008

Poll: Clinton supporters not backing Obama

September 5-15
Yahoo poll

Find BO likeable:
Dems overall 76%
Clinton supporters 65%
Not backing Obama 31%

Find BO inspiring
Dems overall 74%
Clinton supporters 62%
Not backing Obama 30%

Think more highly of John McCain
Dems 33%
Clinton supporters 42%
Not backing Obama 71%

McCain would do a better job than Obama on terrorism
Clinton 32-25%
Dems 22-38%

Third Bush term?
Dems 80%
Clinton 69%
Not backing Obama 35%

What NEWSWEEK conveniently leaves out is the % of Clinton supporters who are still not backing Obama.

I just listened to a guy on Morning Joe ask Sen Clinton why her voters aren't going barry's way - like it's her job. When are they going to get this? It highlights that the potential POTUS cannot get his own votes and has to rely on a woman to get them for him. Ironic.

1 comment:

imposter said...

why doesnt he ask bo?