Monday, September 15, 2008

Gaffe of the day: "Bucket of fluff"

September 15, 2008
Flat Rock, Michigan

Barbara Theaker, as Biden stands beside her:
Barack Obama has made an intelligent choice for the vice-presidency. How so very different this is from that bucket of fluff that the Republican candidates have chosen for the same position.
Biden tries to exit stage right, putting his head down and then laughing.
“I’ll tell you what, you are good. My lord, all I need is ten of you in America and this is a walk home.

Then Biden is the Biden we know and love brings up elitism in reference to those GOPers:
"All this stuff about how different Barack Obama is, they're not just used to somebody really smart. They're just not used to somebody who's really well educated. They just don't know quite how to handle it. Cause if he's as smart as Barack is he mustn't be from my neighborhood."

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