October 31, 2008
Tubbs Radio Show
barry 250K, barry 200K, Biden 150K, Richardson 120K all in a week. Good thing there's only three days left. It's dawning on them that every single one of their promises are memorialized on video. I can't blame them because who really knows what barry's gonna do? He's never DONE anything and what he says he will do has an expiration date.
Video courtesy of OTR8002
Friday, October 31, 2008
barry's top 5 issues + flip flops
October 31, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
Wolf Blitzer talked with barry about his top five issues for 2009. CNN's ED HORNICK: (emphasis added)
Colin Powell, the original enthusiast of Iraq, has endorsed barry at the eleventh hour. Why? Anyone know where barry stands on Iraq right this moment? What about Afghanistan -- the reason he "spoke" out against Iraq. Speaking - which did not translate into any type of action - even after he had a vote. How many obamerites, including the pro-obama media, still believe barry had a say? How many obamerites are so well-informed that they know he did nothing to back up his "speech"? How many obamerites know how barry stands on anything? Has there been one thing he has been consistent on his whole political career other than political expedience? Name one thing he has put his neck out for? One thing.
Iraq - no.
Iran - no.
Coal - no.
FISA - no.
Taxes - no.
NAFTA - no.
Pakistan - no.
Abortion - no.
Palestine - no.
The Surge - no.
Diplomacy - no.
Rev Wright - no
Gun control - no.
North Korea - no.
Immigration - no.
World Series - no.
Gay marriage - no.
Death penalty - no.
Cuba embargo - no.
Nuclear energy - no.
Welfare reform - no.
Public financing - no.
School vouchers - no.
Special interests - no.
Offshore drilling - no.
Faith based programs - no.
Decriminalization of marijuana - no.
Sitting down with "rogue leaders" - no
Diversion of federal small business contracts to corporate giants - no.
Campaign ethics reform - no - it will be born out when the illegal foreign donations, PAC money, voter registration fraud, and voter fraud come to light.
And what about jobs and specifics about foreclosures? What did he actually DO about the bailout except let McCain be "erratic"? "Temperament" = obamanation = inaction = indecisiveness = no clue what he will DO as president because he has never DONE anything. What are the specifics about anything? Classic obamanating "may be". Does anyone know his stand on immigration lately? Has the pro-obama media pressed him on it? Has he ever gone on Lou Dobbs, the last bastion of journalistic integrity?
Des Moines, Iowa
Wolf Blitzer talked with barry about his top five issues for 2009. CNN's ED HORNICK: (emphasis added)
He was asked to name his top priority from a list of issues, including taxes, health care, education, energy policy and immigration.Anyone see what's missing? Something that McCains has an edge over? Something Biden has already made a decision on? Something that dictated barry's VP pick? National security. War on terror and the craziness of Iranian Hitler, Kim Jung-il and Putin? Did he simply forget? Or did he leave it out so as not to have to defend Biden's mark my words? barry's fairy tale on Iraq - yes fairy tale - got him the nomination and what has happened since? His "superior judgment" has continued to change with the polls. One cannot claim judgment--superior or otherwise--if one has never acted and been held accountable for ones decision. In fact, his continued use of his Iraq fairy tale reflects extremely poor judgment. "Refining his position" = obamanation. Or as the pro-obama media refers to it: steady, calm, cool temperament...aloof, elite, disdainful of the unwashed nonobamerized masses, egomaniacal shell of a man is more like it.
1 - "It may be continuing to stabilize the financial system. So that's priority number one — making sure the plumbing works."
2 - Energy independence.
3 - Healthcare reform.
4 - "Making sure we have tax cuts for the middle class as part of a broader tax reform effort." Later: "The tax cut that I talked about may be part of my priority number one because I think that's going to be part of stabilizing the economy as a whole. I think we're going to need a second stimulus. Part of my commitment is to make sure that the stimulus includes a tax cut for 95 percent of working Americans. It may be the first bill I introduce."
5 - Reforming the education system.
Colin Powell, the original enthusiast of Iraq, has endorsed barry at the eleventh hour. Why? Anyone know where barry stands on Iraq right this moment? What about Afghanistan -- the reason he "spoke" out against Iraq. Speaking - which did not translate into any type of action - even after he had a vote. How many obamerites, including the pro-obama media, still believe barry had a say? How many obamerites are so well-informed that they know he did nothing to back up his "speech"? How many obamerites know how barry stands on anything? Has there been one thing he has been consistent on his whole political career other than political expedience? Name one thing he has put his neck out for? One thing.
Iraq - no.
Iran - no.
Coal - no.
FISA - no.
Taxes - no.
NAFTA - no.
Pakistan - no.
Abortion - no.
Palestine - no.
The Surge - no.
Diplomacy - no.
Rev Wright - no
Gun control - no.
North Korea - no.
Immigration - no.
World Series - no.
Gay marriage - no.
Death penalty - no.
Cuba embargo - no.
Nuclear energy - no.
Welfare reform - no.
Public financing - no.
School vouchers - no.
Special interests - no.
Offshore drilling - no.
Faith based programs - no.
Decriminalization of marijuana - no.
Sitting down with "rogue leaders" - no
Diversion of federal small business contracts to corporate giants - no.
Campaign ethics reform - no - it will be born out when the illegal foreign donations, PAC money, voter registration fraud, and voter fraud come to light.
And what about jobs and specifics about foreclosures? What did he actually DO about the bailout except let McCain be "erratic"? "Temperament" = obamanation = inaction = indecisiveness = no clue what he will DO as president because he has never DONE anything. What are the specifics about anything? Classic obamanating "may be". Does anyone know his stand on immigration lately? Has the pro-obama media pressed him on it? Has he ever gone on Lou Dobbs, the last bastion of journalistic integrity?
Curiosity of the day
An interesting taste twist to condoms: coffee. Gives a new meaning to rise and shine and good to the last drop. According to Mental Floss' MEGHAN HOLOHAN (via CNN), Ethiopians don't use condoms because they can't stand the smell of latex, so DKT International (family planning and HIV/AIDS prevention US nonprofit organization) came up with the idea of coffee condoms - Ethiopia claims to have invented coffee. "The dark brown condoms allegedly taste and smell like the favorite coffee of Ethiopia -- the macchiato, an espresso with cream and sugar." Who did the taste tests?
I wonder what the coffee condom slogan is? Too bad these are already taken:
Folgers: The best part of wakin' up...
Maxwell House: Taste as good as it smells
Brim decaf: Fill it to the rim with Brim
Sanka: One fiddler you won't have to pay
Seattle's Best Coffee: Have it your way. If your way is fast.
Starbucks DoubleShot. Bring on the day
Starbucks Frappuccino. Work can wait.
Nescafe instant: Open up!
Nescafe: One thing leads to another
Nescafe: Start the day with great taste
Happy Halloween...try neon!
I wonder what the coffee condom slogan is? Too bad these are already taken:
Folgers: The best part of wakin' up...
Maxwell House: Taste as good as it smells
Brim decaf: Fill it to the rim with Brim
Sanka: One fiddler you won't have to pay
Seattle's Best Coffee: Have it your way. If your way is fast.
Starbucks DoubleShot. Bring on the day
Starbucks Frappuccino. Work can wait.
Nescafe instant: Open up!
Nescafe: One thing leads to another
Nescafe: Start the day with great taste
Happy Halloween...try neon!
Buying the election?
Money spent on TV ads
Obama: $75 million
Clinton: $46 million
Obama: $205 million
McCain: $119 million
This doesn't include the amount of replays on cable TV or the production value or the negativity and/or inaccuracy of the ads. This part of a transferred over post. I need to look into the recent spending disparity between barry and McCain. It's a joke and it's based on a boldfaced lie by the self-proclaimed man of integrity's broken promise.
With outspending his opponents as much as 10:1, having limitless finances, a legion of attack bots, a thoroughly corrupt proobama media, why isn't he ahead in every state?
As far as the primary went. From Townhall's AMANDA CARPENTER (6-2-08)
The Wisconsin Project's study said "the advertising advantage alone, of course, does not explain Obama's victories in these contests," but notes "in the nine states that Obama won in a two week period following the February 5 Super Tuesday primaries, Obama, not only had an advantage in the number of ads that he aired, but in most of the nine contests, he was also first on the air and had the paid media airways all to himself for a significant part of the short campaigns. For example, in Nebraska, during the short nine-day advertising war, Obama was up alone, with his messages not countered for six days." Obama was "up alone" in Wisconsin for six days, and in Maryland and Virginia he ruled the airwaves for 7 out of the 12 days of intense campaigning against Clinton.
Special interest groups supplemented Obama's spending. [Which he lied about.] The Service Employees International Union has purchased more than $2 million worth of ads to benefit Obama's candidacy. This number includes an $800,000 negative ad campaign against McCain. Likewise, the liberal advocacy group MoveOn.org and the environmental lobbying group Friends of the Earth has spent $373,000 and $138,000 attacking McCain, respectively.
Obama: $75 million
Clinton: $46 million
Obama: $205 million
McCain: $119 million
This doesn't include the amount of replays on cable TV or the production value or the negativity and/or inaccuracy of the ads. This part of a transferred over post. I need to look into the recent spending disparity between barry and McCain. It's a joke and it's based on a boldfaced lie by the self-proclaimed man of integrity's broken promise.
With outspending his opponents as much as 10:1, having limitless finances, a legion of attack bots, a thoroughly corrupt proobama media, why isn't he ahead in every state?
As far as the primary went. From Townhall's AMANDA CARPENTER (6-2-08)
The Wisconsin Project's study said "the advertising advantage alone, of course, does not explain Obama's victories in these contests," but notes "in the nine states that Obama won in a two week period following the February 5 Super Tuesday primaries, Obama, not only had an advantage in the number of ads that he aired, but in most of the nine contests, he was also first on the air and had the paid media airways all to himself for a significant part of the short campaigns. For example, in Nebraska, during the short nine-day advertising war, Obama was up alone, with his messages not countered for six days." Obama was "up alone" in Wisconsin for six days, and in Maryland and Virginia he ruled the airwaves for 7 out of the 12 days of intense campaigning against Clinton.
Special interest groups supplemented Obama's spending. [Which he lied about.] The Service Employees International Union has purchased more than $2 million worth of ads to benefit Obama's candidacy. This number includes an $800,000 negative ad campaign against McCain. Likewise, the liberal advocacy group MoveOn.org and the environmental lobbying group Friends of the Earth has spent $373,000 and $138,000 attacking McCain, respectively.
Dear Pro-Obama media members:
Will you ever admit barry's race was the reason more people voted for him than against him? That his race was a positive net factor in his election? And that he was coddled in the media because of it?
"Bob the Undertaker"
October 31, 2008
McCain on the stump in Ohio. He's pointing out signs people are holding up (signs people held up when Sen Clinton stumped) like Jim the Soccer Dad, Mary the Businesswoman...and then he gets to Bob the Undertaker and says something like: some democrats are going to need your services after this election.
If McCain does manage somehow to pull it off, the folks at MSNBC might have a hard time paying for their's when the time comes. Who is ever going to hold the pro-obama media responsible for their bias? Non-obamerized bloggers?
McCain on the stump in Ohio. He's pointing out signs people are holding up (signs people held up when Sen Clinton stumped) like Jim the Soccer Dad, Mary the Businesswoman...and then he gets to Bob the Undertaker and says something like: some democrats are going to need your services after this election.
If McCain does manage somehow to pull it off, the folks at MSNBC might have a hard time paying for their's when the time comes. Who is ever going to hold the pro-obama media responsible for their bias? Non-obamerized bloggers?
Dear Pro-Obama media members:
1 - Why haven't you pressured barry to release his full medical records? Why is it acceptable that The American People do not have full disclosure from a self-proclaimed healthy 47 y/o candidate? What is he hiding and why aren't you asking?
2 - Why haven't you demanded barry release his Columbia transcripts? Why should a presidential candidate, who touts his intelligence and grasp of the constitution, not want to release his records? What is contained therein that he does not want The American people to know? What is he hiding and why aren't you asking?
3 - Why haven't you demanded barry go on record during his hourly softball press interviews to state unequivocally that he was born in the US, has never gave up his US citizenship and is presently, and has always been, a US citizen? What is he hiding and why aren't you asking?
4 - Why haven't you demanded barry release to the press the original copy of his birth certificate so that it can be documented as 100% authentic?
5 - Why haven't you made him state on camera that the copy he posted on his website is not a fraud?
6 - Why haven't you investigated the various lawsuits challenging barry's constitutional eligibility to be President of the United States and instead chosen to investigate whether Joe the Plumber is, in fact, certified to be a plumber?
7 - Why haven't you had a hard-hitting barry press conference to question him live and on camera about his stand (d'jour) on the issues, instead of playing snippets of his stumps and edited, scripted video bits of interviews done by obamerized, pro-obama media members?
8 - Why haven't you pointed out that Biden has refused to take questions from his pro-obama press corps in over six weeks? Why haven't you hounded him like you have Gov Palin?
9 - Why haven't you had the journalistic integrity to admit to your (irrefutably proven) pro-obama bias and the effect it had on the primary and general election?
10 - Why haven't you had the personal integrity to say on camera, at the beginning of every broadcast (or in the byline), who you are backing?
2 - Why haven't you demanded barry release his Columbia transcripts? Why should a presidential candidate, who touts his intelligence and grasp of the constitution, not want to release his records? What is contained therein that he does not want The American people to know? What is he hiding and why aren't you asking?
3 - Why haven't you demanded barry go on record during his hourly softball press interviews to state unequivocally that he was born in the US, has never gave up his US citizenship and is presently, and has always been, a US citizen? What is he hiding and why aren't you asking?
4 - Why haven't you demanded barry release to the press the original copy of his birth certificate so that it can be documented as 100% authentic?
5 - Why haven't you made him state on camera that the copy he posted on his website is not a fraud?
6 - Why haven't you investigated the various lawsuits challenging barry's constitutional eligibility to be President of the United States and instead chosen to investigate whether Joe the Plumber is, in fact, certified to be a plumber?
7 - Why haven't you had a hard-hitting barry press conference to question him live and on camera about his stand (d'jour) on the issues, instead of playing snippets of his stumps and edited, scripted video bits of interviews done by obamerized, pro-obama media members?
8 - Why haven't you pointed out that Biden has refused to take questions from his pro-obama press corps in over six weeks? Why haven't you hounded him like you have Gov Palin?
9 - Why haven't you had the journalistic integrity to admit to your (irrefutably proven) pro-obama bias and the effect it had on the primary and general election?
10 - Why haven't you had the personal integrity to say on camera, at the beginning of every broadcast (or in the byline), who you are backing?
jonjon alter's idea of a "DISABLED INFANT"
newsweek's jonjon alter: "But many voters will nonetheless wonder whether Palin should undertake the rigors of the vice presidency (and perhaps the presidency) while caring for a DISABLED INFANT."
Then he went on to say how it will make the rounds on shows like Oprah. He should have said The (obamerized) View. His original post was "corrected" which removed more of his inhumane, misogynistic, pro-obama comments. Explains why jonjon and herr olbermann are tied in the polls as "Most Vile" - even beating out fellow misogynist "thrill up my leg" chris matthews. How can matthews continue to be such a flamingly rude misogynist when he has a beautiful daughter, whom he showed off on camera, forever linking her image to his? Does he ever even consider how she must viewed by her friends, schoolmates, teachers and by the parents of her friends and other adult women because of her father's incredibly sexist comments? How can a father be so selfish? Will his granddaughter look back at granddad's work with pride and honor? Will granddad? And what if his teenage daughter were to become pregnant?
(pix courtesy of tomkat)
Alma (Campbell) Brown's youth vote
October 31, 2008
Rant alert
Here's Alma Campbell Brown's comments. Recall how she and most every other pundit has said the reason barry won't become president will be because of "racist white America". Because America is still a nation of racists. Even though a black (biracial when politically expedient. How is his typical white person grandmother doing now that barry's case has been thrown out? What kind of man hides out in Hawaii and doesn't stay just one more day for his grandmother's 86 birthday? Her health was so precarious that he had definite plans of when he was returning? How moronic do you think we are?) man is the nominee of the Democratic party and is favored to win the presidency - Americans are racists. Even though Rep John Lewis can make disgusting irresponsible statements about an American hero, POW and presidential candidate weeks after a black man was coronated the nominee and weeks before he most likely becomes the president of the United States. Oh yes. America is racist because they see all black men as the same. And McCain is just the same as Wallace because they're both white Republicans?
What happened to President Bill Clinton when he made a comment that was perceived to be a comparison between one black man and another? A comment that Rev Jesse Jackson said did not offend him? A man who had served the country during it's most prosperous times in recent memory is suddenly a racist just because he is running against a black man. How many voters in the black community know that barry's camp headed into SC with a plan to paint the Clintons as racists? That they had a strategy already laid out to get the black vote (who hadn't been backing barry) even before Mr Bill said a word? How many black voters know that the fairy tale comment was about barry's stance on Iraq - not his presidency? Donna Brazile doesn't even know. It is a fairy tale and it has been proven to be so. Look at how his position has changed just while running for president - most marked after her got the nomination.
How many voters of any color or party still believe barry had an actual say on Iraq? He HAD NO SAY. NOTHING HE SAID MATTERED. HE WAS NOT "IN THE MIDST OF A HEATED SENATE RACE."And when he did have a say he didn't back up that "judgment" and everyone falls happily in line.
Mr Bill gets reviled in the press for "not coming around" and yet the press seems to overlook that barry refused to reach out to him until he had to. That barry's camp (which includes the MSM and the DNC) were cruel and vicious to the Clinton's about the convention. If Jonathan Capehart had an ounce of integrity he would have written that story. What would have happened to him if he had? White guilt + black silence + absolute media corruption = 2008 presidential election. Post racial? Post partisan? Journalistic integrity? Thanks for the comedy.
It was/is barry's arrogance and egomania that directly resulted in Mr Bill's "not coming around". barry was coronated head of the Democratic party and refused to reach out to the previous leader because he hates the former president's wife. Oh, yes, hallelujah, praise Jesus! America is electing a new type of politician. Or Bob HE'S BACK! HE'S BLACK! Herbert proclaimed the herald of new politics!
And who has done a study of whether America is still a country of misogynists? Every poll has shown that America feels less ready for woman president (and obviously VP) than a black male president. We keep seeing these videos shot by bot operatives about people not wanting to vote for a black man - they were not voting for him or any other Democrat anyway. But how is that received in the MSM? Not mentioned. Just used as a platform for another discussion by the liberal white press - what type of servants to they have cleaning their house while they're at work pontificating about minorities in being foreclosed America? The WalMart moms and Joe the Plumber. And Mika and Joe sit back drinking their $5 Starbucks and chat about mortgage foreclosures and racism in America.
Where are the videos from the black community saying no way they'd ever vote for a woman - certain not a "rich white woman who ain't never been called a nigger"? I still can't believe he said that. Well not that he said it. The fact that it took barry kept him on in official campaign advisory position. Haven't seen a single video or story because how would it help barry? Plenty of he's a Muslim. Who the hell cares if he is? What does that say about the MSM pointing it out like it's a negative or scary thing? What does that reveal about their own preconceptions? Who's automatically associating it with terrorism? Have they ever had a poll on McCain or Senator Clinton's religion? How can you say that 23% of voters won;t they they're Muslim? The whole question is skewed.
People voted FOR barry because they didn't want a woman president. How about the interviews of barry's church members who said wright was telling the truth when he was ranting about "Hillary"? How is that not considered racist. This whole race issue is a damn joke.
Rant alert
Here's Alma Campbell Brown's comments. Recall how she and most every other pundit has said the reason barry won't become president will be because of "racist white America". Because America is still a nation of racists. Even though a black (biracial when politically expedient. How is his typical white person grandmother doing now that barry's case has been thrown out? What kind of man hides out in Hawaii and doesn't stay just one more day for his grandmother's 86 birthday? Her health was so precarious that he had definite plans of when he was returning? How moronic do you think we are?) man is the nominee of the Democratic party and is favored to win the presidency - Americans are racists. Even though Rep John Lewis can make disgusting irresponsible statements about an American hero, POW and presidential candidate weeks after a black man was coronated the nominee and weeks before he most likely becomes the president of the United States. Oh yes. America is racist because they see all black men as the same. And McCain is just the same as Wallace because they're both white Republicans?
What happened to President Bill Clinton when he made a comment that was perceived to be a comparison between one black man and another? A comment that Rev Jesse Jackson said did not offend him? A man who had served the country during it's most prosperous times in recent memory is suddenly a racist just because he is running against a black man. How many voters in the black community know that barry's camp headed into SC with a plan to paint the Clintons as racists? That they had a strategy already laid out to get the black vote (who hadn't been backing barry) even before Mr Bill said a word? How many black voters know that the fairy tale comment was about barry's stance on Iraq - not his presidency? Donna Brazile doesn't even know. It is a fairy tale and it has been proven to be so. Look at how his position has changed just while running for president - most marked after her got the nomination.
How many voters of any color or party still believe barry had an actual say on Iraq? He HAD NO SAY. NOTHING HE SAID MATTERED. HE WAS NOT "IN THE MIDST OF A HEATED SENATE RACE."And when he did have a say he didn't back up that "judgment" and everyone falls happily in line.
Mr Bill gets reviled in the press for "not coming around" and yet the press seems to overlook that barry refused to reach out to him until he had to. That barry's camp (which includes the MSM and the DNC) were cruel and vicious to the Clinton's about the convention. If Jonathan Capehart had an ounce of integrity he would have written that story. What would have happened to him if he had? White guilt + black silence + absolute media corruption = 2008 presidential election. Post racial? Post partisan? Journalistic integrity? Thanks for the comedy.
It was/is barry's arrogance and egomania that directly resulted in Mr Bill's "not coming around". barry was coronated head of the Democratic party and refused to reach out to the previous leader because he hates the former president's wife. Oh, yes, hallelujah, praise Jesus! America is electing a new type of politician. Or Bob HE'S BACK! HE'S BLACK! Herbert proclaimed the herald of new politics!
And who has done a study of whether America is still a country of misogynists? Every poll has shown that America feels less ready for woman president (and obviously VP) than a black male president. We keep seeing these videos shot by bot operatives about people not wanting to vote for a black man - they were not voting for him or any other Democrat anyway. But how is that received in the MSM? Not mentioned. Just used as a platform for another discussion by the liberal white press - what type of servants to they have cleaning their house while they're at work pontificating about minorities in being foreclosed America? The WalMart moms and Joe the Plumber. And Mika and Joe sit back drinking their $5 Starbucks and chat about mortgage foreclosures and racism in America.
Where are the videos from the black community saying no way they'd ever vote for a woman - certain not a "rich white woman who ain't never been called a nigger"? I still can't believe he said that. Well not that he said it. The fact that it took barry kept him on in official campaign advisory position. Haven't seen a single video or story because how would it help barry? Plenty of he's a Muslim. Who the hell cares if he is? What does that say about the MSM pointing it out like it's a negative or scary thing? What does that reveal about their own preconceptions? Who's automatically associating it with terrorism? Have they ever had a poll on McCain or Senator Clinton's religion? How can you say that 23% of voters won;t they they're Muslim? The whole question is skewed.
People voted FOR barry because they didn't want a woman president. How about the interviews of barry's church members who said wright was telling the truth when he was ranting about "Hillary"? How is that not considered racist. This whole race issue is a damn joke.
BROWN: And if Democratic candidate Barack Obama wins, it will be the youth of this country who gave him the presidency.Here's a hint: It's a new school year. It's no longer "cool" to be a barry fan. The attention span is milliseconds - not 8 hour voting lines. Had someone found a way to integrate it into a blackberry or iphone like barry did with his X-Box ads then he'd win by 20 million.
Donna Brazile appeal to would be voters
October 31, 2008
Brazile: For some, here's the best reason to vote: All the cool people will be wearing "I Voted" stickers. Join them.
Explains why the definition of Change! never mattered.
Brazile: For some, here's the best reason to vote: All the cool people will be wearing "I Voted" stickers. Join them.
Explains why the definition of Change! never mattered.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Have you seen barry or biden's ankles?
.




Today all we saw were crotch shots of McCain's khakis so we could see "Defiance" (Getty). Carlos Barria (Reuters) prefers Gov Palin's legs. Wonder where the hidden cameras are located so they can see up her skirt.
Today all we saw were crotch shots of McCain's khakis so we could see "Defiance" (Getty). Carlos Barria (Reuters) prefers Gov Palin's legs. Wonder where the hidden cameras are located so they can see up her skirt.
Dear Pro-Obama media members:
Instead of fantasizing and writing ridiculous stories about what president barry (who has spent more time running for president than actually working in the senate) most compares to - please tell me what senator he most compares to. Thank you.
Quote of the day: "What? They need Viagra?"
October 30, 2008
Chris Matthews talking with Howie Fineman and some other guy.
Fineman: I was in Harrisburg where a lot of THOSE people are. There's one category of them, who live in the nice suburban towns -- "upscale" soft Republicans and there are "downscale" soft Republicans. "Soft Republicans" the use in the obama headquarters in Chicago. The upscale ones are worried about taxes - more about Sarah Palin - and the downscale ones who want help on healthcare, but who think obama is a little strange. That's basically it.
MATTHEWS: Soft Republicans, uh? What's that? They need Viagra? What are we talking about here.
Please hardball - the visuals.
Demographics are fine unless Sen Clinton is referring to them. Then they become racist code words. And how is it howie knows what goes on in barry's headquarters? "If you read me on a regular basis, you know that I do my best not to take sides." Didn't believe him then. Never have believed it. He has the chutzpah to say it while jonjon doesn't bother.
Chris Matthews talking with Howie Fineman and some other guy.
Fineman: I was in Harrisburg where a lot of THOSE people are. There's one category of them, who live in the nice suburban towns -- "upscale" soft Republicans and there are "downscale" soft Republicans. "Soft Republicans" the use in the obama headquarters in Chicago. The upscale ones are worried about taxes - more about Sarah Palin - and the downscale ones who want help on healthcare, but who think obama is a little strange. That's basically it.
MATTHEWS: Soft Republicans, uh? What's that? They need Viagra? What are we talking about here.
Please hardball - the visuals.
Demographics are fine unless Sen Clinton is referring to them. Then they become racist code words. And how is it howie knows what goes on in barry's headquarters? "If you read me on a regular basis, you know that I do my best not to take sides." Didn't believe him then. Never have believed it. He has the chutzpah to say it while jonjon doesn't bother.
If Obama does not become president...
October 30, 2008
Joe Madison: "The black vote has always been the margin of victory or defeat."
Likewise, should Obama not win the presidency, it won't be because those bitter white racists in Appalachia voted against him - it will be because 8 million eligible black voters never bothered to register to vote for him.
Joe Madison: "The black vote has always been the margin of victory or defeat."
Likewise, should Obama not win the presidency, it won't be because those bitter white racists in Appalachia voted against him - it will be because 8 million eligible black voters never bothered to register to vote for him.
Biden laugh of the day: Hello?
October 30, 2008
Williamsport, VA
Biden laugh of the day
Stumping talking about McCain and Bush. What else. I know more about what Bush has done and what will McCain will do similar than I do about what they will do different.
Folks, as recently as this past Sunday, John McCain said, "He and Bush share a come philosophy. As if we didn't know. As my 7 y/o grandchild would say: Hel-looooo!
He's making fun of them calling each other a maverick.
They should call themselves sidekicks. And what is he? A trusted sidekick?
Williamsport, VA
Biden laugh of the day
Stumping talking about McCain and Bush. What else. I know more about what Bush has done and what will McCain will do similar than I do about what they will do different.
Folks, as recently as this past Sunday, John McCain said, "He and Bush share a come philosophy. As if we didn't know. As my 7 y/o grandchild would say: Hel-looooo!
He's making fun of them calling each other a maverick.
They should call themselves sidekicks. And what is he? A trusted sidekick?
Malaysia: No tomboys allowed
October 24, 2008
Recall Iranian Hitler proclaiming there are no homosexuals in Iran. He was referring to men. Now Malaysia is going after "tomboys" - the code word for short-haired, sweatshirt-wearing, man-behaving lesbians. From the AP.
What matters is the women haven't, aren't or aren't capable of doing something about it. What if the women of al Qaeda refused to lay down with them to have more hate-filled babies? Who controls the population? What kind of women continue to give birth knowing their sons will grow up hating and aspiring to kill people they don't even know in a country they have never lived in under the ungodly cover of jihad? How does one reconcile this? The women of al Qaeda and all the other terrorist organizations hold the key to ending the violence. The question is where do they stand and what will they do? How many women truly want their sons to be martyrs? How many are truly proud of who they are as wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, grandmothers? How soon will the women start fighting their own battle so it doesn't spill over to peace-seeking nations? Hate-filled murderers do not raise themselves.
Recall Iranian Hitler proclaiming there are no homosexuals in Iran. He was referring to men. Now Malaysia is going after "tomboys" - the code word for short-haired, sweatshirt-wearing, man-behaving lesbians. From the AP.
The National Fatwa Council [Malaysia's main body of Islamic clerics ] forbade the practice of girls behaving or dressing like boys.Is that the actual word they use "tomboy"? How is this new requiring a fatwa? And what about alopecia or chemotherapy-induced baldness? It's hard to believe they haven't been punishing them for years. Do they still stone people? Can you imagine being buried up to your neck, having men whipping stones at your head, all the while chanting Praise Allah! until you mercifully die? And all the husband has to do is allege adultery. It's curious, isn't it, what is "forbidden" under Islamic law and what is sanctioned? Death to Infidels! No short hair! No walking like boys! Who determines this? And what about effeminate men? If it has been forbidden under Islamic law, then it has been forbidden for 13 centuries. So what is the need for a fatwa?
Harussani [Muslim legal expert] said an increasing number of Malaysian girls behave like tomboys, and that some of them engage in homosexuality. Homosexuality is not explicitly banned in Malaysia, but it is effectively illegal under a law that prohibits sex acts "against the order of nature."
[I wonder if this was directed at bestiality.]
"It doesn't matter if it's a law or not. When it's wrong, it's wrong. It is a sin," Harussani told The Associated Press. "Tomboy (behavior) is forbidden in Islam."
Under the edict, girls are forbidden to sport short hair and dress, walk and act like boys, Harussani said. Boys should also not act like girls, he said.
"They must respect God. God created them as boys, they must behave like boys. God created them as girls, they must act like girls," he said.
A well-known Malaysian Muslim actress caused an uproar last year when she shaved her head bald for a film. Harussani and other muftis urged Muslims not to watch the movie, arguing that the actress had violated Islam by making herself look like a man.
It was not immediately clear what kind of punishment awaited those who violate the tomboy edict, or "fatwa." Malays generally follow the council's "fatwas" out of deference, but violators rarely get into trouble unless the edict is incorporated into national or Shariah law.
What matters is the women haven't, aren't or aren't capable of doing something about it. What if the women of al Qaeda refused to lay down with them to have more hate-filled babies? Who controls the population? What kind of women continue to give birth knowing their sons will grow up hating and aspiring to kill people they don't even know in a country they have never lived in under the ungodly cover of jihad? How does one reconcile this? The women of al Qaeda and all the other terrorist organizations hold the key to ending the violence. The question is where do they stand and what will they do? How many women truly want their sons to be martyrs? How many are truly proud of who they are as wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, grandmothers? How soon will the women start fighting their own battle so it doesn't spill over to peace-seeking nations? Hate-filled murderers do not raise themselves.
Quote of the day: "I do American politics - I don't do Alaska"
October 30, 2008
MSNBC Chuckie T talking to Stu Rothenberg discussing the senate seats.
CHUCKIE: What about Alaska?
STU: I do American politics, which means I don't do Alaska.
Barry: I didn't go to Alaska - my staff wouldn't justify it.
And the world tour? The staff sent to Guam? The multi-million dollar styrofoam speech? $4M infomercials? 2500 staff members?
MSNBC Chuckie T talking to Stu Rothenberg discussing the senate seats.
CHUCKIE: What about Alaska?
STU: I do American politics, which means I don't do Alaska.
Barry: I didn't go to Alaska - my staff wouldn't justify it.
And the world tour? The staff sent to Guam? The multi-million dollar styrofoam speech? $4M infomercials? 2500 staff members?
Independents have had enough already!
October 30, 2008
Yo, axelrod - 18 independents have emailed me this morning saying they've had enough of barry. They're wondering why he needs so much help to win. The view of him in the "Oval Office" sent them all over the top - 3 convinced it was taped in the spring before he had the nomination. 12: 7 black, 2 hispanic, 3 white said they have been waiting for barry's apology or endorsement of President Clinton to the black community. That it's the only thing keeping them from voting for him. All 18 are proven voters who crossed over when Clinton was running. 10 voted for barry - 8 for Senator Clinton. They're pissed barry is dissing the last democratic president whose economic policy allowed them to send their kids to college, pay off their mortgage and retire. They're pissed he is so arrogant that he thinks he can make it on his own and that he did nothing but sit back during the economic crisis. They're pissed because he always says "when Bush came into office" not when President Clinton left the White House.
These are the things non-obamerized notice because they actually listen to his obamanating and not to the deafening obamerized chanting change! when none of them can define it. And when barry tries, he shifts positions to suit the mood and polls of the week or maybe because he doesn't know enough about it or doesn't really care. All 18 think he wants to be President of The American People he's always talking about (but never to) instead of being The American People's president.
None of them said race was an issue but all 18 thought barry has used it throughout the campaign. All believe that the media is blatantly pro-obama. 4 women mentioned how uncomfortable (aka unpresidential) barry looked sitting in the White House meeting about the bailout and that he looks a lot different when he has his own camera crew. They wonder which one they'll get as commander-in-chief. 11/18 are women still angry barry never mentioned his sister or mother during his acceptance speech and find it suspicious he has never allowed his grandmother to speak freely to the media. They are convinced he is hiding something and that is what is keeping them from voting for him. And they are still angry that he wouldn't look Sen Clinton in the eye when he "thanked" her for speech at the convention - the speech without which he would have lost a great deal of her supporters who actively campaigned for him anyway.
These are the gist of their comments and I just got 9 more emails. I wish they would just comment here. These are the people who are narrowing the gap. 8-9% undecideds are a big swing. Each one said they could live with McCain because they are worried about Biden's comment of a threat. 7/18 are veterans who believed Colin Powell's endorsement was directly disrespectful to a fellow soldier and was based solely on the pressure he was getting from the black community. It didn't escape them how pro-Iraq Powell was and how it demonstrated - once again - barry's waffling on Iraq. 5/7 veterans said both would do the right thing about Iraq. All 18 believe that McCain knows how to assemble a Cabinet - none were confident barry can. All expressed reservations over Governor Palin and do not want her to be the first female on the ticket - they think it should BE Senator Clinton. All said they would have voted and campaigned if she was #1 or #2.
I don't care what you do. They asked me to comment publicly. I did.
Yo, axelrod - 18 independents have emailed me this morning saying they've had enough of barry. They're wondering why he needs so much help to win. The view of him in the "Oval Office" sent them all over the top - 3 convinced it was taped in the spring before he had the nomination. 12: 7 black, 2 hispanic, 3 white said they have been waiting for barry's apology or endorsement of President Clinton to the black community. That it's the only thing keeping them from voting for him. All 18 are proven voters who crossed over when Clinton was running. 10 voted for barry - 8 for Senator Clinton. They're pissed barry is dissing the last democratic president whose economic policy allowed them to send their kids to college, pay off their mortgage and retire. They're pissed he is so arrogant that he thinks he can make it on his own and that he did nothing but sit back during the economic crisis. They're pissed because he always says "when Bush came into office" not when President Clinton left the White House.
These are the things non-obamerized notice because they actually listen to his obamanating and not to the deafening obamerized chanting change! when none of them can define it. And when barry tries, he shifts positions to suit the mood and polls of the week or maybe because he doesn't know enough about it or doesn't really care. All 18 think he wants to be President of The American People he's always talking about (but never to) instead of being The American People's president.
None of them said race was an issue but all 18 thought barry has used it throughout the campaign. All believe that the media is blatantly pro-obama. 4 women mentioned how uncomfortable (aka unpresidential) barry looked sitting in the White House meeting about the bailout and that he looks a lot different when he has his own camera crew. They wonder which one they'll get as commander-in-chief. 11/18 are women still angry barry never mentioned his sister or mother during his acceptance speech and find it suspicious he has never allowed his grandmother to speak freely to the media. They are convinced he is hiding something and that is what is keeping them from voting for him. And they are still angry that he wouldn't look Sen Clinton in the eye when he "thanked" her for speech at the convention - the speech without which he would have lost a great deal of her supporters who actively campaigned for him anyway.
These are the gist of their comments and I just got 9 more emails. I wish they would just comment here. These are the people who are narrowing the gap. 8-9% undecideds are a big swing. Each one said they could live with McCain because they are worried about Biden's comment of a threat. 7/18 are veterans who believed Colin Powell's endorsement was directly disrespectful to a fellow soldier and was based solely on the pressure he was getting from the black community. It didn't escape them how pro-Iraq Powell was and how it demonstrated - once again - barry's waffling on Iraq. 5/7 veterans said both would do the right thing about Iraq. All 18 believe that McCain knows how to assemble a Cabinet - none were confident barry can. All expressed reservations over Governor Palin and do not want her to be the first female on the ticket - they think it should BE Senator Clinton. All said they would have voted and campaigned if she was #1 or #2.
I don't care what you do. They asked me to comment publicly. I did.
Dear pro-obama media members:
Can you please tell me why Gov Palin mentioning Bill Ayers is racist?
A man barry willingly lied about and tried to minimize his relationship with? Might you just look at the one "attacked" vs the attacking racists (aka all barry naysayers)? Barry says he's just a guy in the neighborhood which was a blatant lie and what have you done since then? Lied and spun for him. Do you know how utterly pathetic that is...even for you?
Here's a few of the hall of famers.
Democratic Rep. Gregory Meeks: "He's 'not one of us'? That's racial. That's fear. They know they can't win on the issues, so the last resort they have is race and fear. They are trying to throw out these codes."
To Republicans - Barry is "not one of us" simply because he is a democrat. The same argument would be playing if it were Sen Clinton who palled (palling was the wrong tense - there was the problem...but of course that would have never happened because she has been vetted as completely as any human being on this planet.
"Codes." I know all about these codes. We've documented them: racist (anything), sexist (quit whining, back in the kitchen and iron my shirt) and ageist (you gotta be kidding me he's an erratic old man who needs Depends). This election will be looked back on as historic and the degree to which racism was brought in not only to defend barry on any and all avenues of attack but also to attack any and all of his opponents. I find it disgusting beyond words.
I watced Hardball and some democratic "strategist" who the hell are these people and why don; they have a real job? And if they can be paid to sit and destroy barry's opponents why aren;t they out stumping? Why do they choose instead to continue t tear down the Clintons while they've been out stumping? It's sad really.
Anyway. Ron Chrisite was on yesterday and was being savaged as usual. The poor man doesn't get to complete three sentences. Here is a black man being attacked by two white folks while they complain about white folks attacking barry because he's black.
Here is the madness of the pro-obama media bias: they will attack any person of any race, who isn't a barry supporter, for being a racist. And as anyone can observes the MSM on TV is predominantly white and predominantly male.
Ron hrisie was tryong to say how upset he was as a black man that barry has intrduced race at aevery turn in the election. He was trying to conveny his disgust and emabrasssment over it and was attacked for tryong to say it. Christie said Rev Wright is a racist and the white dude made a face like yeah ruight. Maybe he's been in a lot of "black churches" - my guess is that Christie might have the edge on that
Why must people keep being reminded? To continue using the race card that worked so well for barry in the election. He has to keep his black voters behind him so there is no complacency and he has to keep hitting hard on white guilt. What is the point? Who keeps bringing up this perceived discrimination? And by doing so, who is undermining his legitimacy as a presidential candidate who happens to be biracial? They do it to hide the fact that there are other reasons people are uncomfortable with him like: he has DONE nothing and continues to lie about his background and meager accomplishments. Oh well, it's not worth a rant. It's sad that that is still their go-to argument.
And how will that reflect on the black community itself?
Who is bringing in race as an issue on a daily basis? BARRY. And the funniest part when Sen Clinton brought up the issue of media bias and sexist treatment she was bashed for complaining that someone voted against her for being a woman. Anyone see the hypocrisy? People weren't voting against Clinton they were ALL voting FOR barry. And ALL the people voting FOR Clinton were voting AGAINST barry.
Anyone heard a word of dissent from barry the "post-racial" candidate? The one who pontificated about race in his speech but has not done anything about it in action. He has continued to let race drive the election - start to finish - and the pro-obama media playing happily along. He himself addressed it (as in words followed by no action) only as a matter of political expediency, which is why he was so pissed with wright for saying it. Holds a lot more weight coming from his spiritual mentor of 20 year
Can't claim prejudice on one hand and dismiss it out of hand on the other. Race has consistently been an issue in this election because barry and his camp (MSM/DNC) continue to introduce it.
How far have we come when the first measure of dissent against barry is adjudged to be because of race?
Tolerance? Open mindedness?
A man barry willingly lied about and tried to minimize his relationship with? Might you just look at the one "attacked" vs the attacking racists (aka all barry naysayers)? Barry says he's just a guy in the neighborhood which was a blatant lie and what have you done since then? Lied and spun for him. Do you know how utterly pathetic that is...even for you?
Here's a few of the hall of famers.
Democratic Rep. Gregory Meeks: "He's 'not one of us'? That's racial. That's fear. They know they can't win on the issues, so the last resort they have is race and fear. They are trying to throw out these codes."
To Republicans - Barry is "not one of us" simply because he is a democrat. The same argument would be playing if it were Sen Clinton who palled (palling was the wrong tense - there was the problem...but of course that would have never happened because she has been vetted as completely as any human being on this planet.
"Codes." I know all about these codes. We've documented them: racist (anything), sexist (quit whining, back in the kitchen and iron my shirt) and ageist (you gotta be kidding me he's an erratic old man who needs Depends). This election will be looked back on as historic and the degree to which racism was brought in not only to defend barry on any and all avenues of attack but also to attack any and all of his opponents. I find it disgusting beyond words.
I watced Hardball and some democratic "strategist" who the hell are these people and why don; they have a real job? And if they can be paid to sit and destroy barry's opponents why aren;t they out stumping? Why do they choose instead to continue t tear down the Clintons while they've been out stumping? It's sad really.
Anyway. Ron Chrisite was on yesterday and was being savaged as usual. The poor man doesn't get to complete three sentences. Here is a black man being attacked by two white folks while they complain about white folks attacking barry because he's black.
Here is the madness of the pro-obama media bias: they will attack any person of any race, who isn't a barry supporter, for being a racist. And as anyone can observes the MSM on TV is predominantly white and predominantly male.
Ron hrisie was tryong to say how upset he was as a black man that barry has intrduced race at aevery turn in the election. He was trying to conveny his disgust and emabrasssment over it and was attacked for tryong to say it. Christie said Rev Wright is a racist and the white dude made a face like yeah ruight. Maybe he's been in a lot of "black churches" - my guess is that Christie might have the edge on that
Why must people keep being reminded? To continue using the race card that worked so well for barry in the election. He has to keep his black voters behind him so there is no complacency and he has to keep hitting hard on white guilt. What is the point? Who keeps bringing up this perceived discrimination? And by doing so, who is undermining his legitimacy as a presidential candidate who happens to be biracial? They do it to hide the fact that there are other reasons people are uncomfortable with him like: he has DONE nothing and continues to lie about his background and meager accomplishments. Oh well, it's not worth a rant. It's sad that that is still their go-to argument.
And how will that reflect on the black community itself?
Who is bringing in race as an issue on a daily basis? BARRY. And the funniest part when Sen Clinton brought up the issue of media bias and sexist treatment she was bashed for complaining that someone voted against her for being a woman. Anyone see the hypocrisy? People weren't voting against Clinton they were ALL voting FOR barry. And ALL the people voting FOR Clinton were voting AGAINST barry.
Anyone heard a word of dissent from barry the "post-racial" candidate? The one who pontificated about race in his speech but has not done anything about it in action. He has continued to let race drive the election - start to finish - and the pro-obama media playing happily along. He himself addressed it (as in words followed by no action) only as a matter of political expediency, which is why he was so pissed with wright for saying it. Holds a lot more weight coming from his spiritual mentor of 20 year
Can't claim prejudice on one hand and dismiss it out of hand on the other. Race has consistently been an issue in this election because barry and his camp (MSM/DNC) continue to introduce it.
How far have we come when the first measure of dissent against barry is adjudged to be because of race?
Tolerance? Open mindedness?
McCain ad: Preconditions
October 30, 2008
Talks about obama's willingness to sit down with "rogue" leaders. Now they're whining about "Muslim music". It doesn't dignify a comment. Ask yourself one question: Why did obama hide his middle name? Why wasn't he up front about it from the beginning? Answer that and you get to the bottom of the issue.
Talks about obama's willingness to sit down with "rogue" leaders. Now they're whining about "Muslim music". It doesn't dignify a comment. Ask yourself one question: Why did obama hide his middle name? Why wasn't he up front about it from the beginning? Answer that and you get to the bottom of the issue.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Quote of the day: "He didn't mean a word of it."
October 29, 2008
Florida stump
McCain: If you are watching this gauzy feel-good commercial just remember that it was paid for with broken promises. Senator Obama signed a piece of paper committing to public financing of his campaign if I did.
He didn’t mean a word of it.
Florida stump
McCain: If you are watching this gauzy feel-good commercial just remember that it was paid for with broken promises. Senator Obama signed a piece of paper committing to public financing of his campaign if I did.
He didn’t mean a word of it.
CNN's JOHN KING reports that The New Mexico Sun News has gone Dewey and pronounced barry the winner with their "Collector's Edition". Who has more merchandising: Disney or Obama? I wonder how Governor Judas will react if/when obama loses. Maybe that's why his suit was so wrinkled. Anyway the paper comes out every two months thus the prediction.
Editors: "When it comes to calling the winner of a presidential election, everyone wants to be first. The New Mexico Sun News hereby claims that achievement."Haven't the MSM been doing that for over a year? The DNC promised it to him in 2004. I'm sure Fineman, Alter, Meacham and Wolffe already have their articles written and are half-way through their books.
The liberal leaning alternative newspaper ended by imploring its readers to get out and vote, "even if we did spoil the ending for you."Swing state? Are there barry ads? Do ACORN workers deliver the papers? How much more blatant pro-obama media bias can there be? Nothing subliminal about it. It's basically a campaign flier. I wonder if they printed his inauguration speech. Will Bob HE'S BLACK! HE'S BLACK! Herbert recognize the landmark this time or will he imagine more phallic symbols?
Quote of the day: "giving him a big fat wet kiss"
Morning Joe
Mika, Barnicle, Joe, Willie & Tucker Carlson taking about the messiah and his rain gear yesterday and the pix of the front page of the NY Times.
BARNICLE: It looks like a clip from a movie trailer.
JOE: Imagine the NY Times would make him look like a movie star in the closing days of the campaign.
TUCKER: He looks majestic. He has the burden of so much unrealistic hope on shoulders. There’s no way he could possibly live up to it.
Mika looks upset…and guilty.
JOE: The press is setting him up for failure. We’ve talked about how they’ve had schoolgirl and schoolboy crushes on his guy. They have done him a great disservice by giving him a big fat wet kiss over the past 12 months.
Tucker then talks about the fact that the media has a vested interest in his success they’ll look like fools when he fails. “So, because the press has this passionate, not at all platonic, but much froppy love—
JOE: It’s much deeper. It’s HOT. It’s hot love.
TUCKER: It’s hot. It’s way hot. [creepy even for Tucker] Because they have invested so much in Obama, they can’t turn around tomorrow and say ‘oh he’s a schmuck - he’s blown it.’ There’s no way—
JOE: They did it to John McCain.
TUCKER: Yes, but it took eight years. I’m talking about the base. I’m talking the average Starbuck’s baristas who believes he’s going to make the lame walk and blind see and redeem their sins.
Joe laughing hysterically. Mika sips and clutches to her coffee, rocking like a child…she’s one of the barista's...customers.
TUCKER: Seriously they’re going to be upset when the world isn’t perfect on the 5th of November.
MIKA: I hope I can still get my coffee.
Mika, Barnicle, Joe, Willie & Tucker Carlson taking about the messiah and his rain gear yesterday and the pix of the front page of the NY Times.
BARNICLE: It looks like a clip from a movie trailer.
JOE: Imagine the NY Times would make him look like a movie star in the closing days of the campaign.
TUCKER: He looks majestic. He has the burden of so much unrealistic hope on shoulders. There’s no way he could possibly live up to it.
Mika looks upset…and guilty.
JOE: The press is setting him up for failure. We’ve talked about how they’ve had schoolgirl and schoolboy crushes on his guy. They have done him a great disservice by giving him a big fat wet kiss over the past 12 months.
Tucker then talks about the fact that the media has a vested interest in his success they’ll look like fools when he fails. “So, because the press has this passionate, not at all platonic, but much froppy love—
JOE: It’s much deeper. It’s HOT. It’s hot love.
TUCKER: It’s hot. It’s way hot. [creepy even for Tucker] Because they have invested so much in Obama, they can’t turn around tomorrow and say ‘oh he’s a schmuck - he’s blown it.’ There’s no way—
JOE: They did it to John McCain.
TUCKER: Yes, but it took eight years. I’m talking about the base. I’m talking the average Starbuck’s baristas who believes he’s going to make the lame walk and blind see and redeem their sins.
Joe laughing hysterically. Mika sips and clutches to her coffee, rocking like a child…she’s one of the barista's...customers.
TUCKER: Seriously they’re going to be upset when the world isn’t perfect on the 5th of November.
MIKA: I hope I can still get my coffee.
Effigies: more double standard
October 29, 2008
Palin effigy story finally makes it on MSNBC but only because there was an Obama effigy found hanging at University of Kentucky. And they'll be more as long as Palin's lynched effigy remains suspended in the noose with her hands tied behind her back as "art".
Did I miss barry's campaign asking them to take it down? Did he tell them they should apologize to the Palin family? Just more of the same obamanating: lofty words - no action. Transcender of race! Great Uniter! Man above the Fray! does nothing to stop the attacks on his opponents and keeps shelling out cash for McCain attacks ads. If Obama loses, it will because of the barrage of those ads, not "McCain/Palin racists".
So, two universities this week. At one, four kids are punished and the other is extending a personal apology to the Obamas. And after three weeks, Gov Palin's effigy remains hanging from a noose with her hands tied behind her back as an "art" exhibit. Yes. I understand the historical differences and residential property vs school property. NEITHER are right and BOTH should be treated the same.
Gov Palin's effigy has been hanging with a noose around her neck for three weeks with nary a concern by the neighbors or federal investigator until it hit the news. An unsubstantiated threat of "kill him" got national press and even more outrage heaped on McCain. barry did not hesitate to play the race card by announcing the unsubstantiated claim to the entire debate audience. The final debate - ensuring no retraction - as was intended. Has barry made a public apology for his false allegation that can never be unheard? That can never be taken away from the consciousness of the debate audience - potential voters?
Who in their right mind still believes that barry has not used the race card at every and all turns? Who believes that what he did was not intentional? Who can possibly continue to say that his campaign has been the most honorable in history? It will be chronicled to be the most deceitful and deceptively vicious as there has ever been. Mark my words - though it may take longer than six months and may only come to light after barry needed help with that international crisis Biden already knows how he will handle.
And has barry publicly decried Rep Lewis' statement that admittedly so angered barry's own camp? Where was Jesse, jr's comments? Or on Biden's "false tears" during the debate? Typical pick and choose according to political expediency and what most helps barry and what most damages is opponents, with the pro-obama media happily playing along. What about every comment Senator Clinton, her husband and camp (allegedly or not) made? Senator McCain? Governor Palin? And the pro-obama media go on and on how McCain has disgraced and dishonored himself, while peering blindly into the eyes of the messiah, who meanwhile laughs behind the stooges' backs.
Has the pro-obama media forced barry to do what they have hammered McCain/Palin for not doing? How can someone respond to something that was never said? Has the pro-obama media mentioned the one allegation was completely debunked by the Secret Service as: "THAT'S him"? No, of course not. How would it further barry's cause? Just like all the misinterpreted comments made during the primary. Imagine the outrage if the skin colors were reversed. Racial equality in America? And the pro-obama TV personalities, including Whoopi, Mika, Martin, Gergen, Olbermann, Brazile and Behar still don't know that DAVID SINGLETON [I am exercising my first amendment] TOTALLY MADE IT UP. Either for his own personal gain or in cahoots with the Obama campaign - my opinion is the latter.
Would the barry effigies have happened if Palin's effigy had not been given so much press and written off as Halloween "art"?
How do Gov Palin's daughters feel seeing it on TV and hearing the pro-obama media laughing and saying that's where their mom belongs?
How do you think her son feels over in Iraq knowing that no one cared that his mom's likeness was hanging from a noose with her hands tied behind her back and that even after it was brought to the pro-obama media's attention it was allowed to remain?
How do you think her husband and parents feel about it being written off as "art" and touted as a tourist attraction?
Do you think Gov Palin's children feel any less offended or afraid than Malia and Sasha?
Do you really need a study to prove pro-obama media bias exists?
Palin effigy story finally makes it on MSNBC but only because there was an Obama effigy found hanging at University of Kentucky. And they'll be more as long as Palin's lynched effigy remains suspended in the noose with her hands tied behind her back as "art".
"[University of Kentucky] School President Lee Todd says that he plans to personally apologize to the Obama family on behalf of the university and that he is "personally offended and deeply embarrassed by this disgusting episode."Why is one effigy more offensive than the other? No, don't give me that pat answer. Two major candidates' human likenesses are being hung from a tree. How is one any less evil than the other? And yet, one gets more outrage than another. Ones racial bias is revealed in what one considers acceptable behavior concerning one race and unacceptable concerning another. It shows once again the double standard between race and gender, with race always winning.
West Hollywood pigs: "If it's a political statement, it's that (McCain's and Palin's) politics are scary to us. This is our palette and this is our venue of expression."And if it were a different color palette? It wouldn't be a venue of expression protected under the first amendment - it would be a hate crime.
Did I miss barry's campaign asking them to take it down? Did he tell them they should apologize to the Palin family? Just more of the same obamanating: lofty words - no action. Transcender of race! Great Uniter! Man above the Fray! does nothing to stop the attacks on his opponents and keeps shelling out cash for McCain attacks ads. If Obama loses, it will because of the barrage of those ads, not "McCain/Palin racists".
It's the second time an effigy has been found on a college campus recently. Earlier this week, George Fox University in Oregon said it was punishing four students who confessed to hanging a likeness of Obama from a tree.See AP for rundown of effigies and an inflatable doll. Note that these events took place after the Palin effigy "art" was lynched. And had the Palin effigy been addressed immediately and properly?
So, two universities this week. At one, four kids are punished and the other is extending a personal apology to the Obamas. And after three weeks, Gov Palin's effigy remains hanging from a noose with her hands tied behind her back as an "art" exhibit. Yes. I understand the historical differences and residential property vs school property. NEITHER are right and BOTH should be treated the same.
Gov Palin's effigy has been hanging with a noose around her neck for three weeks with nary a concern by the neighbors or federal investigator until it hit the news. An unsubstantiated threat of "kill him" got national press and even more outrage heaped on McCain. barry did not hesitate to play the race card by announcing the unsubstantiated claim to the entire debate audience. The final debate - ensuring no retraction - as was intended. Has barry made a public apology for his false allegation that can never be unheard? That can never be taken away from the consciousness of the debate audience - potential voters?
Who in their right mind still believes that barry has not used the race card at every and all turns? Who believes that what he did was not intentional? Who can possibly continue to say that his campaign has been the most honorable in history? It will be chronicled to be the most deceitful and deceptively vicious as there has ever been. Mark my words - though it may take longer than six months and may only come to light after barry needed help with that international crisis Biden already knows how he will handle.
And has barry publicly decried Rep Lewis' statement that admittedly so angered barry's own camp? Where was Jesse, jr's comments? Or on Biden's "false tears" during the debate? Typical pick and choose according to political expediency and what most helps barry and what most damages is opponents, with the pro-obama media happily playing along. What about every comment Senator Clinton, her husband and camp (allegedly or not) made? Senator McCain? Governor Palin? And the pro-obama media go on and on how McCain has disgraced and dishonored himself, while peering blindly into the eyes of the messiah, who meanwhile laughs behind the stooges' backs.
Has the pro-obama media forced barry to do what they have hammered McCain/Palin for not doing? How can someone respond to something that was never said? Has the pro-obama media mentioned the one allegation was completely debunked by the Secret Service as: "THAT'S him"? No, of course not. How would it further barry's cause? Just like all the misinterpreted comments made during the primary. Imagine the outrage if the skin colors were reversed. Racial equality in America? And the pro-obama TV personalities, including Whoopi, Mika, Martin, Gergen, Olbermann, Brazile and Behar still don't know that DAVID SINGLETON [I am exercising my first amendment] TOTALLY MADE IT UP. Either for his own personal gain or in cahoots with the Obama campaign - my opinion is the latter.
Would the barry effigies have happened if Palin's effigy had not been given so much press and written off as Halloween "art"?
How do Gov Palin's daughters feel seeing it on TV and hearing the pro-obama media laughing and saying that's where their mom belongs?
How do you think her son feels over in Iraq knowing that no one cared that his mom's likeness was hanging from a noose with her hands tied behind her back and that even after it was brought to the pro-obama media's attention it was allowed to remain?
How do you think her husband and parents feel about it being written off as "art" and touted as a tourist attraction?
Do you think Gov Palin's children feel any less offended or afraid than Malia and Sasha?
Do you really need a study to prove pro-obama media bias exists?
Quote of the day: "I wish he wouldn't have said it that way"
October 27, 2008
Morning Joe
Sen McCaskill tries to cover for barry's "redistribution of wealth" comments to Chicago Public Radio and Joe the Plumber. (Joe the Plumber or as Donna Brazile called them "Jane and Joe SixPack" were Sen Clinton's demographic.) Biden didn't do a very could job laughing off Barbara West so here's McCaskill's attempt. She lost every ounce of credibility she might have once had by covering for barry about his snub of Senator Clinton. It was obvious as was her transparent lie that it didn't happen and showed how easily he will throw anyone uner the bus and smile doing so. She looked like the chubby cheerleader who finally gets noticed by the nerdy chess club captain. She is one of the most glassy-eyed of the obamerized. Nancy Keenan from NARAL looked the same when she endorsed barry. McCaskill should have just admitted she didn't want anything to do with Hillary Clinton because she hates Bill and "wouldn't want him around her 12 y/o". And yet she pals around with someone she doesn't even know.
Did she clear anything up or just get more press for Missouri? And just how much is barry going to associate with her when she doesn't get him a win? She has to know that's why she was on board. How much has Gov Sebulius been mentioned since the VP selection charade and Sen Clinton voters "got in line"? What about the other swing state expedients? Richardson, Ritter, Bayh, Kaine and Rendell? Trotting out Gore in Florida? You don't believe barry's campaign is vicious? Why did he hire Patty Solis Doyle? And who has been spinning the bidengaffing? Her or Stephanie Cutter? Why? So as not to remind Clinton voters who barry really is? As if they need reminding.
"It's called tax cuts for working people."
"The haves and the havenots"
"I wouldn't have said it that way."
"I wish he wouldn't have said it that way."
"He said over and over and over again the right way."
Morning Joe
Sen McCaskill tries to cover for barry's "redistribution of wealth" comments to Chicago Public Radio and Joe the Plumber. (Joe the Plumber or as Donna Brazile called them "Jane and Joe SixPack" were Sen Clinton's demographic.) Biden didn't do a very could job laughing off Barbara West so here's McCaskill's attempt. She lost every ounce of credibility she might have once had by covering for barry about his snub of Senator Clinton. It was obvious as was her transparent lie that it didn't happen and showed how easily he will throw anyone uner the bus and smile doing so. She looked like the chubby cheerleader who finally gets noticed by the nerdy chess club captain. She is one of the most glassy-eyed of the obamerized. Nancy Keenan from NARAL looked the same when she endorsed barry. McCaskill should have just admitted she didn't want anything to do with Hillary Clinton because she hates Bill and "wouldn't want him around her 12 y/o". And yet she pals around with someone she doesn't even know.
Did she clear anything up or just get more press for Missouri? And just how much is barry going to associate with her when she doesn't get him a win? She has to know that's why she was on board. How much has Gov Sebulius been mentioned since the VP selection charade and Sen Clinton voters "got in line"? What about the other swing state expedients? Richardson, Ritter, Bayh, Kaine and Rendell? Trotting out Gore in Florida? You don't believe barry's campaign is vicious? Why did he hire Patty Solis Doyle? And who has been spinning the bidengaffing? Her or Stephanie Cutter? Why? So as not to remind Clinton voters who barry really is? As if they need reminding.
"It's called tax cuts for working people."
"The haves and the havenots"
"I wouldn't have said it that way."
"I wish he wouldn't have said it that way."
"He said over and over and over again the right way."
Maya Soetoro-Ng
Video Podcast from bliptv: Maya Soetoro-Ng, Barry's half-sister discussing barry and their mother. I found her answers to be guarded and in a strange way politically correct. Almost like a campaign ad. I wonder what truths she holds and whether they will ever be revealed. How did she feel when barry called her grandmother a typical white person? Why did she name a different hospital than barry in regards to his birth? What has she promised her grandmother to do or not do after she passes?
Sexist quote of the day: "just a hick from the sticks?"
October 29, 2008
New York Daily News headline: "The Great Palin Debate. Is she a modern role model or just a hick from the sticks?" Original, eh?
Mika: That is just wrong.
Morning Joe: Hard to say. Six of one half dozen of the other.
Mika: I have a complicated view of her.
Joe: (Messes up teleprompter, blushes, embarrassed) I was just thinking of Larry O'Donnell's opinion of Sarah Palin. It's not complicated at all. (smiling)
Mika: (Smiling) Not at all.
Barnicle: What's he say?
Joe (lewd smile): He LIKES her. A LOT.
Mika: Yeah, after seeing her.
Barnicle: He said she was hot.
Joe: I'm not going to say it. That would be sexist.
[Don't have to say anything - your face and the rest - including Mika says it all.]
O'Donnell the lecher (10-24-08): "It (fill in the blank) is one of my ambitions."
New York Daily News headline: "The Great Palin Debate. Is she a modern role model or just a hick from the sticks?" Original, eh?
Mika: That is just wrong.
Morning Joe: Hard to say. Six of one half dozen of the other.
Mika: I have a complicated view of her.
Joe: (Messes up teleprompter, blushes, embarrassed) I was just thinking of Larry O'Donnell's opinion of Sarah Palin. It's not complicated at all. (smiling)
Mika: (Smiling) Not at all.
Barnicle: What's he say?
Joe (lewd smile): He LIKES her. A LOT.
Mika: Yeah, after seeing her.
Barnicle: He said she was hot.
Joe: I'm not going to say it. That would be sexist.
[Don't have to say anything - your face and the rest - including Mika says it all.]
O'Donnell the lecher (10-24-08): "It (fill in the blank) is one of my ambitions."
As Biden would say: Folks, you cannot make this stuff up. In Michigan fliers were sent out for Obama (with his pix) urging voters to submit an absentee ballot...problem being the number supplied was a phone sex line. Must be where all the money is going.
UPDATE 1: Berg vs Obama
October 29, 2008
Obama's eligibility to be president of the United States
Ok I found the update. The judge dismissed the case on Friday 10-24-08. And where was barry? Hawaii. Far far away if the judge ruled the case had merit. He said Berg had no standing to file the lawsuit and dismissed it. Berg has filed an appeal. The most curious (and most ridiculous) part of the ruling was the judge's incredulity that this would be an issue after the primary when he said Obama was "excessively vetted". I guess the judge watches MSNBC & CNN and never steps into cyberspace. Has to be obamerized. No one else would say such a ridiculous thing and certainly not use the word "excessively". No way he was going to rule on that anyway. Love how the DNC has been hand in hand with Barry. Only one question: why won't barry produce the documents? He is being sued in Hawaii as well. Andy Martin filed (10-17-08) a lawsuit against the State of Hawaii to require the state to open Obama's birth records. The Governor and Director of the Department of Health are named as defendants.
Dismissal of Berg's lawsuit per WorldNetDaily's DREW ZAHN. Case was dismissed - the ruling - ordinary citizens can't challenge whether the candidate meets the constitutional requirements and it seems Congress is the only one who can. Read the article in full for the legal technicalities. It was dismissed based on a similar lawsuit about McCain's eligibility since he was born in Panama Canal Zone. Key being McCain's father was in the military and he was born of two United States citizens on a US military installation. Not the same with Obama. His father was not an American citizen and Berg asserts that Obama was born on Kenyan soil. (Emphasis added)
See more from KENNETH TIMMERMAN at Newsmax (10-24) article about the court ruling and birth certificate. Philip Berg's website. Next he appeals to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals and then to the United States Supreme Court.
Obama's eligibility to be president of the United States
Ok I found the update. The judge dismissed the case on Friday 10-24-08. And where was barry? Hawaii. Far far away if the judge ruled the case had merit. He said Berg had no standing to file the lawsuit and dismissed it. Berg has filed an appeal. The most curious (and most ridiculous) part of the ruling was the judge's incredulity that this would be an issue after the primary when he said Obama was "excessively vetted". I guess the judge watches MSNBC & CNN and never steps into cyberspace. Has to be obamerized. No one else would say such a ridiculous thing and certainly not use the word "excessively". No way he was going to rule on that anyway. Love how the DNC has been hand in hand with Barry. Only one question: why won't barry produce the documents? He is being sued in Hawaii as well. Andy Martin filed (10-17-08) a lawsuit against the State of Hawaii to require the state to open Obama's birth records. The Governor and Director of the Department of Health are named as defendants.
Dismissal of Berg's lawsuit per WorldNetDaily's DREW ZAHN. Case was dismissed - the ruling - ordinary citizens can't challenge whether the candidate meets the constitutional requirements and it seems Congress is the only one who can. Read the article in full for the legal technicalities. It was dismissed based on a similar lawsuit about McCain's eligibility since he was born in Panama Canal Zone. Key being McCain's father was in the military and he was born of two United States citizens on a US military installation. Not the same with Obama. His father was not an American citizen and Berg asserts that Obama was born on Kenyan soil. (Emphasis added)
DREW ZAHN: In a 34-page memorandum that accompanied the court order, the Hon. R. Barclay Surrick concludes that ordinary citizens can't sue to ensure that a presidential candidate actually meets the constitutional requirements of the office.One would think that a man who claims he has good judgment and is transparent and above the fray would have enough integrity to settle the matter by producing the document. If The American People can not trust him to tell the truth about himself how can he be trusted on anything? How many lies does he have to spout before his "judgment" is questioned?
Surrick defers to Congress, saying that the legislature could determine "that citizens, voters, or party members should police the Constitution's eligibility requirements for the Presidency," but that it would take new laws to grant individual citizens that ability.
"Until that time," Surrick says, "voters do not have standing to bring the sort of challenge that Plaintiff attempts to bring."If anything were actually to be proven - I'm sure there'd be an amendment to the constitution.
Berg has maintained that uncertainty about how the U.S. does enforce the requirements of presidency may result in a constitutional crisis should an ineligible candidate win the office.
Surrick did not rule on the birth certificate controversy, though he did express skepticism over the notion that a foreign-born Obama would have escaped the primaries without being discovered.He didn't even bother to do any research. He must have taken for granted the press did their job - they didn't. What does this say about the integrity of our judicial system? First the DNC, then the MSM and now the Court. What's left? Nanci Pelosi? The president?
"Plaintiff would have us derail the democratic process by invalidating a candidate for whom millions of people voted," Surrick states, "and who underwent excessive vetting during what was one of the most hotly contested presidential primary [sic] in living memory."
Surrick concludes, "The alleged harm to voters stemming from a presidential candidate's failure to satisfy the eligibility requirements of the Natural Born Citizen Clause is not concrete or particularized enough to constitute an injury."Who's that "someone"? Mrs Madelyn Dunham? His sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng? His grandmother Sarah in Kenya? Mrs Obama? Truth would be the CHANGE! I could believe in.
Berg told America's Right that even if he technically can't hold Obama accountable to the Constitution, someone should. He plans to appeal his case to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals and then to the United States Supreme Court.
See more from KENNETH TIMMERMAN at Newsmax (10-24) article about the court ruling and birth certificate. Philip Berg's website. Next he appeals to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals and then to the United States Supreme Court.
Is Obama's birth certificate a fraud?
It seems I never posted any of these videos. Here's one examining the authenticity of Obama's posted birth certificate on his website in comparison with the one on fact check. It was posted on youtube on 10-12-08. Video courtesy of syc1959
Berg challenges Obama's citizenship
I tried to find my original post on this and can't find it so here's the video courtesy of Illuminatitv. Philip Berg is a lawyer from the Philly area who filed suit on 8-21-08 that alleged that Barack Obama is not a US citizen and therefore ineligible to become president. I know I went through all this before. I'm not sure if the judge decided if the case is meritorious. I can't imagine any judge short of the Supreme Court ruling on this. The question remains: Why hasn't barry produced the documents?
Sensationalized "assassination plot"
October 28, 2008
I find this "assassination plot" to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. And the way it has been sensationalized goes beyond irresponsible. "Two Neo-Nazi Skinheads Plan To Assassinate Obama Disrupted By ATF". How many other whack jobs (besides Gov Palin) are going to be copycats so they can be mentioned on CNN? These two idiots were as likely to get near Obama as I am and I live in Chicago. It was overblown to draw attention from the effigy of Gov Palin being lynched and John McCain being burned alive. Period. I could not find a single article on MSNBC about it.
These two country boys who reportedly met online month ago, one of whom didn't graduate high school and lives in a poor, rural area of Tennessee plotting to kill Obama? Absolute madness. The meth heads in Denver had proximity if nothing else. These supposed assassins said they were planning to kill exactly 88 people - and beheading exactly 14 more - then go on a killing spree which would culminate in a drive by assassination of obama all the while wearing white tuxes and tophats. What kind of moonshine are they drinking down there? The Secret Service I mean. Is there more to this? How much investigating went into the "kill him" comment by DAVID SINGLETON? Has he been brought up on charges of failing to report a threat on a "major presidential candidate"? Making a false claim? Anything? It's not worth checking.
"They were stockpiling weapons." ATF seized a rifle, a sawed-off shotgun and three handguns. How many did they already own as kids living in rural America? How were they planning on beheading people? Swiss army knives? The were so intent on causing mayhem that they shot at a church when no one was in it. I didn't see anywhere why they were caught - just that they were arrested.
Here's "The Official Water Carrier of Barack Obama" Ben Smith's version. Even for him it's laughable.
According to the UK Times. The article's sensational title: "Two Neo-Nazi Skinheads Plan To Assassinate Obama Disrupted By ATF". The weapons seized were stolen from family members. "On the exterior of Cowart's car were racially motivated words and symbols, including, on its hood, a swastika and the numbers "14" and "88"." How exactly were they going to make quick getaways and get anywhere near obama with that type of car with or without the white tuxes? Ok. I'm done with this.
I find this "assassination plot" to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. And the way it has been sensationalized goes beyond irresponsible. "Two Neo-Nazi Skinheads Plan To Assassinate Obama Disrupted By ATF". How many other whack jobs (besides Gov Palin) are going to be copycats so they can be mentioned on CNN? These two idiots were as likely to get near Obama as I am and I live in Chicago. It was overblown to draw attention from the effigy of Gov Palin being lynched and John McCain being burned alive. Period. I could not find a single article on MSNBC about it.
These two country boys who reportedly met online month ago, one of whom didn't graduate high school and lives in a poor, rural area of Tennessee plotting to kill Obama? Absolute madness. The meth heads in Denver had proximity if nothing else. These supposed assassins said they were planning to kill exactly 88 people - and beheading exactly 14 more - then go on a killing spree which would culminate in a drive by assassination of obama all the while wearing white tuxes and tophats. What kind of moonshine are they drinking down there? The Secret Service I mean. Is there more to this? How much investigating went into the "kill him" comment by DAVID SINGLETON? Has he been brought up on charges of failing to report a threat on a "major presidential candidate"? Making a false claim? Anything? It's not worth checking.
"They were stockpiling weapons." ATF seized a rifle, a sawed-off shotgun and three handguns. How many did they already own as kids living in rural America? How were they planning on beheading people? Swiss army knives? The were so intent on causing mayhem that they shot at a church when no one was in it. I didn't see anywhere why they were caught - just that they were arrested.
Here's "The Official Water Carrier of Barack Obama" Ben Smith's version. Even for him it's laughable.
The Palin effigy was crude, but it's breathtaking to compare that with indictments in a mass murder and assassination plot...The ATF's filings in that case are now online, and describe the skinheads as quite scary and dangerous, but much closer to their mass murder plans than to the presidential candidate.Mass murder plans thwarted by a dog and a major candidate for VP's effigy continues to hang from a tree with her hands behind her back as an "art" exhibit protected by free speech. ATF filing: (emphasis added)
The Criminal Complaint charges Cowart and Schlesselman with the illegal possession of a sawed off shotgun, conspiracy to rob a federal firearms licensee, and making threats against a major candidate for the office of president.
According to the complaint, approximately one month ago, Cowart and Schlesselman met via the internet through a mutual friend and both claim to have very strong beliefs regarding “White Power” and “Skinhead” philosophy. Cowart and Schlesselman began discussing going on a “killing spree.” The complaint further alleges that Cowart and Schlesselman discussed robbing a gun shop (federal firearms licensee) in order to gather weapons and ammunition. The complaint notes the defendants were in possession of a sawed off shotgun.
On Oct. 20, 2008, Cowart allegedly traveled from Tennessee to Arkansas to pick up Schlesselman in order to carry out their plan. The complaint states that at this time, the defendants further discussed their killing spree to include targeting a predominately African American school and to continue their spree until their final act of violence, which would be to attempt to assassinate Presidential Candidate Barack Obama.I do not want to make light of any of this. But as Smith says 'breathtaking to compare that with indictments in a mass murder and assassination plot & quite scary and dangerous"? So much so they spontaneously decide to rob a house and got scared away by a dog. But Politico readers will take him at his word - much the same they ran with the unsubstantiated "Kill him" and Gov Palin's "faked pregnancy". They can make fifty posts a day over there but they can't use their toes to count.
“The U.S. Secret Service takes all threats against presidential candidates seriously and is actively investigating the allegations,” said Richard Harlow, Special Agent in Charge of the Secret Service-Memphis Field Office. “The Secret Service does not comment on this type of investigation.”
The complaint further notes that the defendants stated that they would be willing to die during this attempt. According to the complaint, after soliciting a friend to drive their car between 11 p.m. on Oct. 21, 2008, and 2 a.m. on Oct. 22, 2008, the defendants made plans to rob a house, but were diverted when they arrived and observed a dog and two cars at the location. Cowart and Schlesselman then dropped Stafford back off at her residence and then went to a local retail store and allegedly purchased nylon rope and two ski masks.
The defendants were arrested on Oct. 22, 2008, by the Crockett County Sheriff’s Office. “Once we arrested the defendants and suspected they had violated federal law, we immediately contacted federal authorities,” said Sheriff Troy Klyce of Crockett County. “The Sheriff’s Department is committed to keeping Crockett County a safe place for all of our citizens.”
According to the UK Times. The article's sensational title: "Two Neo-Nazi Skinheads Plan To Assassinate Obama Disrupted By ATF". The weapons seized were stolen from family members. "On the exterior of Cowart's car were racially motivated words and symbols, including, on its hood, a swastika and the numbers "14" and "88"." How exactly were they going to make quick getaways and get anywhere near obama with that type of car with or without the white tuxes? Ok. I'm done with this.
UPDATE: Mrs Obama's phone call: Obama camp offered $3M bribe
October 29, 2008
The continuing fantastical saga of the African Press International's claim that Mrs Obama made a call to them discussing barry's birth in Hawaii and later adoption by his stepfather. Now they have released the tape to FOX News (of course) and the Obama "campaign manager" offered a $3M bribe. No name of course. I guess the proof will be whether FOX actually has something to air. One more thing Plouffe might have been stressed about - even if it is complete fabrication. Original post. Vieter denial
Chief Editor Korir of the API:
The continuing fantastical saga of the African Press International's claim that Mrs Obama made a call to them discussing barry's birth in Hawaii and later adoption by his stepfather. Now they have released the tape to FOX News (of course) and the Obama "campaign manager" offered a $3M bribe. No name of course. I guess the proof will be whether FOX actually has something to air. One more thing Plouffe might have been stressed about - even if it is complete fabrication. Original post. Vieter denial
Chief Editor Korir of the API:
Six hours after the release of information by API on the planned broadcast by Fox News Network of the Michelle Obama tape, in accordance with an agreement that has been reached between API and Fox News Network, API was contacted by Obama's Campaign Manager.I can't even comment on this. You decide what's going on. I'm more interested in what Berg has done as far as the lawsuit to unseal Obama's birth certificate. I still wonder about the timing of the trip to Hawaii and how certain he was when he was coming back.
Those who are close to the democratic presidential candidate must be desperate to win the elections no matter what, otherwise they would not have taken such bold step to contact API with an offer of a bribe in order to stop the airing of the tape.
Obama's campaign manager contacted API by telephone and email offering 3 million US dollars followed with a request to API to cancel the deal with Fox News Network.
Ten days ago API received the first request to accept 2 million US dollars by Mr Ed Hale, President of Plains Radio, Texas - USA, in an effort to suppress the information from reaching the public before the coming US Presidential elections.
API has now taken a decision to contact the American Embassy in Oslo, Norway as soon as possible in order to report the matter and hand over the evidence for investigative purposes.
API's Canadian lawyer is expected to fly to Oslo shortly in order to assist in the legal matters that arise from the bribery attempt.
API's Chief editor is expected to travel to New York, together with the Canadian lawyer, where he will appear live in one of the shows that will air the Michelle Obama tape.
"Sexy" GOP robocall
October 29, 2008
Green Republican Candidate for U.S. Congress (CA), Zane Starkewolf made a robocall that I think he wanted to be sexy. Instead it sounds like a 6th grader's Halloween prank. Young female voice: "Mike Thompson's been a baaaad boy. We all said no to the bailout, but Thompson backed Bush, just like he did for the Patriot Act. Vote Yesssssss for Zane." I wonder if she works for the Michigan phone sex hotline.
His explanation: "I acknowledge that the idea behind the ad, and indeed the execution of the call, was not the safe route to take. And if my run for office was simply for personal gain, I would not have taken a risk. But the content and the facts within the message were there and need to be discussed. Hopefully this call opens up the forum for discussion on the issues and on the representation which is so essential to our system."
Not for personal gain...open up the forum for discussion. It worked. Go here for more info on robocall guidelines.
Green Republican Candidate for U.S. Congress (CA), Zane Starkewolf made a robocall that I think he wanted to be sexy. Instead it sounds like a 6th grader's Halloween prank. Young female voice: "Mike Thompson's been a baaaad boy. We all said no to the bailout, but Thompson backed Bush, just like he did for the Patriot Act. Vote Yesssssss for Zane." I wonder if she works for the Michigan phone sex hotline.
His explanation: "I acknowledge that the idea behind the ad, and indeed the execution of the call, was not the safe route to take. And if my run for office was simply for personal gain, I would not have taken a risk. But the content and the facts within the message were there and need to be discussed. Hopefully this call opens up the forum for discussion on the issues and on the representation which is so essential to our system."
Not for personal gain...open up the forum for discussion. It worked. Go here for more info on robocall guidelines.
Quote of the day: "He's passing his hope bong around"
Larry King talking to Stephen Colbert
KING: Give you me your assessment of Barack Obama, where he has come from, what he has done, what he has accomplished.
STEPHEN COLBERT: He is an inspiring candidate. And he has got the young people out there just eating out of the palm of his hand. He is passing his "hope bong" around the drum circle of young America.
KING: His "hope bong"?
COLBERT: He is inviting people to take deep tokes off of his bong packed with hope.
KING: I've got you. OK. All right. We will...
COLBERT: Change! Change!
How many bongs did barry do back in the day? Larry?
KING: Give you me your assessment of Barack Obama, where he has come from, what he has done, what he has accomplished.
STEPHEN COLBERT: He is an inspiring candidate. And he has got the young people out there just eating out of the palm of his hand. He is passing his "hope bong" around the drum circle of young America.
KING: His "hope bong"?
COLBERT: He is inviting people to take deep tokes off of his bong packed with hope.
KING: I've got you. OK. All right. We will...
COLBERT: Change! Change!
How many bongs did barry do back in the day? Larry?
Obama response to "assassination plot"
October 28, 2008
Obama's response to alleged plot. From AFP. AP pix Chester, PA.
"I think what's been striking about this campaign is the degree to which these kind of hate groups have been marginalized. That's not who America is. That's not what our future is," Democrat Obama told Pennsylvania television station KDKA late Monday.
"What I've found is that people here, they don't care what color you are. What they're trying to figure out is who can deliver," he said.
Asked if he was concerned about his safety, Obama said no.
"I've got the best folks in the world -- the Secret Service," he said.
Obama's response to alleged plot. From AFP. AP pix Chester, PA.
"What I've found is that people here, they don't care what color you are. What they're trying to figure out is who can deliver," he said.
Asked if he was concerned about his safety, Obama said no.
"I've got the best folks in the world -- the Secret Service," he said.
African Press' take on Obama
Here's a few stories from the African Press -- the same organization that claims to have an inflammatory and incriminatory phone conversation with Mrs Obama. That's a whole nother story. Here's their title:
"OBAMA was to be assassinated today - 8 days to the US Presidential elections"
"OBAMA was to be assassinated today - 8 days to the US Presidential elections"
Look at API's earlier stories at the end of the page on the danger that faces Obama! We have stated earlier that he is putting his life in danger. We have also warned of the bloodshed in America if the Americans fail to use their vote wisely!A related article: "The American people should prepare for bloodshed between the 5th of November 2008 and 20th of January 2009. "Do not say you were not warned."
Bloodshed can only be stopped by the Americans themselves by execising (sic) their voting right wisely. Personally, I do not have any agenda or intention to bring forth confusion only days to the election, but the truth must be told to the Americans and the world.He then likens the change in Kenya to change here in the US. And he makes a good point about identity politics and Obama's message of CHANGE! as in what does it mean. It means the only slogan he could run on. What else did he have? 130 days in the US senate and 130 *presents* in the Illinois senate..
America, the only powerful nation in the world right now, will be brought to its knees between the 5th of November 2008 and January 20th 2009 if the American people do not vote wisely on the 4th of November.
People were killed. Neighbours murdered neighbours in the name of change. So Americans should be prepared for that which may come in the name of change.
But the question they should ask is, yes we want change, but, change from what to what? People should know where they are heading to and should not be blinded and misled to fight for change they do not know where it is leading them to.
I fear for the American people now and feel for them and pray for them because of what is about to happen if they misuse their voting rights. I have been able to listen to their concerns and I can say America is being held hostage by fear at this moment and time. The vote they cast on the 4th of November will determine the future for their children, both white and non-white. We have seen children in schools in America taking guns and killing their own friends. Now come elections, and the heated political situation that has divided the country into two. It is like fighting for a popularity contest, where the contestants are determined to win, whatever it may cost. And this time it will not cost money, but many lives because the song of change has brought fear right into every American home.
If they have learnt something then they should save their country from racial divide that will see neighbours start to shoot one another, because we know almost every American home has a gun, so they will not be throwing any stones at one another.
A black man or woman, for example, will be considered mad if he decides not to support Obama just for the simple fact that he is black and has Kenyan roots. The roots where he gets the charisma that enables him to feel he will save the Americans from world hate by inviting leaders of hostile countries to dine in the White House.Here, an interesting take on Obama's willingness to sit down with rogue leaders.
To save America from world hate according to the masses who sing "change" in chorus, will be for Obama to befriend Ahmadinejad of Iran, Chavez of Venezuela and our Kim in the North. Not that I have any problem with these men - No. In one way, I have admiration for their style of leadership. The only thing I am saying is that the American people must be made to understand what kind of change they will get and at what cost? (Bloodshed?). Americans are in for a big surprise because they will have the three men as frequent visitors to the White House in the name of Change and dialogue.I agree. Whomever becomes president it will be change. It's just the matter of what color the dollar bill will be. Did barry mint some cash to go with his presidential seal?
Do not say you were not told. The world will be watching when you fall into a crisis where you are shooting yourselves indiscriminately because you will have been blinded by the word - change.
And then there's this article: "Obama's running mate J. Biden may take over the presidency" Analysts are now saying that if Barack Obama waves manage to put the Democrats in charge, there is no way that their lead candidate will survive until the inauguration day the 20th of January 2009. No number of security men and women will manage to protect him from assassination if he wins the presidency.Kind of puts all the articles in perspective. Including the fact that they allege Mrs Obama made that call. Still it's an interesting look at what happens to sensationalized reports of skinheads planning mass murder and the eventual assassination of obama. It's absolutely irresponsible and hysterical reporting.
Analysts say they already see a possibility of a vacuum after the elections on 4th November...It is now a general belief that J. Biden is preparing himself for the presidency to avoid a vacuum being created...But the same observers are in agreement that if Obama is elected and assassinated before taking over office, the black people will however have achieved their aim of having a black man elected to the highest office in the only powerful nation in the world. History will have been written down even if Obama does not get the opportunity to give his first orders as the US Commander in Chief.
Ignorant MSM of the day: Roland Martin
December 30, 2008
10-29-08 Message from Roland Martin to Joe the Plumber:
Dude, shut up! It's nuts!
Go fix a bathtub!
Imagine yelling this at a black blue collar workers. Anderson Cooper says he doesn't know how to text and yet he was laughing at John McCain whose injuries limit his ability to use a computer.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Lynched Palin effigy: Freedom of speech
October 28, 2008
Local reaction to the Gov Palin lynched effigy. Interesting take on the definition of a hate crime. Is this considered a threat on the life of major candidate for the Vice Presidency? Would this be a free speech issue if it were Obama being lynched in effigy? Wonder where they ordered it from. The Gaza Strip? Maybe they exchanged Obama t-shirts with the brothers who bought $33K worth of t-shirts.
Local reaction to the Gov Palin lynched effigy. Interesting take on the definition of a hate crime. Is this considered a threat on the life of major candidate for the Vice Presidency? Would this be a free speech issue if it were Obama being lynched in effigy? Wonder where they ordered it from. The Gaza Strip? Maybe they exchanged Obama t-shirts with the brothers who bought $33K worth of t-shirts.
"The sheriff made this clear; this is a country that has freedom of speech, and we protect that right even when we think it's idiotic and stupid and in bad taste and wrong to do," said Steve Whitmore, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. "If it is nonviolent and doesn't cause any problems, then they have the right to do it."Ill-advised. The pigs got what they wanted: 15 seconds of shame. What are the chances they're registered democrats?
Whitmore said that potential hate crimes are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. If the same display had been made with a Barack Obama likeness, for example, authorities would have to evaluate it independently, Whitmore said.
"That adds a whole other social, historical hate aspect to the display, and that is embedded in the consciousness of the country," he said, adding he's not sure whether it would be a hate crime. "It would be ill-advised of anybody to speculate on that."
Wonder what Bob Herbert sees in this?
pix courtesy of obamamessiah
A naked breasted white woman wrapped in the American flag, the messiah appearing in the clouds and the adoring masses kneel at his feet. Obama campaign headquarters. I don't even know what to say about the second pix...it reminds me of something. Oh yeah, the Olympics. Here you go. Ought to make Shweaty Hardballs happy.
Please vote in our polls
Hello visitors and subscribers! Please take a moment to vote in the polls if you haven't. Some of the questions become irrelevant after next Tuesday. Thank you.
NAACP files suit against Gov Kaine (D-Va)
October 28, 2008
The NAACP has filed a lawsuit against Democratic Governor and vetted Obama VP candidate, Tim Kaine over inadequate election preparations in light of the projected heavy voter turnout.
According to the AP,
The NAACP has filed a lawsuit against Democratic Governor and vetted Obama VP candidate, Tim Kaine over inadequate election preparations in light of the projected heavy voter turnout.
According to the AP,
The defendants also incliude the State Board of Elections and its executive secretary, Nancy Rodrigues, and registrars and election officials in three of the state's largest cities — Richmond, Norfolk and Virginia Beach. They are seeking reallocation of voting machines to precincts most likely to have long waiting lines, specifically minority polling places, and to keep polls open for an additional two hours.Can someone explain to me the timing of this? They have known of the problem since the primaries and have known the about of newly registered voters so why wait till eight days before the general election to do anything? Does it have to do with the RNC's Ohio lawsuit? The DNC's Nevada lawsuit? There is something behind it - the question is what. Here's an article by cvllelaw on DemocraticCentral.com. I can't begin to tell you what it means.
The lawsuit notes that many polling places in Virginia were overwhelmed during the February Democratic presidential primary that shattered records for turnout in Virginia nomination contests. Obama won with more than 1 million votes in a state where primaries historically pass with scant notice.
Since January, more than 436,000 new voters have been registered in Virginia, increasing the state's voter rolls largely because of Obama's historic position as the first black nominee for president.
"To adhere stubbornly to inadequate levels of resources in the face of the increased registration and increased turnout will result in a meltdown on Election Day," the complaint says.
In some precincts, officials ran out of ballots during the primary, leaving voters in tears and forced to mark their preferences on sheets of paper. The makeshift ballots were later rejected.
"The allocation of polling place resources is plainly irrational, nonuniform and likely discriminatory," wrote Henry L. Marsh, attorney for the NAACP and a Democratic state senator from Richmond.
Ted Stevens (R-AK) found guilty
October 28, 2008
Senator Ted Stevens was convicted on all seven counts yesterday. Does anyone find it coincidental that his trial took place this close to the election? The senior ranking Republican in the house who just happens to be a senator from Alaska? He was found guilty of not reporting thousands of dollars worth of "gifts" from the VECO Corporation, including free house remodeling.
Where are the questions of Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich? A pal and fellow politician of Obama's, who is presently being investigated for his dealings with another pal and former fudraiser of Obama's -- the ever-present and not going away, found guilty on 16/24 charges, convicted felon, Syrian-born, Tony Rezko. Blagojevich is being investigated for his house remodeling job involving Rezko's company.
The pro-Obama media bias has never been clearer as regards Rezko. How many voters know that Obama was named in Rezko's indictment? That barry took $250,000 from Rezko and that some of the money donated was alleged to come directly from the scheme (Aramanda $10K whose son then became an Obama intern) that Rezko was found guilty of? The most curious part of the story is that Rezko wrote a letter to the trial judge that he'd never been "party to any wrongdoing that involved the governor or the senator". And now it appears he did have a connection with the governor over a remodel job. It might explain Rezko's decision to squeal to the feds to delay his sentencing until after the election. First it was Sept 3rd, then October 28th and now delayed indefinitely. And yet Ted Stevens was tried and found guilty in the public eye with wide coverage right before the general election.
No pro-Obama media bias?
Stevens has yet to take his name off the ballot. McCain stated that Stevens should resign because he has "broken his trust with the people". How long before barry does that? Strangely, if Palin loses she could possibly become senator.
Senator Ted Stevens was convicted on all seven counts yesterday. Does anyone find it coincidental that his trial took place this close to the election? The senior ranking Republican in the house who just happens to be a senator from Alaska? He was found guilty of not reporting thousands of dollars worth of "gifts" from the VECO Corporation, including free house remodeling.
Where are the questions of Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich? A pal and fellow politician of Obama's, who is presently being investigated for his dealings with another pal and former fudraiser of Obama's -- the ever-present and not going away, found guilty on 16/24 charges, convicted felon, Syrian-born, Tony Rezko. Blagojevich is being investigated for his house remodeling job involving Rezko's company.
The pro-Obama media bias has never been clearer as regards Rezko. How many voters know that Obama was named in Rezko's indictment? That barry took $250,000 from Rezko and that some of the money donated was alleged to come directly from the scheme (Aramanda $10K whose son then became an Obama intern) that Rezko was found guilty of? The most curious part of the story is that Rezko wrote a letter to the trial judge that he'd never been "party to any wrongdoing that involved the governor or the senator". And now it appears he did have a connection with the governor over a remodel job. It might explain Rezko's decision to squeal to the feds to delay his sentencing until after the election. First it was Sept 3rd, then October 28th and now delayed indefinitely. And yet Ted Stevens was tried and found guilty in the public eye with wide coverage right before the general election.
No pro-Obama media bias?
Stevens has yet to take his name off the ballot. McCain stated that Stevens should resign because he has "broken his trust with the people". How long before barry does that? Strangely, if Palin loses she could possibly become senator.
When did you stop beating you wife?
October 28, 2008
Hardball Matthews characterized Barbara West's to Biden as a when did you stop beating your wife question. But in light is this audiotape where obama discusses redistribution of wealth and his obamanating on taxes it maybe it was a reasonable question. You decide.
9-26-08 interview (& video)West brings up the internet rumor that Biden's going to announce a medical problem after the VP debate so Hillary can step in and be VP. He loved it. Probably why he went back. Watch the video for a chuckle.
10-23-08 interview (& video) She quotes Marx and asks how is Senator Obama not a Marxist if he intends to spread the wealth around? Biden says are you kidding me? It's a this a joke? Is this a real question? And later says I don't know who's writing your questions.
(10-25-08) The camp's backlash of the interview on 10-23-08. Mrs Biden will not appear and future interviews "unlikely". Can you imagine if the MSM was not a pro-barry propaganda machine? They wouldn't be having interviews anywhere.
Update: I see why this was brought up again. Barbara West was on Larry King last night. (emphasis added)
And has Alma Campbell Brown disclosed that her husband, Dan Senor is a former adviser for the now-defunct Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq and is now reportedly serving as an adviser to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney?
Hardball Matthews characterized Barbara West's to Biden as a when did you stop beating your wife question. But in light is this audiotape where obama discusses redistribution of wealth and his obamanating on taxes it maybe it was a reasonable question. You decide.
9-26-08 interview (& video)West brings up the internet rumor that Biden's going to announce a medical problem after the VP debate so Hillary can step in and be VP. He loved it. Probably why he went back. Watch the video for a chuckle.
10-23-08 interview (& video) She quotes Marx and asks how is Senator Obama not a Marxist if he intends to spread the wealth around? Biden says are you kidding me? It's a this a joke? Is this a real question? And later says I don't know who's writing your questions.
(10-25-08) The camp's backlash of the interview on 10-23-08. Mrs Biden will not appear and future interviews "unlikely". Can you imagine if the MSM was not a pro-barry propaganda machine? They wouldn't be having interviews anywhere.
Update: I see why this was brought up again. Barbara West was on Larry King last night. (emphasis added)
King: The Orlando Sentinel reports that you are registered as a Republican; your husband is a Republican strategist. Is that true?Can you believe the cojones? The entire MSM is in the bag for Obama and they call out Ms West for having the nerve to ask a Hardball question? Look what Matthews did to Michele Bachmann. This is beyond crazy. All it does is show once again that obama is obambi. Why didn't they laugh it off? Why didn't they laugh off the pig controversy? (Which was clearly directed at Palin.) The pro-Obama MSM is not satisfied to promote barry - they have to destroy as many of his naysayers as possible - including any and all bystanders. Definition of obamerism. Joe the Plumber...Todd Palin and the rest of the family when Obama said the candidates family were off-limits. How much did the man of the fray enforce it? The media will listen to anything he says - but he said nothing.
West: Let me correct that. My husband did do consulting for the Republican Party back in the Clinton administration, and he also worked for Sen. Paul Wellstone, who was a very liberal Democrat at the time, and they were working together to shape the media message as far as the sex slave trade was concerned. He was sent by the Clinton administration to go to Europe and also South America to consult with local officials who were perceived as friends of America in fighting the war against drugs.
And has Alma Campbell Brown disclosed that her husband, Dan Senor is a former adviser for the now-defunct Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq and is now reportedly serving as an adviser to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney?
McCain yard sign theft turns to violence
MSNBC Melissa Rayburger to David Schuser: Yeah, David, get this one and then she launched into the "Breaking News".
Police in Leavittsburg, Ohio say a teenager was shot and wounded Saturday by man who was allegedly trying to stop two boys from stealing his John McCain front yard sign. He was sitting on the porch and when they wouldn’t stop, he went in, got a .22 rifle and fired three warning shots, two of which hit the van, one of them accidentally wounded the 17y/o passenger, Kyree Flowers, in the arm. He was treated at a local hospital and released. He and his 18 y/o cousin admitted they had stolen several other McCain signs, but they haven’t been charged. The 50 y/o shooter, Kenneth Rowles was charged with 2nd degree felonious assault in court today and was released on bond.
When Schuster asked Ed Runyon, a reporter from the Youngstown Vindicater, what the community thought - Runyon said he didn’t know – he hadn’t talked to them. Says a lot. The incident occurred Saturday.
Police in Leavittsburg, Ohio say a teenager was shot and wounded Saturday by man who was allegedly trying to stop two boys from stealing his John McCain front yard sign. He was sitting on the porch and when they wouldn’t stop, he went in, got a .22 rifle and fired three warning shots, two of which hit the van, one of them accidentally wounded the 17y/o passenger, Kyree Flowers, in the arm. He was treated at a local hospital and released. He and his 18 y/o cousin admitted they had stolen several other McCain signs, but they haven’t been charged. The 50 y/o shooter, Kenneth Rowles was charged with 2nd degree felonious assault in court today and was released on bond.
When Schuster asked Ed Runyon, a reporter from the Youngstown Vindicater, what the community thought - Runyon said he didn’t know – he hadn’t talked to them. Says a lot. The incident occurred Saturday.
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