Sunday, March 8, 2009

DL Hughley to Ron Paul: “You are too human to be Republican”

March 7, 2009

DL Hughley interviews Rep Ron Paul (R-TX). The “Rush Limbaugh is the head of the Republican Party” debate continues.

HUGHLEY: Why is his name Steele? You should call him aluminum.

HUGHLEY to Paul: You talk sensibly, you’re very reasonable, you’re very pragmatic in your approach…Is Rush Limbaugh the Republican Party Leader?

PAUL: Philosophically, he has a lot to do with it but technically, no, he’s not that leader. He’s not an elected leader. But philosophically he’s filling a void. I think there’s a void in the Republican Party and somebody is filling it. There are philosphic influences and that’s what Rush Limbaugh does.

HUGLEY: If the word conspiracy is gonna be used let the black guy do it.

HUGHLEY to Paul: You don’t seem like a Republican to me - like that I’ve ever heard. You seem so reasonable…You seem to make sense, which I don’t attribute to too many politicians.

Paul says he’s a “strict Constitutionalist” but he didn’t have the nads to go to the wall with barry and his birth certificate.

HUGHLEY: You are too human to be Republican….You make too much sense - you can’t be a Republican.

Both interviews - Steele and Paul - Hughley remarked that they didn’t seem like Republicans, revealing his own generalized thinking.

What if someone were to say to Hughley: You don’t seem like a black person to me - you seem too reasonable - too human - you make too much sense.

Would it be considered worse than *articulate*?


HUGHLEY: Next we’ll find out if Jesus was a Republican…

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