April 20, 2009
barry expected to be lauded and feted like he was in the Arab world and instead they made a mockery of him - and by extension America and all Americans. And it's not clear if he even realized it. He's too convinced world leaders love him. Like Brutus maybe. Time will tell.
Chavez is probably still laughing about how he disrespected somebody who didn't even realize he was being disrespected. Somebody clearly out of his element. Somebody he got immortalized on film laughing and grinning like long lost bong buddies because barry didn't see it coming and didn't know how to get away.
Or did he even want to?
And what was the heated discussion about that was caught on Venezuelan TV?
Chavez the Dictator and outspoken critic of the US gives barry an anti-American book and he takes it, saying he thought it was one of Chavez's. And he doesn't stop there. He allows America to be trashed for 45 minutes while he smiles and enjoys the show. And when he has a chance to rebut - a chance to stand for the nation he represents and stand up for the people he's always talking about but never to - he does his usual...nothing. Not a peep. He lets us be trashed with him in attendance, laughing like he's at Comedy Central.
And even though the whole disgusting charade was caught on video and in print and photos, he was sure he did nothing wrong and answered the press in his how dare you question me I'm the president voice. Ok. Fine. Then start acting like one. Learn the protocol. Swallow your pride and for the good of The American People ask Mr Bill what to do. Or your tea-sipping Secretary of State who can hold her own with world leaders and connect with their oppressed forgotten citizens.
And when asked, his explanation was the same as it has been for the last two years: the American People....the voters...Bush was wrong...
Will someone please tell him that the campaign is over and that it's time to stop pandering to swing states? And then inform him he got the job and he has to start doing it - in his office. And his blaming Bush and feigning outrage over bonuses he had full prior knowledge of isn't going to cut it.
And what fellow Democratic presidential candidate hasn't he trashed? Clinton, yes. Edwards, yes. Richardson, yes. Biden, yes. And now Dodd. Typical barry MO. He doesn't just want to win - he wants to destroy his opponent and will do whatever it takes - starting with the tried and true cry of racism. For a man who gave a politically expedient (what else) speech on race, he surely didn't heed his own words. All three opponents left the race racists - one equal to George Wallace. And that wasn't even enough. He had to trash President Clinton.
How can any of you folks think he is honorable in any fashion?
Chris Dodd has an approval rating in the 30's and may lose his seat because of the bonuses barry pretended not to know about. And how hard did Dodd go after his fellow senator and former first lady to get barry elected? How much credibility did he lose among women voters because of it?
On Morning Joe, John Heilemann said we can't be sure how things work until AFTER THE FIRST TERM of his administration. First it was 100 days, then 6 months, then a year, two years and now at least four. Chrysta Freeland said "right now we're in the Obama listening phase".
What other phases are there?
He is an empty shell. He believes in nothing and changes his views as suits the polls. And the press has allowed him to get away with it - willing accomplices all the way - proud they got their man elected.
What is going to happen when he is finally forced to act?
Who is going to tell him what, how, and when to do it?
And then who is he going to try and blame?
You folks who think he's calm - he's a volcano waiting to erupt. He's done it. Ed Henry, for one. Joe Biden about Justice Roberts, another. There have been some behind closed doors that Howie Fineman has alluded to. Once the press decides to do their job (if they are still able) - we'll see the real barry - which is why they haven't been doing it.
And what exactly has he been doing? He knows that once he acts, he will eventually be held accountable. Something no one has done. So he "listens" and does nothing. How often have you heard his plans the first time out? What hasn't he refined his position on as he learned about it? As he realized it needed to be translated to reality?
And why can't he make the simplest of speeches without a teleprompter?
Because he doesn't know what he is taking about?
His foreign policy is diplomacy because he doesn't know what to do and because it was something President Bush didn't do. He wants to rule the cosmos and thinks kumbayaism will solve everything. His naivete is shocking. Already he was put in his place. Already he embarrassed us on the world stage. On both trips.
And the press thinks both were a smashing success!!
How can they keep lying to themselves?
I guess they have no choice. Once they acknowledge he is nothing but a shell run by political expedience they'll have to admit that they got conned.
And don't expect him to ever admit he was wrong. He still hasn't admitted he was wrong about the Surge because it would ruin the whole "superior judgment" "right from day one" inconsequential politically expedient Iraq fairy tale. A grand fairy tale that paid off. Why people believed it I will never know. When it came to action, when his judgment could actually be assessed, he did nothing. He even refused to go to Afghanistan - the reason why he spoke out in the first place.
And now when he was forced to act on Iraq?
The troops are leaving on essentially President Bush's timetable.
He deceived the voters with his promise and he won the nomination because of it.
Change we can believe in?
Or same old politically expedient barry?
“It’s (always) Bush’s fault”
barry’s naivete clear on both trips
The true meaning behind Chavez’s “gift”
barry’s new rogue leader foursome
barry’s bud, Hugio Chavez calls Pres Bush “The Devil”
barry shakes Hugo Chavez’s and Daniel Ortega’s hands
Hugo Chavez gives barry a book and gets a photo op
barry’s not so genial private chat with Chavez
Post Chavez handshake press conference
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