Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Octuplets: Dr Phil, Part 5 Allred vs Czech

Updated list of octuplet posts (4-22)

Trying to empty out some of the drafts.

This is Part 5 (second day) of Dr Phil Show discussing the firing of Angels in Waiting. On set are the lawyers: Allred & Jeff Czech; AIW: Linda West-Conforti & Jackie Peebles and Dr Phil. It’s rather embarrassing to see/hear them go at it like sniping middle schoolers. Czech was like a lamb to the slaughter and he knew it. Dr Phil gave Allred a lot of latitude but had to rescue Czech. Dr Phil knew enough to avoid “shrill” - he uses “strident”.

(3-25) Octuplets: Dr Phil Part 1: Nadya; *Angels in Waiting* firing
(3-25) Octuplets: Dr Phil Part 2: Jeff Czech: “Hogging the media”
(3-25) Octuplets: Dr Phil, Part 3: No more Nadya for him
(3-26) Octuplets: Dr Phil, Part 4: Tuberculosis, nannies
(3-26) Octuplets: Dr Phil, Part 5: Allred vs Czech

March 26, 2009

From Dr Phil’s wesite [emphasis added]


One of the reasons that we care about transparency is so that not only can we tell Child Protective Services, which must be done for the protection of these little, innocent, precious babies, but in addition, so the public knows. The fact is that bringing in Kaiser means that, yes, some of them are mandated reporters, and we hope that they will report to Child Protective Services, but the public now is shutdown, is shutout.

That is what Jeff and Nadya want, for the public only to hear their side, which is going to be, ‘Aw, how wonderful everything is,’ and not to know the truth about what’s really going on inside the house, whether or not these babies are in danger, and that is wrong.

The whole point of Angels in Waiting USA, besides providing such high-quality care from these wonderful pediatric nurses and educational consultants, was not to put the burden on the taxpayer, but this is what Nadya and Jeff are doing; shut everybody up, put the burden on the taxpayer. That’s wrong, and I want to know what they’re hiding and why.


It is certainly not my intention, I know it’s not Nadya’s intention, to hide from the public. Nadya wants her own life. I think any mother who has 50 kids doesn’t necessarily want to be public with the private issues in her life.

That comment is so ludicrous it isn’t even funny. Nadya sits everyday and chats to radaronline about her life. Nobody’s forcing her and she knows the videos go online uncensored. He knew he shouldnt have said it and Allred pounced.


She’s public every day, Jeff. That’s why the paparazzi were there the first night. She went on the media and announced that the babies were coming home.


It was pretty calm until you showed up with your briefcase in hand, held a press conference and then refused to leave the premises.

First he complains about her “hogging the media” and then wants to know where Nadya’s money is.


I have repeatedly asked Gloria for an accounting. Nadya needs to plan. I didn’t get that transparency.

He’s all about transparency when it comes to cash.

ALLRED holds up a stack of printed out emails.

You got numerous e-mails, Jeff. Saying, ‘Jeff, can we have a meeting with the nurses, and Nadya, and Dr. Phil, and you and me?’


I’m very busy. It’s hard to have a meeting every five minutes.

He’s reacting like a child who doesn’t know what excuse to use and she’s got him in her sights.


We asked for one meeting. We had to discuss the catastrophe that occurred Tuesday night, because you and Nadya failed to plan and provide adequate security, and because you dared to tell the media when the babies were coming home. If it had been done quietly, these babies would not have been placed at risk.

And as to the accounting, as Dr. Phil knows from all of these e-mails, we said we’d be very happy to tell you about the funds. Let’s have a meeting, either in person or have a conference call on the phone. You refused to do either for almost a week.

DR PHIL realizes it’s his show and addresses Allred:.

Are you being too strident [aka shrill] in this situation? It seems like there’s constant criticism, and I wonder if she did feel threatened by this Angels in Waiting USA contingent? And she felt like, ‘I’m being constantly judged, and they’re not helping me if they see a problem; they’re reporting me. They’re not assisting, and it seems to be adversarial.

What gave it away Dr Phil? He asks Czech if Nadya’s on welfare and he pretends he doesn’t know. Where’s that transparency?


You say that this may fall back to Medi-Cal, or [Nadya] is on Medi-Cal right now, true?


If Medi-Cal took care of the initial birth, etc., then what’s going on now is probably a continuation of that. I’ve not verified that with Nadya. But let me stress, Nadya doesn’t want this anymore. She wants to be on her own.

Yeah and she just wanted one more child when she couldn’t support the 6 she already had. And her oldest daughter didn’t want the octuplets to come home. Words mean nothing.


Here’s what gets people upset. I am told that while all of this is going on, and she’s trying to situate the kids, and get the nursery right, and get people flowing and all of that sort of thing, she’s taking money and installing a big hot tub in the master suite at this house. When people hear that — if it’s true, and I don’t know if it’s true. If it’s not, tell me it’s not — people wonder why would we be A) making donations, and B) letting this fall on taxpayers, when here’s somebody who’s doing that kind of thing of thing.

Is that true or false?

CZECH explains that the plumbing is bad, and the bathtub leaks into the kitchen.

She had to replace the tub. Nadya’s using her own sources. She has made some money. She has to. She’s in a situation where she’s never going to be looked at very favorably.

And she’s doing nothing to improve matters. And the story of the tub continues to evolve. First her friends gave it to her, then it was donated, then she bought it herself. In one of her RadarOnline videos she takes the cameraman into the bathron


When Gloria came, and I was asked by one of the people from the media, ‘Why is Gloria here? Please ask her to leave,’ I said, ‘I don’t understand the confusion. I really don’t’. Gloria came, said, ‘I don’t want a press conference. I don’t want my face on the media.’ She sat down at the kitchen table … This was a happy day for the union, for all of us coming together and bringing the babies home. It was quiet. Gloria was sitting there at the kitchen table, no conference, nothing going on.

DR PHIL to Czech:

Did you want Gloria out of there that night, and did you get in her face and attack her, yelling and pointing your finger in her face to get her out?


Nadya and I were locked up with the Kaiser people for, I don’t how long, four or five hours, and during this time, apparently the ruckus was building at Nadya’s home, and we did not even know. Information was filtering in to me that there were a lot of unnecessary people at that house, and so I started asking my staffers to politely ask all unnecessary people, and Gloria Allred was one of them — she didn’t have to be there — I asked everybody to leave, and they did.

[He says he spoke with Gloria, and she went into the backyard.]

It was complete mayhem.

And who caused it to be that way? Who told the paparazzi exactly when she would be bringing them home? Who didn’t have any type of security in place?

ALLRED, chomping to cross examine him and trap him in lies:

This is just so much nonsense. What happened was, yes, Jeff asked the press, and there were numerous representatives of the media — cameras, audio equipment, video equipment, wires, cords, lights — by the way, a lot of which was set up in this very small nursery later in the night when these little preemies came home, exposing these little babies to high risk of infection and danger — but in any event, yes, he asked them to clear out.

But guess what? Before Nadya came home with the babies, he let everybody back in.

[She explains that she was at the house to protect the nurses.]

They were going into a high-risk situation, because Nadya had announced all these media people were there. I wanted to make sure that they could do their job and not be bullied, and not be prevented from caring for these little babies.

She pushed him enough to make him speak the truth even though he wasn’t aware of it. He basically admits he was pist she got the media questions and interviews that night not him.


Gloria, I think you can care about the nurses and about the babies in the confines of your own home. You were part of the ruckus, because you’re a well-known attorney, and a lot of people want to see you, so that was part of it. That was the reason I asked you to leave, along with everyone else. I did not ask them to come back in.

He just admitted that he did not have control of the situation. And Allred says he lost control of himself as well.


Well, they did come back in, so somebody gave them permission. Maybe it was your wife.

When you arrived with Nadya, you didn’t ask them to leave. Instead, what you did in the presence of the nurses and everyone else there, you came in like Raging Bull 2. You came in, you went within one inch of one of our nannies’ noses … and you stood there, and you put your finger like this, and you jabbed your finger at her, and you were yelling at this poor little nanny, ‘Who are you? Get the [expletive] out of here!’

She says that Jeff then came up to her, pointed a finger in her face and yelled.

The worst was you yelled, and you punched your fist right to the wall of nursery. Those little babies were inside. How scary for these little babies.

She’s good at always coming back to the babies. He and Nadya talk about them as commoditites. He of course denies doing any of the sort.


You did too, Jeff. That’s when I said, ‘I will take you out.’

Reads like the Godfather doesn’t it?

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