Saturday, May 23, 2009

Big Brother YouTube

May 20, 2009

CNN’s Ed Henry calls barry out on his “transparency” pledge yesterday and today the White House hits YouTube.

HENRY: President Obama will quickly sign the credit card legislation that just passed through Congress at a White House ceremony on Friday, according to White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki.

One problem: this means the President will again break his campaign pledge to post legislation online for five days for the public to comb it over in the interest of transparency before he signs it into law.

Why are folks still believing barry has done anything other than talk about it? Transparency is not conditional. barry broke his promise on the first thing he signed and it took a while for Politico to catch on. Even Henry goes on to say barry “has an out”. How many “outs” has Hilary Clinton beeen afforded?

Simplest of all of media bias – rght out of their own mouths.

YouTube’s STEVE GROVE [emphasis added]

Our federal leaders and civil servants aren’t just on YouTube to distribute video; they’re here to engage with you in a way that only YouTube makes possible. So leave your comments, rankings, and ideas for these agencies on any of their videos to ensure that your voice is heard on the issues you care about. Reach out to your local government as well and encourage local officials to start posting footage to YouTube. By exposing everything from committee hearings to planning meetings, we can make our civic lives more open than ever before. Ultimately, it will help us hold public servants accountable for the jobs we’ve hired them to do.

Be sure to stop by so they can eat your cookies and follow you forever…if you didn’t already give him your cellphone number and/or email address. Did you folks really think you were going to be first to hear? That his minions wouldn’t leak it first? That 8 million emails can arrive simultaneously?

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