Thursday, May 21, 2009

The hood of honor vs the humiliation of handcuffs

May 21, 2009 by mattie14

May 21, 2009

I can’t get past this.

fr Weslin arrest

Fr Weslin Arrest #1: Four minutes of pain and humiliation while he sings

And is has nothing to do with my personal views on abortion or stem cell research or Notre Dame or Catholicism or Father Weslin’s foundation or even barry. I’m not debating the issue of abortion – the morality or ethics – or my personal thoughts. I am looking it from the Catholic viewpoint.

I can’t get past the vision of a 78 y/o Catholic priest–who was doing what the Lord asked of him and what he vowed to the Lord he would do–getting manhandled, disrespected and humiliated in front of the world, on the grounds of Catholic University because the president of the alleged Catholic University, an alleged Catholic priest, chose to award a man who thinks it’s okay not only to kill fetuses, but to withhold from them medical care should they survive the attempt on their life.

Father Weslin, hands bound behind his back, propped up by policeman asks:

We’re Catholic priests. Why are you arresting a Catholic priest for trying to stop the killing of a baby? Use your mind. What are you doing that for? Why are you arresting a priest for trying to stop the killing of a baby? You’ve got it all backwards.

In what world, let alone Catholic institution, is this even remotely okay?

And how is it a Catholic University when it allows a devout Man of God to be manhandled, bound and humiliated for the sake of a man who disregards the most sacred tenet of the Church? A man who believes killing a fetus is not murder. A man who voted to withhold treatment from a human life that by any definition was alive, despite the attempt to murder it.

As of Friday, Notre Dame ceased being a Catholic University. By censoring a priest, who was defending the Church, they unequivocally sanctioned abortion and did so for a man in favor of withholding medical care from fetuses who survive abortion.

Over what?

An ego-feeding honorary degree that means absolutely nothing because he has done absolutely nothing.

These honorary degrees are apparently pretty hard to come by



This smiling man, who made Father’s arrest necessary, could have gotten his fix of adoration, given his teleprompter reading and been feted like a king even without accepting the honorary degree. And his greedy egomania prevented an accomplished Harvard Law Professor and former Ambassador to the Holy See, Professor Mary Ann Glendon, a woman who was actually deserving of the highest honor bestowed by the University to not be awarded hers. A 120 year tradition broken for a man who is not even Catholic and who is diametrically opposed to the most sacred teaching of the Church.

But his ego wouldn’t budge. His needs were more important than the Catholic electorate and ND graduates opposed to his presence. ASU wouldn’t give him anything but naming rights to an already established scholarship and he was not about to go 2-0. He even admitted so in his Commencement Address. So he chose to accept an honorary degree that was based on nothing and had no inherent meaning other than a token given out to dignitaries during commencements.

But that meaningless token now has meaning. It will forever be linked to the image of Father Weslin, helpless on the ground, alone, hands bound behind his back and his torso held in place, not by human hands, but by a booted leg and anonymous material. Instead of some trivial degree given away to a man who speaks but does not act – it will represent the actions of a man who stood behind his words, willing to suffer the consequences.

The hood of honor vs the humiliation of handcuffs

Obama Delivers Notre Dame Commencement Address in South Bend, Indiana

(UPI Photo/Brian Kersey)

Fr Weslin handcuffed

Arrest #2
Side by side video of barry’s and Weslin’s respective welcomings

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