Saturday, May 30, 2009

How will Judge Sotomayor be treated?

May 26, 2009

Judge Sonia Sotomayor sounds impressive.

Editor of the Yale Law Review –

What are the chances they don’t already have everything she’s written?

Has Juvenile Diabetes –

What are the chances they aren’t in the process of getting her medical records?

And what is known about the man who appointed Sotomayor?

Here is yet another chance to see how the media (mis)treats powerful women and how they treat each of the women differently: Former First Lady and now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton…Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi…First Lady Michelle Obama…First Lady Laura Bush…Governor Sarah Palin and Judge Sonia Sotomayor. And then there’s Caroline Kennedy and Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

Race was not the enlightenment of this election – unless you want to talk about 1/3 of eligible black voters who couldn’t bother to register and how the whiteys are racists black pundits avoided the issue.

barry’s making it 100% about race was not news – it was the only way he could win.

How is 95% of one – any – demographic group not identity politics?

95% of his voters were not voting for his opponent.

Voters that the week previous had been behind his opponent.

Voters that in the interim hadn’t heard a change in barry’s policies.

How many black blue collar workers were voting for Clinton?

How many white blue collar workers were voting for barry?

A lot more than 5%.

And “hardworking” is some type of racial code word but Donna Brazile’s “Jane and Joe Six pack” isn’t?

Or Roland Martin telling Joe the Plumber to “Go fix a bathtub!”?

barry used race until he finally had to admit to it (after the usual three denials) and then switched to the “Kill Him!”accusations, which were disproved by barry’s own Secret Service, who were in attendance and heard nothing…no one did…but the reporter.

And what did concerned citizen reporter do after hearing terroristic threats on the POTUS’ life?

Did he immediately alert the Secret Service or the local police?


They found out about it like everyone else — in the unfounded accuser’s post in a paper that had endorsed barry.

No, the enlightenment wasn’t race — it played out as planned and as implemented.

The enlightenment was the reality of sexism.

How at the core nothing has changed. How accepted and acceptable it is.


Younger men have tolerance in regards to race, religion and sexuality, but not toward women.

Sadder still, are the young women who think “Girls Already Rule!”

Not even close.

Look at the women in the above list. Take what was said and written about Secretary Clinton and insert a different name.

Imagine if First Lady Michelle Obama were referred to as “It”.

Just “It” as in “It” cried.

And if Glenn Beck were to say the same about Judge Sotomayor?

Would he still have his job?

And Rush Limbaugh is talking about “reverse racism”.

What has been made perfectly clear over the last two years is the Double Standard and the hierarchy of isms.

Will Judge Sotomayor be treated deferentially because she is a minority?

Or will she be attacked with the same old garden variety sexism?

Will she be mercilessly assaulted on all fronts like Secretary Clinton and Governor Palin or coddled like First Lady Michelle Obama?

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