Friday, May 1, 2009

National Prayer Day?

April 30, 2009

Robert Gibbs was asked a question about National Prayer Day and gives a creative non answer.

Q Can you tell us what the plans are for this year’s National Day of Prayer?

MR. GIBBS: Well, most of these guys will tell you, I’m so bad at the week ahead that two weeks ahead might be a challenge even I can’t begin to overcome.

Q There’s concern among evangelicals that there will be nothing held at the White House this year. Is that true — nothing in the White House?

MR. GIBBS: I can’t imagine that that would the case. I will check with scheduling and those in the faith office that would have a better idea. The President is somebody who prays each and every day and — whether it’s national prayer day or not.

Which way does he face??

The reason he adds that is so they have their little sound bite quote, which makes them forget about the question. They still fall for it.

Is the press that lazy?

The way he needs to check, double check and refer - he's more like the White House Operator.

And if he is still pandering to the Arabs - there won't be.

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