May 4, 2009
They showed Ronnie early in the game and he looked like he had been in a sauna despite it being in the 50s at Wrigley. His piece looked wet and spiky and it was sticking straight up. Kinda like a mohawk with sides. I thought maybe he forgot and wore his “gamer”. His third string piece used as a last resort. It took till the top 7th for Pat to mention it.
PAT: You’re sporting a new do tonite.
RON: Yeah. Got a new haircut today. Thought I’d get the spiked look.
PAT: A different look tomorrow?
RON: I’m probably gonna go dry tomorrow.
PAT: The dry look.
RON: The dry look - this is the wet look.
PAT: Have you notice if women have a preference between the wet or the dry?
RON: I don’t know.
[Matt laughing in the background]
PAT: No, with your hair.
RON: It doesn’t matter.
PAT: It doesn’t matter?
RON: My wife is the only one that matters.
PAT: Good answer.
RON: Are you saying I would have a few more looking at the dry look?
PAT: You get a lot of looks anyway. You still have two or three sets you wear.
RON: Yeah.
PAT: Do you give your pieces nicknames like you used to?
RON: I still have a “gamer”. Something I would wear with a hat so if it fell off I would look like –
PAT: You’ve got some hair up there.
RON: Yeah some hair.
PAT: So your gamer would be your last string.
RON: Yeah. If I lose my number one and my number two - like if it caught on fire or something. Wait a minute - that already happened.
Ron stood up for the National Anthem at his favorite park Shea Stadium and his piece caught on fire from the space heater. He didn’t realize it was burning until he smelled it. One more reason to hate Shea, which thankfully no longer exists.
Here’s the infamous heater (at top) courtesy of Matt Boltz.
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