Saturday, May 9, 2009

What’s more powerful: prayer or diplomacy?

May 8, 2009

What separates the world?

What is the biggest cause of violence?

What is used to justify the abuse and oppression of women and children?

What divides countries, pits tribes against tribes, neighbor against neighbor and family member against family member?

What threatens peace and safety throughout the world?

Religious extremism and religious intolerance.

And barry didn’t find it politically important enough to have a National Day of Prayer.

President Bush did it – political expedience dictates barry not do it.

So he didn’t.

Same as he did with his Iraq fairy tale and his “I didn’t know there was a vote about the Iranian Guard” no show.

He didn’t find it important enough to bring together religious leaders in one room for even one hour to force them to acknowledge each other’s legitimacy. To prayer together – each in their own way – to whomever and whatever they believe in. A simple ceremony to start a dialogue in order to bridge the divide.

Isn’t that what he wants to accomplish during his presidency?

In what country is every religion represented?

In what country does every citizen have the right to religious freedom?

In what country does every citizen have the right to assemble and discuss whatever beliefs they hold?

And yet nothing but a mandatory proclamation.

Seems his Kumbayaism does not involve a Higher Power…other than himself.

I guess he is going to solve the world’s problems. He is going to make the oceans rise and cosmos sing because he has the righteous wind at his back. He is the obamessiah – the one the world has been waiting for!

If nothing else, his behavior has made clear he was Wright’s disciple not the Church’s.


National Prayer Day?
Proclamation: National Day of Prayer
What National Prayer Day?

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