Thursday, June 4, 2009

BGT fed Ms Boyle to the wolves

Susan Boyle posts/videos/interviews

rant alert

June 1, 2009

What’s perfectly clear is Britain’s Got Talent used Ms Boyle. They used her for publicity and did not adequately foresee or care for her needs. None of that would have happened had someone accompanied her who knew her. What happened was 100% completely avoidable if they had taken a moment to think that maybe someone who has trouble coping with the world in a little village in Scotland might have a wee bit of a problem in London with the noise and people and paparazzi and reporters who provoked her for that exact reaction.

How many human beings would have been able to handle coming from obscurity in a little village to a global sensation literally overnight. Nobody has had as many You Tube views that quickly. She was 5th overall (186M) a month ago. Who knows what it is now.

And she has gotten nothing for it. Not a single penny from YouTube.

Imagine what it would mean if she were paid a penny per hit. That’s all.

How would it make her feel?

Would it mean her sanity and well-being were worth something?

That she is talented and has a future?

How much self-esteem would a single check help rebuild?

What better way to literally show her that folks do want to buy her CD and do want to hear her sing as soon as she is able?

It’s just one more aspect of her treatment that is so completely wrong.

After seven weeks of attention and anxiety and a week of global humiliation, what does Ms Boyle tangibly have?

A stay in a psychiatric facility.

How closely were they watching her?

One thing is for certain – Britain enjoys tearing down their own. It’s despicable. And that Neil Sean is a true beast calling Ms Boyle “ugly and unmarketable” on Good Morning America in front of the whole world – and perhaps even Susan herself.

It should be Britain’s Got Heathens.

Does anyone know who the reporters were? What country they were from?

How much they got paid to provoke her?

What about the ones who took the video and pictures when she was being taken for medical treatment?

Where was the BGT personnel then? Why was there no security?

Or was she already on her own since the show was officially over?

It’s disgusting.

Piers is disgusting. Making all those appearances – using Ms Boyle as an excuse to push America’s Got Talent and getting his notoriety. He went on the morning shows and commented without ever having talked to her to hear himself from her what she was feeling and what happened.

Why wasn’t he protecting her? Someone she clearly respected and trusted?

Did they ever go out to dinner like he asked?

Simon Cowell apologizes to her but does nothing to protect her and wants to make money off of her. He goes on Oprah and Ms Boyle is on via satellite and can’t even sing.

Amanda? Forget about it. She did her share of interviews. They all got face time because of her and how did they thank her?

By abandoning her. By allowing her to be slaughtered and fed to the paparazzi from every imaginable country – as if Britain’s own weren’t enough.

Why was Ms Boyle in the midst of all those people?

Why wasn’t she kept in a controlled environment?

Britain was “affectionately” calling her “The Hairy Angel”. What do you think the paparazzi and foreign reporters said when she was just a couple of feet away? Has anyone determined what they exactly said to set her off?

It’s not a stretch to believe it was something about her physical appearance. Everyone knows she was bullied as a child and referred toi as “Simple Susan”.

How is Hairy Angel any better?

It’s exponentially worse because the whole world heard and saw and read her being called that. Things she could read, see and hear.

What’s 20 kids versus millions and millions of people? Especially when the words will be floating in cyberspace forever.

Ms Boyle finally had her dream come true, and when the moment came, she was exhausted and maybe even medicated, making her performance even more remarkable.

Where was her animation?

Her exuberance and childlike joy?

Where was Susan?

Why did the producers allow her to be stolen away?

Why didn’t they at least allow her to bring Pebbles? A source of familiar comfort that has never judged her or said anything about how she looks. Something that could have calmed her. Someone she could have talked to who she knew would listen.

Did they take any kind of precautions or evaluate her needs?

From the outcome it doesn’t appear so. Her family should sue Britain’s Got Talent. She was used by them and not adequately protected in return. The producers took advantage of her to hype their show and get press with nothing given to her in return. Not even a security detail to keep folks away from her.

It’s sinful.

They allowed her to go astray. They didn’t care enough to do something before it got out of hand. The question is what, if anything , were they doing? Professional actors have a hard time navigating the press and paparazzi – and a woman from a small village in Scotland? What chance did a woman with the naivete of a teenage girl have with the entire planet after her?

I think what she did was nothing short of miraculous. She got up there despite it all and gave a stunning performance. That should not get lost in all of this even thougn it appears it already has.

What was the actual inciting factor?

The press, the paparazzi, anxiety of how she was going to do, lack of rest, pressure on her from the show to perform, do press and be perky?

Or was it inherently neurological?

Was it the actual brain damage caused by the perinatal anoxia that made her unable to cognitively and emotionally cope with the stimulation of London and massive media crush?

She said on video the morning after the semi-finals that she “really wanted this moment to be a good moment” And that she wanted “to really fulfill this dream and see it through to the end.”

Was it?

What dream of hers came true?

And who allowed it to be destroyed?

She was suffering and no one seemed to know what was going on. How much pressure did the producers put on her when she said she wanted to quit? What did they threaten her with? Was she able to discuss the situation with anyone she knew?

Where were her 8 siblings and their children?

And if she was that impaired after the show – she had to be so before it and perhaps for days leading up to it.

She did it despite everything. She did see it through to the end. Although it wasn’t the “really good moment” she had hoped for.

They exploited her and made millions of dollars while doing so….the phone companies…the sponsors…the online and regular papers….the tabloids and paparazzi and the news/entertainment shows in the UK, here in the US and elsewhere.

How much of a boost has she singlehandedly provided Blackburn’s economy?

How many folks who once shunned her have been making money off the fans and reporters who have been staying in their hotel, shopping in their stores and eating and drinking in their pubs?

And Ms Boyle ?

What has her simple dream to sing before the queen cost her?

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