Obama just loves refried beans.
Sign in front of RICHARD TISCH’s Will County Loan Company in Lockport, which is clearly in reference to barry’s appointing of Judge Sotomayor. But it’s not a special occasion. He’s put up other signs, which he refers to as “political satire”. When Bill Clinton was in office it was:
Hillary’s Health Plan: Free Condoms for Wild Bill
June 2008:
My choice for President? Dr. Condoleeza Rice
October 2008, when Sen McCain raised the issue of border security with Mexico:
John McCain just loves refried beans.
What do his customers think?
People read the signs, but they never forget the ones they don’t like. It’s not against the Mexican people. It’s only if you choose to read it that way.
Perhaps someone should clue him in that Sotomayor’s parents are from the Spanish-speaking area of Puerto Rico – not Mexico.
TISCH, obviously not a barryfan, has no problem pointing out that barry is once again pandering to a demographic – this time the Hispanic vote. That barry is trying to “buy the Mexican vote” because “she’s not the best qualified person to do the job.”
Racially motivated?
Some people, for instance the sign that’s up there today, like to put a racial issue there. That’s not what it’s intended to do. I’m simply saying that Barack Obama is probably the smartest politician to hold the office, but he made a decision based on politics and not what’s best for the country.
Chicago-based folks clearly see that barry’s MO consists of one thing and one thing only: political expedience.
He is always looking forward – in this case, reelection – when he hasn’t even started to govern. And it’s because he doesn’t know how – just like he didn’t know how to legislate and never would have made it to the US Senate without Emil Jones sending legislation his way.
How many swing states has he been to? As the polls shift, so does barry’s position. What hasn’t he changed his mind on? Abortion? And if Judge Sotomayor is a real Catholic, as in pro-life?
She is just as good as him at hiding her personal beliefs. After all the years she has spent on the bench nobody knows her views. He was actually going for a twofer – a bog box and a little box: women and Hispanics. But if it turns out she is pro-life, which I would bet she is, it’s going to be the last strike for the Hillary people. And it would be just rewards for NARAL’s gassy-eyed Ms Keenan.
The only group barry hasn’t bothered to pander – and has actively dissed – is the LBGT community because there is no pay off. They aren’t about to vote Republican – so by not pandering he’s trying to capture some of the Bible belt.
Tisch is right. barry’s true political genious has nothing to do with all that lofty not based in reality messiah complex ramblings about Change! and team of rivals and shifting the oceans I will never lie to you because I am The One we’ve been waiting for telepromptering. It has to do with how he gets away with saying it and not doing it. I still can’t figure out if folks – including the barrymedia – don’t care or if they are really that ignorant.
Don’t look at barry’s words – they mean absolutely nothing. Just like his ridiculous fairy tale on Iraq that folks bought at face value when his actions did not in anyway follow his politically expedient “speech”. When it came to action – when he finally had to act and set a timetable – it wasn’t at all like he promised (and won the nomination on). He ended up basically following Bush’s timetable. And it’s the same as FISA, military tribunals, release of torture photographs and will be with Guantanamo Bay.
If you really want to know what barry will do – look at the polls and figure out what would reap the biggest political reward and then put your money down. If you need proof – look back on his “refining of policy positions” throughout the primaries, before the convention, the general election, the transition and since he has become president and compare his words and actions. It’s all right there.
What is it going, folks?
Overturning Roe v Wade?
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