Thursday, June 4, 2009

Radaronline: Gerry Boyle update (6-3)

June 3, 2009

Here’s a really nice interview done by without all the drama! and alleged $@#* tirades and conjecture??? or anything else. Just a chat with her brother Gerry, who I think is around 55. Susan’s the baby of 9.


I just spoke with Susan where she is still being treated at The Priory Clinic and she is doing a lot better. She will get out sooner than expected and she can’t wait to come over to America to perform because she really appreciates how well the American public reacted to her story.

Simon Cowell didn’t protect Ms Boyle before the final but since has stepped up and guaranteed her a deal at her own pace.


Simon Cowell reached out to her and told her that she should have no worries about her career in the future. A management team has been put in place and Susan will work with them under Simon’s guidance to make sure she makes the right decisions and goes at the correct pace.

I wasn’t aware there is a Britain’s Got Talent tour, which is most likely the last thing she needs. Look at what a week away from her own bed (and Pebbles) did.


Once Susan is feeling 100 percent I don’t see any reason why she couldn’t do the tour and also go across to America too. There are a lot of offers on the table and it would be a matter of setting out priorities for her . She realizes that Britain’s Got Talent as a competition is over and she is really concentrating on her future and is ready to embrace that.

Excellent. Prioirities do not include BGT. They clearly never had her best interests at heart.


Even when she was feeling down she really appreciated the support that she received from people around the world especially from America. When she did Larry King and Oprah she loved all the fans and she relates to the ‘can do’ attitude that America has to offer.

He’s quite an operator.

She told me that she can’t wait to get home and cuddle-up with her cat Pebbles, who is now probably the most famous cat in the world!

Thank you radaronline for some facts and for the video.

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